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  1. Prosthesis

    Prosthesis is a set of live vocal performances addressing complicities inherent in the use of digital technology and emergent artificialities in cognition, language, and the physical body. It consists of nine main sections, including readings augmented by projections and recorded voice, and concludes with a song.

    (Source: Author's site)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 23:47

  2. Sydney's Siberia

    Sydney's Siberia is a zoomable poem.

    It is not technology making our wires, nodes and swimming data streams, our ever growing networks, beautiful. Instead it is the stories/poetics, the forever coalescing narratives that form the inter/intranet into a vitally compelling mosaic To explore, simply mouse-over/navigate to an appealing square, click and click, read, contemplate connections and repeat. Sydney’s Siberia recreates how networks build exploratory story-scapes through an interactive zooming, clicking interface. Using 121 poetic/story image tiles, the artwork dynamically generates mosaics, infinitely recombining to build new connections/collections based on the users movements.


    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.03.2012 - 18:49

  3. From Ireland with Letters

    Intertwining Irish history and generations of Irish American family memories in a work of polyphonic literature based on the rhythms of ancient Irish Poetry, the imagined lost Irish Sonata, the madrigal, streams and fountains, and Irish song, From Ireland with Lettersis an electronic manuscript of displacement, survival, and the role of art in the abolition of slavery.

    The central place of Irish music, displacement, disrupted tradition in the work of contemporary Irish authors is paralleled in this polyphonic Irish American electronic manuscript. Each part is separate and written in a different structure and tempo, but the whole is integrated by themes introduced in the opening Prologue. Although the workings of each section are different, as a general rule, the work can be read either by waiting for the text to change on its own (as if watching a film or listening to a piece of music) or by clicking on any lexia, in which case the reader takes control of how the story is explored in the manner of hypertext fiction.

    Judy Malloy - 28.03.2012 - 19:51

  4. The Dead Tower

    Explore a dark, mountainous landscape dominated by a gigantic tower. 

    Set in a dark and abstract dream world that revolves around a crashed bus, the atmospheric literary game environment The Dead Tower can be freely explored at full-screen with the mouse and keyboard. Leonardo Flores says about the project: “This narrative poem is arranged on a darkly atmospheric virtual world designed to both creep you out and pull you in…“. Like the proverbial moth, the reader’s attention is drawn towards the brightest things around: white words float in the air, static or rotating. And the lines of mezangelle verse both heighten the dread by telling fragments of a ghostly narrative prefigured by the bus crash site the reader finds herself in and soften the tone with hints about the interface that nudge the fourth wall. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Andy Campbell - 15.07.2012 - 19:03

  5. Evolution

    Evolution is a online artwork that emulates the writing and compositions of poet and artist Johannes Heldén. The application analyzes a set of all published text- and sound-work by the artist and generates a continuously evolving poem that simulates Heldéns style : in vocabulary, the spacing in-between words, syntax. In this performance, the digital version of artist meets the original. The aim is to raise questions about authenticity, about the future, about physics and science fiction.


    Alvaro Seica - 25.09.2013 - 12:22

  6. Lectures assistées par ordinateur

    Le duo Akenaton a été créé en 1984, en Corse (Ajaccio) par Philippe Castellin, poète proche des courants des poésies expérimentales et Jean Torregrosa, plasticien. La performance proposée s’appuiera sur la lecture d’une centaine de textes au choix tirés au sort par une machine, qui les déclamera par voix synthétique. Ces choix seront opérés sur le clavier et lanceront parfois des vidéos préenregistrées, toujours tirées au sort par la machine. Opérant en duo, chacun des artistes peut tour à tour monter sur scène, lire en live et accompagner par la lecture de la machine manipulée par le second artiste.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:58

  7. Nothing You Have Done Deserves Such Praise

    Nothing You Have Done Deserves Such Praise is an art/ poetry/ adventuring game, a playland for exploring our ever-present desire for constant and over-blown rewards. Our worlds (digital and breathing) are filled with needless and unearned praise, we are built to love exploding trophies for fifth place. This art/poetry game satisfies your compliment addiction by celebrating your walking/ jumping/ falling through strange and wondrous anatomical lands.

    Nothing You Have Done Deserves Such Praise is a 2013 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for its Turbulence website. It was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

    (Source: Turbulence)

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 15:47

  8. Sim/Oui


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 16:57

  9. Code Kandy

    Code Kandy

    Scott Rettberg - 29.09.2013 - 09:43

  10. Text-n-FX: A Reading Machine

    Text ‘n FX is a DJ mixer for text. It is a prototype machine developed in the 80’s for the emerging practice of Hip-Hop. Instead of a DJ mixing two records together, the designers of the device proposed the idea of a Text-Jockey (TJ). The TJ acted as a machine-assisted poet mashing up lyrics read from two floppy disks in real-time using statistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and cut-up techniques from experimental literature. The product never made it to market but it exists today as a media-archaeological curiosity.

    (Source: ChercherLeTexte website)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 18.10.2013 - 12:59
