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  1. Digital Plenitude and Popular Modernism

    Digital Plenitude and Popular Modernism

    Alvaro Seica - 07.10.2016 - 12:12

  2. Joined at the Hip: Simone Weil, Quentin Meillassoux

    Joined at the Hip: Simone Weil, Quentin Meillassoux

    Julianne Chatelain - 10.10.2016 - 07:57

  3. The CounterText Interview: Stephanie Strickland

    The CounterText Interview: Stephanie Strickland

    Julianne Chatelain - 10.10.2016 - 08:03

  4. Oltre il lineare: la letteratura elettronica

    Questo lavoro è volto ad analizzare il tema della letteratura elettronica e a individuarne i legami con la letteratura postmoderna e l'opera dello scrittore e saggista Italo Calvino. Le teorie sulla narrativa combinatoria sono un inevitabile punto di partenza per molti degli scrittori che si sono dedicati a questo genere di composizioni. L'utilizzo del computer come mezzo per la produzione scritta presenta un grande potenziale di resa artistica e letteraria, e il lavoro di associazioni come ELO ed ELMCIP è di notevole importanza per la diffusione di nuove idee e nuove tecniche di scrittura.

    È stata ormai dimenticata "Ra-Dio", l'opera ipertestuale di Lorenzo Miglioli pubblicata vent'anni fa: anticipatore dell'estetica cannibale, il giovane scrittore partecipò al convegno "Ricercare" del 1993, organizzato da Nanni Balestrini e Renato Barilli. Il pubblico letterario non era però ancora pronto ad accoglierlo: è importante che lavori di questo tipo trovino il loro spazio all'interno della critica letteraria e vengano considerati a tutti gli effetti parte del nostro patrimonio artistico e culturale.

    Caterina Vafiadis - 29.10.2016 - 18:00

  5. O Experimentalismo como Invenção, Transgressão e Metamorfose: A PO.EX Revisitada Através de

    O experimentalismo português iniciou-se na década de 1960, com um propósito comum de conferir ao acto poético valores artísticos, políticos e sociológicos assentes numa ruptura de vanguarda. O presente ensaio situa a intervenção experimental como invenção, transgressão e metamorfose, visto que perpassa as obras dos autores de "Poesia Experimental" e, mais tarde, de um novo conjunto de autores que exploraram a poesia visual, sonora, digital e a performance. Através do arquivo, que documenta e dissemina o seu estudo, traçam-se dois itinerários, revisitando algumas das obras com carácter interventivo e transformativo, desde os anos 1960 até à actualidade.

    (Fonte: Resumo dos Autores)

    Alvaro Seica - 07.11.2016 - 17:36

  6. Digital Poetry and Critical Discourse: A Network of Self-References?

    This article emerges from macroanalysis of several works of critical writing in the field of digital poetry, which have been documented in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base. The problems addressed in this context are the self-referentiality exhibited by authors who are both practitioners and theoreticians, and the need for a wider selection of digital poems in critical discourse. The dataset consists of monographs and Ph.D. dissertations on digital poetry (1995-2015), which have been exported into visualization software. Macro and network analyses enable new debate concerning the outlined problems and new findings. My findings suggest that criticism in this domain is chiefly endogenous and that a limited number of poems is being canonized. Therefore, a meta-discourse perspective can pave the way for an external view of the field, concerning its epistemology and evolution. The dataset is available online for download and can be tested and reconsidered by other researchers.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 07.11.2016 - 18:08

  7. WYSIWYG and WYSIWII: the Materiality of Digital Literature.

    In this paper, I depart from the notion of digital literature trying to look beyond the linguistic layer of digitability as proposed by Simanovski (2010). Thus, the main goal of my discussion is to face some specific problems regarding both theoretical and instructional perceptions of digital literature: the creative process, the technological conditions and software limits in the production of a media art object, and the literary materialities digitally present. To demonstrate how these constructs and circumstances affect the production and the reception of an object perceived as literary and digital from its planning, I will propose a challenging reading of O Cosmonauta by Alckmar dos Santos and Wilton Azevedo.

    (Source: Author's Abstract, ICDMT 2016)

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.12.2016 - 15:16

  8. The media materiality as a “dance of agency” – Performing Literary Text with Substances

    Shelley Jackson’s Snow does not easily conform to established literary categories or interpretative strategies – words written on snow are evanescent and fragile, vanishing as soon as the surface on which they had been inscribed melts away. The text in progress is offered to the audience only as the documentation of the artist’s own acts of inscription, made available through the accounts on Flickr and Instagram dedicated to the project. Additionally, reading the story in a traditional way on Instagram is possible only in reverse order of the photostream. In my presentation I would like to broaden the notion of a literary text taking into consideration the very materiality of this project’s affordances – especially the specificity of the inscription surface, evoked to the audience with photos regularly uploaded to Instagram (which itself can be seen as a domain of fluidity with its constantly changing visual stream). What I am particularly interested in is the specific mode of meaning distribution – in this case performed between the evaporating substance, photographic documentation and networked media.

    (Source: Author's Abstract, ICDMT 2016)

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.12.2016 - 15:25

  9. 'Húmus': Colagem; Montagem; Recombinação

    The aim of this article is to highlight the dialogue established by Herberto Helder, in his poem Húmus – Poema Montagem, with the narrative Húmus by Raul Brandão, through examples of collage and textual combination processes carried out in the poem. Further description is provided, in an exploratory way, about the way by which Húmus – Poema Contínuo, a recombinational experience with both works carried out in the field of Cyberliterature using the textual engine Poemário, promotes a continuous textual metamorphosis of these creations, questioning the materiality of language and the uninterruptible metamorphoses of meaning.

    (Source: Authors' Abstract)

    Rui Torres - 09.12.2016 - 13:54

  10. Eduardo: a Multimedia Story by a Swiss Army Knife Journalist

    One thing that cannot be denied is that whereas there have been countless online publications before the world wide web, it has been the late development of the web that transformed communication patterns and, particularly information textuality and the journalistic arena. Among profound and unceasing changes, one can stand out the online versions of traditional media outlets, but obviously the originally online stories, created to be experienced as multimedia journalistic pieces. It is within this field that Eduardo’s story belongs, in the piece “O que é isso de vida independente” [What is that of an independent life?] by the Portuguese multimedia journalist Vera Moutinho. In this paper, I will explore Eduardo’s story, which elects the visual and sound plasticity as drivers of the reading experience, to examine how significance is built across multiple media and unfolds undertones throughout each moment.

    (source: Author's Abstract at ICDMT 2016)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.12.2016 - 14:29
