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  1. Code Kandy

    Code Kandy

    Scott Rettberg - 29.09.2013 - 09:43

  2. El postrero deseo de Eugenia Villasans

    El lector se encuentra, en un primer nivel de lectura con una carta de Eugenia Vilasans, que se superpone a una fotografía en sepia de ella. La carta fue escrita en 1926 y permaneció escondida hasta que muriera la autora, quien confiesa la historia de su adulterio. Después de esta introducción, un link invita a acudir al escritorio de Vilasans para recomponer la historia, en donde se exponen, a modo de papeles sueltos, los fragmentos dispersos. La imagen resulta una buena metáfora del hipertexto. Postales, recortes de periódicos, hojas de diarios personales con diferentes fechas, cartas del amante, conforman la trama. Un relato epistolar que debe ensamblarse con un puzzle.

    Maya Zalbidea - 21.07.2014 - 10:14

  3. Ink After Print

    Ink After Print is a digital literary installation exhibited in public settings such as libraries. The installation allows readers-users to perform, reenact and rewrite recombinant poems written by Peter-Clement Woetmann "and you" (user-reader). AS -- Ink After Print is an interactive, participatory, digital literary installation made in a collaboration between PIT-researchers, CAVI/Tekne Productions and Roskilde Libraries initiated during the Literature Takes Place (Litteraturen Finder Sted) project and first exhibited in 2012. Ink is designed to make people affectively engage with, and reflect on, the ergodic qualities of digital literature in public settings such as libraries and events. Through their engagement with Ink, people can – individually or collaboratively – produce poems by interacting with three books embedded with a custom-made sensor system, the DUL Radio. The interactive books let people control a floating sentence in an ocean of words toward a sheet of paper to produce a poem, all visualized on a large display. The sentences, written by Danish author Peter-Clement Woetmann, are retrieved from a database.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.12.2014 - 12:19

  4. PRY

    Six years ago, James – a demolition expert – returned from the Gulf War. Explore James’ mind as his vision fails and his past collides with his present. PRY is a book without borders: a hybrid of cinema, gaming, and text. At any point, pinch James’ eyes open to witness his external world or pry apart the text of his thoughts to dive deeper into his subconscious. Through these and other unique reading interactions, unravel the fabric of memory and discover a story shaped by the lies we tell ourselves: lies revealed when you pull apart the narrative and read between the lines.


    Daniela Ørvik - 22.01.2015 - 14:49

  5. Jakob og Neikob

    Ein rålekker, kvit Ipad 2 låg inne i bursdagspapiret på 38-årsdagen min for litt sidan. Først fleire dagar seinare fekk eg prøve han sjølv, då hadde ungane lasta ned alt frå Fifa 12 til Angry Birds. No er det derimot ein annan applikasjon dei opnar aller oftast: Den nye barnebok-appen Jakob og Nekob er ikkje berre den mest brukte heime hjå oss, han låg òg på toppen av salslistene i haust Jakob seier JA! til alt og Neikob seier NEI! til alt. Slikt vert det trøbbel og krokodillemat av. På lesebrettet kan borna aktivere mange artige effektar. Jakob og Neikob seier orda sine, krokodiller brøler, lampene skrur seg på og av og bilen brummar bortover vegen. Innlesinga skrur du på og av som du vil. Eit lite spel er også med. Samlaget har lykkast særs godt i ta med seg Kari Stai sin genistrek over til dette nye mediet. (source:

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.08.2015 - 11:16

  6. Front

    Originally commissioned by New Media Scotland as part of their Alt-W Cycle 9, Leishman’s latest work Front is a pre-programmed Facebook parody that addresses the major issues of social media—privacy and voyeurism. Front’s interface whilst mimicking the immersive, interaction rich promise of social media, instead reminds us of where the power structures lie, and what is often freely given up by the user/viewer. A contemporary retelling of the Apollo and Daphne myth, Daphne, our protagonist shares her predilections, thoughts and meticulously crafted “selfies”—she has excellent taste (her Front friends tell her so), but all is not as it seems. The narrative moves towards a climax that presents the perils of misrepresentation with the darker side of self-presentation. Front contains a faux IM chat facility that intrudes on the viewer’s passive reading of the interaction dead “timeline”, upsetting the expected sense of presence and time within the project.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.09.2015 - 10:06

