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  1. of day, of night

    of day, of night is an experimental interactive narrative / hypertext/ electronic literature work produced in Macromedia Director 6.0 by Australian artist Megan Heyward that fuses moving image, literary, game and interactive aesthetics into interactive digital form. It received initial production funding of $76K AUD from the Australian Film Commission (now Screen Australia) in 1999 and was exhibited internationally from 2001 to 2013 and published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. in 2004. To date, it is the only interactive narrative/ hypertext developed by a writer from outside North America.

    The plot of the story involves a woman who has lost the ability to dream. She sets a series of creative tasks in order to start dreaming again; such as finding and collecting objects from various locations in the DAY (a street, market, river and café), imagining their fictional traces and histories, and rearranging the objects. As the user traverses the work, objects, memories and histories collide and create new meanings in the regained dream environment of NIGHT.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.07.2011 - 15:32

  2. To Find the White Cat in the Snow

    David Herrstrom's "To Find the White Cat in the Snow," takes the modernist practice of thematically or associatively linking sections of a poem, and carries it a step further with hypertext. Like Wallace Stevens in "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," Herrstrom provides no narrative links between the sections of his poem. Unlike Stevens, Herrstrom is not constrained by the technology of print to present the stanzas of his poem sequentially, in a manner best suited to narrative. His poem is not a narrative and it is not ordered as if it were. It's ordering is hypertextual: the reader controls the sequence in which the stanzas appear and disappear. "To Find the White Cat . . ." is about, among other things, the difficulty of apprehension and the interrelationship of the phenomenal and the conceptual.

    (Source: The New River, Editor's note by Ed Falco)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 15:02

  3. fleshtresholdnarrative

    The particular concern with the "fleshthresholdnarrative" series is with the limit-sites of narrative (where narrative spills over into theory, poetry, data/information, the sciences,history, etc.). Rather than (re)constructing a more familiar form of narrative (those forms of chronological, causal, and organized events inherited from the 18th century), my interest was to explore the non-narrative aspects of narrative, and the narrative aspects in non-narrative within a context akin to J.G. Ballard's "condensed novels" (e.g., "The Atrocity Exhibition"). The highly aphoristic and dense quality of these segments was also well-suited to the medium of hypertext and the net in terms of establishing in the act of reading a range of inter-relationships. 

    (Source: Author's note from The New River 1)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 15:13

  4. Virtual Reality Exhibit at the Singapore Museum

    A hypertext poem. The reader navigates through different stanzas by selecting icons.

    Author's note:

    The sheer profusion of a city like Singapore calls reality into question. Exhilarating mix of cultures, plants and animals, surreal insects and multi-colored carp, it plays on the nagging fear that this world is not quite our home. Such anxiety is pitched to the surface by the pressure of the ordinary loneliness of a stranger in a strange land .

    We can't escape the making of virtuality, any more than we can avoid being connected to the human city (genet) and at the same time individuated from it (ramet). Everything "suffering description," which is the world, the "possible to be believed," is real. And in this fecund city of lives within a strict order, we become acutely aware that the assertion "In the city of Singapore eyes saw" is not so simple.

    (Source: The New River 3)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 11:29

  5. Nightmare Wanders Father's Song

    The four words that comprise the title--Nightmare, Wanders, Fathers, Song--are hidden in the black field of the opening screen, to be found by readers as they explore with cursors. The title thus changes from reader to reader. It may include all four words, as in "Song Wanders Fathers Nightmare," if the reader sticks around the opening screen long enough; or the title may simply be "Nightmare," or "Song," if the reader follows the first link found. You see the possibilities. In this new poem . . . Harrell brings a traditional lyric sensibility to the digital fields of hypertext poetry.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 11:44

  6. City of Angles and Anguish

    Hypertext poem the reader navigates by selecting "windows" of a building image.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 12:03

  7. Mountain Rumbles

    "Mountain Rumbles" demonstrates the integral relationship between structure and content. To paraphrase Brother Antonius, who said the symbol IS the symbolized--and the symbolized IS the symbol, the structure IS the content--and the content IS the structure. To emphasize this relationship, "Mountain Rumbles" is based on the japanese kanji for mountain. These micro-hypertexts further show that we can have one-minute hypertexts--that connections are not based on the size of the content, but rather the content itself.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.10.2011 - 12:41

  8. WOE

    According to the description of WOE in the New Media Reader, where it was republished on a CD inserted into the book, it was "a hypertext that was a radical departure for author Michael Joyce from his modernist hypertext classic afternoon: a story. "WOE" combines narrative material with metafictional passages, typographic experiments, notes to and about hypertext theorists, and even images; it creates a heterogeneous browsing experience of the sort familiar to today's Web readers (or fans of Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves)."

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 20:45

  9. Notes Toward Absolute Zero

    Notes Toward Absolute Zero interweaves historical documents of the ill-fated Franklin expedition with the personal reminiscences of a woman in search of her hypnotist uncle and of the the man who, in turn, searches for her. Follow Jericho, Magel, and Winter as their lives intersect and diverge across an eerie landscape dotted with relics, forgotten lists, train wrecks, scraps from journals, ghost ships, poetry, postage stamps, Mesmer's propositions, and -- of course -- The Six Failures of Love.

    (Source: Publisher's description from Eastgate Catalog)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2011 - 00:01

  10. A Life Set for Two

    A Life Set for Two is an animated hypertext poem programmed in Visual Basic that explores the "dynamic processes of thought and memory." The story unfolds through the metaphor of two different menus––one belonging to the male narrator recounting a failed affair and other belonging to his lover, whom readers come to know only through the eyes of the narrator.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.12.2011 - 13:08
