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  1. DataFiction v0.1

    We live in an age of big data, when much of what we say and do is captured and stored in vast, searchable databases. What is the future of the novel – that most personal and intimate of artforms – as private lives are increasingly turned into public data?

    DataFiction v0.1 is part of a major new collaboration between myself and artist Andrew Burrell that aims to create a real-time, data-driven novel. These excerpts of generative, network-sourced prose were presented as early work-in-progress, with the aim of inciting audience interest and critical feedback.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 20.06.2014 - 00:09

  2. Bacterias Argentinas

    Bacterias argentinas is a dynamic model of autonomous agents that recombine genetic information eating one each other and where the genetic information is a narrative. The energy and staff circulate. Word is energy. A version of this model was used in the exhibition Juego doble (Double Game) in Mexico D.F. (Source: Maya Zalbidea) In bacterias argentinas Colombian digital artist and data visualization developer Santiago Ortiz creates a linguistic-multicellular environment that models the interactions between basic organisms in a virtual ecosystem. In Ortiz’s words, it is “a dynamic model of autonomous agents that remix genetic information by consuming one another, and in which genetic information is narrative.” In this Flash work, Ortiz explores the question of life as information by mapping linguistic elements onto color-coded “bacteria” that circulate freely in this bio-linguistic ecology.

    Maya Zalbidea - 18.07.2014 - 22:05

  3. Questions d'amour et de poésie

    « Questions d’amour et de poésie », un programme générateur de Jean-Pierre Balpe et Henri Deluy créé en 1994, est disponible sur le dossier « Kaos-Action Poètique » qui se trouve sur le CD-ROM de KAOS 3. En ouvrant le fichier 3, on lance le programme « Question d’amour et de poésie ». Le premier écran qui s’ouvre présente une image d’une femme dessinée. Si on clique sur cette image, une nouvelle page s’ouvre avec le « texte » du programme. Ce texte-poème est divisé en trois parties : une strophe initiale de trois vers, une strophe suivante d’environ huit vers, et enfin une dernière strophe de dix-huit vers. À droite, on y trouve un bouton « Générer un texte » et à côté de ce bouton un autre bouton « Partir ». Chaque bouton est illustré aussi : sur « Générer un texte » on y trouve l’image d’un œil et sur « Partir » une bouche. Ce qui est plus important c’est que chaque image sur ces boutons semble venir d’une autre image sur l’écran. En bas à droite, il y a une double image de la tête d’une femme dessinée. Il paraît que cette image doublé est de la même femme. Cependant, une de ces images de la femme est un peu plus déformée.

    Dakota Fidram - 30.10.2014 - 04:13

  4. Give Me Your Light

    One day in 2008 in Malaysia, by chance, I videotaped two starkly ordinary events: a dying kitten and a chained monkey. Give me Your Light explores the archetypal capacity of these creatures. The archetypes are death and enslavement. The dying abandoned kitten in a parking lot stands-in for the fatally ill, homeless runaways and abandoned children. The chained monkey suggests slaves, prisoners, abductees, captives, convicts, detainees and internees. Give me Your Light is about the limits of empathy and ubiquitous complicity. The display of Give me Your Light is not a linear video, it is a set of video-clips, sounds, music and words reassembled every two minutes into a new sequence by an algorithm. Events repeat but never in the same order. Clips appear in both monochrome and colour, with music and without, with sound and silent. Contextual structure and affective content collide. (Source:

    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 15:13

  5. The Montaigne Machine

    The Montaigne Machine is a work of electronic literature that invites users to participate in the creation of multimedia personal essays. The essays generated by The Montaigne Machine each center on a specific topic taken up by the inventor of the genre, Michel de Montaigne. The essays combine text from Montaigne’s famous Essais, first published in 1580 and here translated into English, with original text from each visitor who uses the machine. These texts are placed within an image that has been uploaded by a photographer on Flickr, designated as available for remixing, and most recently tagged with a term appropriate to the essay’s topic. The resulting essay is a collaboration, perhaps even a conversation, across time and media by three artists.