  7. With Those We Love Alive

    Porpentine’s With Those We Love Alive is a Twine game that invites the reader to become physically involved through marking up their own body with symbols throughout play.
    As a Twine game, the work relies primarily on text and audio along with backgrounds of shifting colors to draw the player into a disturbing science fiction landscape. The game opens with a level of customization that invites the player to become connected and even embedded into the game, choosing their month of birth, element, and eye color.
    As the player becomes a servant to a monstrous larval queen, the stage is set for a dystopia of dream-like and vivid yet mundane violence. After playing, the reader has a tangible record of their own choices and identity beliefs in the drawings on one’s skin.
    It's inspired by mob violence, trash struggle, C-PTSD, and child abuse. It's also inspired by friendship between trash girls. In most media there’s an unspoken belief that feminine lifeforms can't survive on their own, can't have spaces of their own, can’t have relationships of their own. The author try to go against this with basically everything she make.

    Susanne Dahl - 08.09.2016 - 11:23

  8. MATTERS, Electromagnetic Poems

    Artist’s Statement:
    When materials that support texts change, the content could be affected. This installation is a physical reflection on how the materiality could affect the text.
    From ceramic tiles to displays, each new supporting material has opened new possibilities for writing.
    MATTERS, seeks to write through the manipulation of electromagnetic fields with new raw materials instead of the screen.
    Sensitive components to these fields will be placed on three acrylic drawers (45 x 30 x 15 cm). Each drawer allows different reading times, interactions and experiences.

    Susanne Dahl - 18.10.2016 - 17:17

  9. Salt Immortal Sea

    Opening in the center of the international refugee crisis, this playable story places the interactor in the position of the refugee. As the tale opens, an explosion sends the interactor from the comfort of a ship into the salt immortal sea. Rescued by a mysterious boat the player encounters eight other passengers, drawn from the present and the ancient past. However, one of these passengers has angered the gods, and unless the player can discover which, all will face their wrath. However, finding that secret is no easy task. Each passenger harbors secrets that pit them against each other in an allegory of contemporary global crisis. Choosing from one of nine iconic positions in the refugee crisis, the interactor can explore tales of misfortune while trying to keep the shipmates in balance by collecting and circulating secrets. In this tale, we recast figures in the contemporary refugee crisis against the mythos of the quintessential traveler, Odysseus, for the refugee likewise travels cursed, unable to return home. It is a tale of the eternal return to proxy wars and the challenge of achieving some semblance of world peace.

    Filip Falk - 08.09.2017 - 15:51

  10. You're On

    “You’re On” explores the relationship and particularly the gap between the types of expressions we use and understand and what technology can "read". Technology has rapidly begun to both produce human-like performances, including speech synthesis in products such as Alexa, synthetic artwork based on deep neural networks as well as reproductions of human performers trained on recorded videos.

    In this work, the interactor sits in front of a simple screen and is provided instructions and interacts with the work entirely through reading the text on the screen and expressing emotions. It takes advantage of the facial recognition toolkit "OpenFace: open source facial behavior analysis toolkit" which analyzes facial action units in real time and Google's text to speech service. These are used as input into an interactive narrative built using the open source interactive narrative scripting language "Ink" by Inkle Studios. The story and role were inspired by Neal Stephenson's novel The Diamond Age, or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer and Terminal Time by Michael Mateas, Steffi Domike, and Paul Vanouse.

    Samuel Brzeski - 10.09.2018 - 13:24
