Nynorsk i 140

Short description: 

"Nynorsk i 140" is a Twitter competition. Poetry and short stories are submitted in form of Twitter's 140 characters, with hashtag #nynov

Six rounds of competition with a chosen winner for each round. About 3000 entries in total, from about 500 writers.

Deichmanske Library in Oslo is the project manager and have made this contest possible with funding from the organisation "Fritt Ord" and "Språkåret 2013".

These are the different themes for each round, and number of contributions received:

1 -Vår (spring, ours) (over 500 contributions)
2 -Lyst (light, lust) (350 contributions)
3 -Tre (tree, three) (over 500 contributions)
4 -Bar (bar,naked) (over 600 contributions)
5 -Frisk (fresh, healthy) (428 contributions)
6 -Ende (end, butt) (570 contributions)

These are the winners and their stories:

Round 1 winner: Stig Hjelmeland
@SHjelmeland "Geronimo vaknar. Tøyfotballsko. Turr mark. Tommahåkken frå i fjor vår. Hamrebygdarar mot nabbenesarar. Berre vent til det mørknar."
(Geronimo awakens. Sneakers. Dry field. The Tomahawk from last spring. Hamrebygdings against Nabbenesings. Just wait until it gets dark.)

Round 2 winner: Nora B. Jenssen
@norabj "Det blei endeleg lyst i kupeen, og han fekk sjå ho som hadde kvilt seg så godt mot aksla hans gjennom to land i natta."
(There was finally light in the coupé, and he got to see she who had rested so comfortably against his shoulder through two countries during the night.)

Round 3 winner: Magne Velle
@mvelle "Det gjekk eit sus gjennom skogen då to av tretoppane barka saman. Heldigvis var det berre vinden som spela dei eit pust."
(There was a whisper in the forest when two of the treetops barked at each other. Fortunately, it was only the wind howling.)

Round 4 winner Eline Stien
@elinestien "Dei bar kista saman. Ein på kvar side og sonen i midten. Aldri skulle dei bere så tungt igjen. Aldri skulle dei bere noko saman."
(They carried the coffin together. One by each side, and the son in the middle. Never would they carry so heavy again. Never would they carry anything together.)

Round 5 winner: Kjersti G. Andersen
@grammany "Vinden bles friskt på havet den dagen han forsvann. Likevel finn ho trøyst i vinden. I den er pusten hans gøymd, kjærteikna òg."
(A fresh wind blew at sea the day he disappeared. Still she finds comfort in the wind. In it, his breath is hidden, his caresses too.)

Round 6 winner: Jens Petter Kollhøj
@jepeko "Eg sjekkar dekka. Mørke. Regn. Vind. Frost. Midt i den svarte elva flakkar ei gravemaskin med lysa. Eg sit på bussen. Svingen kjem."
(I'm checking the tires. Darkness. Rain. Wind. Frost. In the middle of the black river, an excavator flashes its lights. I'm sitting on the bus. The road turns.)

Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140's webpage 18th of october 2013
Screenshot from Nynov140 at Twitter
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library
Screenshot from Nynorsk i 140 at Twitter showing screens with poems in the library shelf
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round one.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round two.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round three.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round four.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round five.
Winner Nynorsk i 140 round six.
Record posted by: 
Theresa Marie Sperre
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