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  1. The Dice Player

    'The Dice Player' is an Animated Poetry film that visualizes a poem written by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. It was recited in the live event 'In the Shade of Words' 2008, along with harmonies by the band Le Trio Joubran. (English subtitles are available)

    This is a Bachelor project made in the faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts in the GUC

    Seamus Riordan-Short - 07.06.2017 - 20:43

  2. Snapchat elit

    Can a snapchat story also be electronic literature? I’m fourteen years old and I think so. Micro-video sharing apps constitute new ways to share our lives and new ways to circulate fiction, documentary works and poetry. The storytelling itself may be linear, but these are born-digital, aphoristic, networked and experimental. A snapchat story can selectively document a day, but it can also force a fictional piece into a highly constrained form. Finally, Snapchat is built on the idea of ephemerality—a Snapchat story is designed to vanish in 24 hours. For the Festival I propose one of two things—either a snapchat story captured on video that can be shared via computer or phone or, a true Snapchat story, available only for a 24 hour period during the Festival.

    (Source: Description from ELO 2017: Book of Abstracts and Catalogs)

    Pål Alvsaker - 28.08.2017 - 20:50

  3. Ten

    Ten is an electronic literature piece emerges organically from my very digital life as a ten-year-old. Every day I make a lot digital art and interventions - from simple selfies to more complicated stories and most are about presenting myself as a girl who is ten or imagining who I want to be. some are about conforming to how others think i should be... or how I hope they see me. My friends and I exchange and circulate our representations every day... like a networked memoir. For the ELO, Ten will be a carefully curated collection 365 small digital moments from among thousands, set up on a computer using a simple calendar interface. You can select a date and you’ll see a photo or short video, a, snapchat photo, an Instagram picture or a storify. To me it’s like a time capsule digital memoir and on my 11th birthday I will do a one minute video about all the things I learned being ten and making these things and sharing them and about this being my world. And advice I would give a ten year old.

    Presented on a Desktop PC.

    Pål Alvsaker - 05.09.2017 - 15:46

  4. dadaoverload

    Dada was a mental system cracker. Think about the poem-algorithm. dadaoverload adapts the mechanics and adds the destruction mode. Tweets are fighting for dominance in this society of the spectacle. enough dada! “zersetze dada!” The world is filled with a dada overload. Today’s source material for Dada are tweets and spam messages, ads and any kind of short messages. Dada (Tzara) used newspaper clippings, cut them down to words and randomly reassembled them. Dada was a creative process in 1916. Today, 100 years later, Dada is everywhere and nowhere. It is massive disintegration of language and communication. It is a process of decomposition as tweets retweet themselves to stay alive. Our Dada destroys tweets. It subverts, undermines, disintegrates and decomposes tweeted messages. You have a stream of live tweets from different sources. You choose a tweet and shoot individual letters out into the tweet universe. Each letter bullet hits a tweet and disintegrates all equivalent letters in this tweet. The tweet now reads different. This happens fast and to all tweets on screen.

    Lisa Berwanger - 07.09.2017 - 09:18

  5. Material Studies

    Material Studies is a series of videos that engage the viewer in a synesthetic experience. The work is a poignant act of resistance against the meat industry. It proposes vegan and feminist perspectives of our embodiment of reality. Witty poetry meets “networked vegan edible language sculptures,” says Claire Donato. The studies are based on a work-in-progress titled “Gravity and Grace, The Chicken and the Egg, or: How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.”


    Malene Fonnes - 26.09.2017 - 15:44
