Claudia Giannetti

Barcelona ES
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Short biography: 

Claudia Giannetti is a specialist in media art, a theoretician and a writer, an exhibitions and cultural events curator. PhD in Art History from the University of Barcelona in the field of Digital Aesthetics. Since September 2009 she is invited Full Professor in the University of Évora (Portugal), Visual Arts Faculty. From 1993 to 1999, she was the director of the Associació de Cultura Contemporània L'Angelot, Barcelona, the first space in Spain specialized in electronic art, and from 1998 to 2007, the director of MECAD\Media Centre of Art & Design, Barcelona. She was the director of the Canariasmediafest, Internacional Arts and Digital Cultures Festival of Gran Canaria (2006-2008).
In the academic sphere she has taught at the University of Barcelona and the University Pompeu Fabra, and has given classes and seminars as well as more than a hundred lectures in universities, museums and congresses throughout Europe and South America, as well as in the United States, Canada, India and China. She has conceived, directed and taught in the following Masters programs at the University Ramon Llull/ESDi: Master on Curatorial and Cultural Practices in Art and New Media (2003-2006); International Master on Creation and Deisgn for Interactive Systems (2002-2006); Audiovisual Creation and Communication for Interactive Media (2003/04). She was director and professor of the Master on Production and Creation in Art and Technology by the Universidad Lusófona de Lisbon, Portugal (2007-2009). Giannetti has conceived and directed the following specialized courses: "Media Art Perspectives" (UNESCO and MECAD, since 2003/04) "Conservation of Artistic Heritage and Use of New Technologies" (MECAD/ESDi and Ministry of Culture, 2006); "Video and New Online and Offline Technologies” (Universidad de Chile, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad de Manizales, UNESCO, ESDi/MECAD, 2006). She has prepared, directed and developed more than 20 research projects in the past decade, and has worked as a tutor in more than 90 art and technology production and research projects. Giannetti has been a specialized consultant for important international institutions, such as the Swiss government in the "Experts' Group for the Evaluation of the Swiss Federal Information Society Strategy" (2001); for UNESCO in the "International Evaluation Group for the Digi-Arts Project” (Paris, since 2002); for the committee of the Beijing International New Media Arts Symposium (China, 2005-2006), amongst others. Claudia Giannetti has published more than a hundred articles in specialized magazines and exhibition catalogues, as well as the books: "Media Culture" (Barcelona, 1995); "Arte en la Era Electrónica - Perspectivas de una Nueva Estética" (Barcelona, 1997); "Ars Telematica - Telecomunicación, Internet y Ciberespacio" (Lisbon, 1998; Barcelona, 1998); "Arte Facto & Ciencia" (Madrid, 1999); the project and editorial and artistic direction of the CD-ROM "ArteVisión – A History of Electronic Art in Spain" (Sabadell, 2000); "Estética digital: sintopía del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología” (Barcelona, 2002; Belo Horizonte/Brazil, 2006; Lisboa, 2009); "Vilém Flusser und Brasilien" (Colonia, 2002); "Ästhetik des Digitalen. Ein intermediärer Beitrag zu Wissenschaft, Medien- und Kunstsystemen", New York and Vienna, 2004; "Aesthetics of the Digital", (Karlsruhe, 2005); "La razón caprichosa en el siglo XXI - Los avatares de la sociedad posindustrial y mediática" (The Capricious Reason in the 21st Century. The avatars of the post-industrial information society. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2006). In 2008-2009 she has curated the exhibitions: Expanded Box, ARCO'2008, Madrid; "The Discreet Charm of Technology. Art in Spain", MEIAC Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo de Badajoz (2008), ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie de Karlsruhe/Alemania (2008-09), Neue Galerie Graz , Austria (2009). She has been a jury member for more than 20 international awards, such as those given at the following events: Festival de Vídeo de Navarra; Festival Vid@rte de Vídeo y Artes Electrónicas, Mexico City; Premios Ciutat de Barcelona; Medi@terra Art & Technology Festival, Athens; International Media Art Award ZKM, Karlsruhe/Germany; Prix Ars Electronica, Linz/Austria; Electronic Media Festival, Osnabruck/Germany; Nam June Paik Award, Düsseldorf/Germany; DDAA - d.velop digital art award, Berlin; Premio Sergio Motta, São Paulo/Brazil; amongst others. Giannetti has received a number of awards herself, including from the Catalan Association of Art Critics for the activities developed as director of ACC L’Angelot (1997); the Premis Espais a la Crítica de Arte for the publication of a critical essay (1999); First Prize Best Author in Multimedia in the IX Festival de Vídeo y Multimedia de Canarias; and the First Prize at Möbius de la Península Ibérica in multimedia cultural production, for the publication of the CD-ROM ArteVisión – A History of Electronic Art in Spain (2000).

(Source: author)

Full Name: 
Claudia Giannetti
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Record posted by: 
Luciana Gattass