
Description (in English): 

Twisters is a collection of thousands of short stories written for and posted to the social media platform Twitter by author and creator Arjun Basu, who describes the process of their creation as follows:


In October of 2009, I heard about Twitter and being the curious sort, checked it out. And then for whatever reason, I wrote a “short story” – and that story came in at over 140 characters. And while editing it down, I realized something about the possibilities inherent in the limitations Twitter imposes on all of us. That first story came in at exactly 140 characters. I thought perhaps this was a new form and so I gave it a name: Twisters. And all of my stories since then, now numbering in the thousands, are 140 characters.

I did this until some point in 2017.

The works are no longer hosted on Twitter but have beel collated into a categorised and searchable archive on Basu's website.

Pull Quotes: 

It was when their love felt institutional that he interrupted dinner and announced his intentions, and she said, Because I served leftovers?

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Record posted by: 
Caroline Tranberg