Subculturas e cibercultura(s): Para uma genealogia das identidades de um campo

Abstract (in English): 

This paper proposes a genealogy of the concepts of subculture as one of the elements and founding myths of cyberculture. Our main goal is to map the almost indistinctive relations between the processes of communication and subcultural sociability, which were already part of cyberculture, starting from the different countercultures that formed it (such as hackers, scientists, artists, political activists, etc.), as well as their updates and reconfigurations up to their dissemination through the potentiation of communication technologies, particularly in the fragmentation of the countless social niches and practices on the Web. Thus, we propose two apparently distinct conceptual and theoretical frameworks: subcultural studies and theories of cyberculture in an attempt to refine the concept of cyberculture (or cybercultures?), based on epistemic boundaries that expand the studies about these communication practices and uses of technological cultural artifacts.

Abstract (in Portuguese): 

O presente ensaio nasceu de uma inquietação teórica com vistas a uma problematização e breve historicização da emergência da cibercultura – ou, em um entendimento de vertente pluralista, “ciberculturas”, dada a diversidade de definições e mesmo de interesses proporcionados pelos efeitos das tecnologias de comunicação e informação na sociedade contemporânea, em relação às práticas e aos usos comunicacionais da Web e de outros artefatos tecnológicos.

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Luciana Gattass