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Title Type Record Status Edit
H. Rystadius Person Not yet reviewed
Look, here she lies (Kijk, hier ligt ze) Creative Work Revisions required
Digidicht Publisher Not yet reviewed
Marcel van der Drift Person Not yet reviewed
Hans Kloos Person Incomplete record (stub)
svevedikt ("poetry floating in the air") Creative Work Approved record
Ideas of Beauty: Conversations Creative Work Approved record
Shandra Lamaute Person Incomplete record (stub)
Writing Becomes Eclectic: a Symposium on Electronic Literature Event Not yet reviewed
Urbanalities Creative Work Approved record
myBALL Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Oulipoems Creative Work Approved record
Martha Deed Person Incomplete record (stub)
Millie Niss Person Approved record
Shawn Rider Person Incomplete record (stub)
Sharif Ezzat Person Approved record
H2PTM'05 - Create, Play Exchange: Network Experiences Event Revisions required
Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées Creative Work Approved record
Writing as a Woman: Annie Abrahams' e-writing Critical Writing Revisions required
Elisabeth Joyce Person Incomplete record (stub)
Praeger Publisher Approved record
ELMCIP Seminar on Digital Poetics and the Present at the University of Amsterdam - Program Story
An Evening In Front Of The Box Creative Work Approved record
Center for Digital Storytelling Organizations Approved record
Noise Creative Work Approved record
VerySmallKitchen Organizations Not yet reviewed
Kelly Writers House Organizations Approved record
The New Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives with New Media Critical Writing Revisions required
Web/Fiction/Design: A brief beta-test of this year’s winner of the ELO Awards, Caitlin Fisher’s These Waves of Girls Critical Writing Approved record
Anja Rau Person Not yet reviewed
