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  1. Pressing the Reveal Code Key: Indra's Net VIII

    This work uses the same basic structure as the author's earlier "Book Unbound".  

    "Reveal Code" takes a hidden text corpus and creates a "generative performance" based on a collocation algorithm.  The audience can then choose phrases from the generative performance and set them aside on pages labeled Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis, where they can be edited freely.  Selections will also become part of the hidden corpus; the text will, over time, evolve to the audience's taste.

    More information can be found in the author's article "Pressing the 'Reveal Code' Key", EJournal, March 1996:

    Similarly, "Potentialities of Literary Cybertext" (April 1996, Visible Language) also explores this hypertext more deeply.

    Alexander Duryee - 07.08.2012 - 01:41

  2. Exquisite Corpse Poems

    A suite of five online poetry generator that produce a shifting lines of poetry in the manner of an exquisite corpse.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.08.2012 - 22:54

  3. Epitaph Gertrude Stein

    Rules of the game. An international epitaph is to be created in honour of Gertrude Stein, who died on 27 July 1946. The subject prescribed for this international epitaph is the last (No. LXXXIII) of the Stanzas in meditation ("Why am I if I am..."). We are looking for textual, audio and grafic elaborations of the theme. The texts should, like the prescribed stanza, consist of fourteen lines/verses. The last verse must read: These stanzas are done. It is left to the individual author wether he/she follow the structure of the prescribed stanza by Gertrude Stein (diminishing/increasing length of line, rhymes, etc.) or react to other texts of the Epitaph in free association. The text should at any event be written in the author's mother tongue and if possible accompanied by the rough translation or a free version in German. The audio creations must for technical reasons be noted in letters. Graphic contributions should not exceed to format 30 x 30 cm.

    Johannes Auer - 05.11.2012 - 13:45

  4. Wine

    A delicate and silent animation. It suggests an inebriate mental state in which foreground and background blend in almost undifferentiated fashion. The poem articulates the fleeting apparitions of the words from within themselves, as if one word would write another. Words will momentarily manifest themselves in unexpected areas on the screen, often bordering the very edge. The piece communicates as much through the verbal apparitions as it does through their carefully orchestrated evanescence.

    (Source: Author's Description)

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 14:54

  5. Secret

    The words in "Secret" are dispersed in the semantic darkness of a potential space. The reader is invited to navigate this space and create verbal and visual links between immaterial presences, voids, and distant signs. This VRML navigational poem was the first poem written directly in VRML. (author description)

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 15:04

  6. Буриме (Boutes rimes)

    Буриме Игра в буриме (< франц. bouts rimés) -- старое и любимое развлечение. Заключается она в том, что все участники пишут четверостишия на заданные рифмы. Нелепость и случайность рифмы иногда высекает неожиданную мысль. А иногда не высекает. На этой странице представлена несколько модифицированная версия игры. Рифмы для сочинения будут вам выданы случайно из словаря. Чтобы было интереснее, словарь должен пополняться. Поэтому вы получите рифмы для сочинения после того, как придумаете новую рифму для словаря. Если у вас есть хорошая рифма, а сочинять не хочется, все равно внесите ее в словарь, пожалуйста. Хорошая рифма для буриме должна будить образ неожиданным сближением далеких, а лучше -- контрастных, понятий. Она может включать слова в косвенных падежах и глагольных формах, а также словосочетания. Избегайте вспомогательных, проходных слов, вроде сейчас, что, ваша, было. Воздерживайтесь от существительных в именительном падеже. Придумайте рифму и впишите ее на следующей строчке, вот так: трюизмы/круиз мы. Можно писать в КОИ или в стандартной транслитерации. Пользуйтесь словарями. / рифму и получить задание.

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 00:26

  7. @DeleuzeGuattari, Rhiz-o-Mat, PoMoBot

    .   The first version of the Rhiz-o-Mat was created on the 'm.e.s.s.i.a.h.' site circa May 1995. A Thousand Plateaus recommended a record-album style of reading -- what if it skipped? So young and innocent. Gray backgrounds. A series of meta-tags. A simple quote feeder. "Push Media" was on the cover of Wired. It was all very exciting...
     .   The list of quotes slowly grew and the background became an officious white, but the structure remained doggedly multilinear. Rigidly lockstep. Oh, but such a clever name! Such an empty container! Tried to make digital dirty -- digital not dirty? Ha ha ha! Eventually, finally, 'messiah' was de-rezed.

    Leonardo Flores - 07.03.2013 - 17:02

  8. 20% d’amour en plus

    20% d'amour en plus est un roman interactif, ouvert au lecteur qui construit l'histoire, ou les histoires. Il est source d'interprétations multiples, parfois d'ambiguïtés. Le texte n'y est pas donné, la narration jamais définitive, c'est au lecteur d'aller les chercher. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 06.04.2013 - 14:15

  9. Opération Teddy Bear

    Une bande dessinée de très bon niveau sert de support à une base de données documentaire sur la seconde guerre mondiale. À partir du parcours d'un jeune enfant à travers la France, chaque vignette est l'occasion d'établir des liens vers des informations spécifiques relatives à la guerre. La structure des vignettes de la bande dessinée est totalement repensée. Des animations la dotent d'une structure temporelle. Certaines parcourent la « planche-écran » entière et créent un lien entre les vignettes. L'action évolue sur plusieurs cases en même temps. Tant que le lecteur n'a pas fait les actions nécessaires pour avancer dans la narration, certaines cases de la « planche-écran » demeurent grisées et les bulles ne sont pas affichées. Une action du lecteur affecte simultanément plusieurs cases. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 12:53

  10. ULE

    A mono-media complex hypertext structure that represents the mind of a man, his feelings, his memories and his thoughts. Won first prize in Ciberpremio I edition del Comune di Prato.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.06.2013 - 11:42