    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 15:33

  6. The Upside-Down Chandelier

    This multiplatform digital work references an event connected with the history of Košice and its tobacco factory from 1851 which employed mostly women workers. Some decades later, when St. Elizabeth's Cathedral was being renovated, the women workers donated a candle chandelier. The chandelier itself was repurposed twice – from the original candles, to gas lighting and with the advent of electricity, was turned upside down. In the installation, images of the chandelier from the cathedral are randomly generated and projected onto a screen in a flux of forms. Simultaneously the words connected with this story appear projected on the walls of the room, and phonetic sounds from Slovakian, Hungarian and German are generatively mixed in to create the soundscape of languages that were once spoken in the very same place by women workers.

    Thor Baukhol Madsen - 05.02.2015 - 16:02

  7. Poemstar

    A poem generator that was distributed on Art Com Electronic Network (ACEN) starting in late 1989 and for at least a couple of years following this. PoemStar promised to do the following: - Make your very own files of verses, ideas, metaphors, associations, and seeds of innvovation. - Share your meme files within the ACEN and other Computer Integrated Art (CIA) networks. According to Kytöhonka's writings, during the first two months in late 1989 some 300 subscribers registered and started to use PoemStar. However, there are no known copies of the work as of May 2015. If you have any further information about this work, please contact Petri Kuljuntausta , a sound artist and sound historian who (as of May 2015) is working on a documentary film about early Finnish computer art.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 21.05.2015 - 10:45

  8. Kaos 3 - Action Poetique 129 130

    Kaos était une revue sur ordinateur consacrée à la littérature électronique et produite par la société Kaos, qui la présentait comme carte de voeux. Réalisée par Jean-Pierre Balpe, trois numéros sur disquettes seront ainsi édités entre 1991 et 1993. Ce numéro 3 est sorti en Janvier 1993. La génération automatique de textes est quasi l'oeuvre de Jean-Pierre Balpe dont l'influence a été décisive sur la littérature numérique française des années 1980. Le numéro 3 propose plusieurs générateurs de différents auteurs. (Source:

    Hannah Ackermans - 04.08.2015 - 15:26

  9. The ChessBard Plays

    In short, the ChessBard inputs the algebraic notation for a chess game in .PGN format (digital file format for archived chess games) and outputs a poem. The poems are based on 12 source poems I wrote, 6 poems for the white pieces, 6 poems for the black pieces: there is a 64 word poem for each colour’s pawns, knights, rooks, bishop, queen and king. When a piece lands on a square it triggers a word from the source poems and the translator compiles them together and outputs a poem. For more, see The site itself includes a translator capable of inputting any chess game in .pgn format as well as a playable version that combines the translator with a chess-playing AI. In my performance I play a game versus the ChessBard on and project it and the subsequent poems that are translated in real-time.

    Hannah Ackermans - 05.09.2015 - 11:53

  10. The End of the White Subway

    Concept "The End of the White Subway" is a strange little text-game that bears some resemblance to a text adventure or interactive fiction... more or less the way a toadstool resembles a geranium. Is this a game? If being a game requires consequential decisions, controllable actions, differential outcomes, and quantification (score), then it's a game. If your definition includes fun, well... This project is really more like a time simulator -- though in some ways every game is that. It invites you to think about the passing of time (all those moments you'll never get back), the way things change even as they stay the same, what you think you are doing when you can't do much of anything, and how you know when it's time to leave the train. What You Can Do Ride the train from station to station: either click Continue or simply press any key while you are in Train mode. (You'll need to click once in the text window, or use the Continue link initially, in order to set focus.) Each station of your passage comprises a screenful of text. The text is always different, or perhaps always the same. Look at things: The Earth is full of them.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 07:19
