Amy J Elias

Knoxville , TN
United States
Tennessee US
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Short biography: 

Amy Elias's research interests include contemporary literatures, time and history studies, narrative theory, and the interdisciplinary relation of the contemporary arts; she also has teaching and research background in digital media, the novel, and American Studies. She is affiliated faculty with UT Cinema Studies, UT American Studies and is a fellow at the UT Center for the Study of Social Justice. Her book Sublime Desire concerned with the relation between postmodern historiography and the historical romance tradition and won the George and Barbara Perkins Award from the International Society for the Study of Narrative. She is the founder and past president of A.S.A.P.: The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present and hosted the association’s launch conference in Knoxville in 2009; the conference featured work by 115 speakers from China, the UK, the U.S., Japan, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain.  Her second book in progress, titled Only Connect: Dialogics and the Arts After Modernism, concerns the aesthetics of interactivity and relationality in the contemporary arts.

(Source: faculty webpage, U of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Full Name: 
Amy J Elias
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen