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Title Type Record Status Edit
Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre Critical Writing Approved record
EDUCAUSE Review Publisher Not yet reviewed
Alan Levine Person Not yet reviewed
Bryan Alexander Person Approved record
Reading, Writing, and Teaching Creative Hypertext: A Genre-Based Pedagogy Critical Writing Approved record
Pedagogy Publisher Not yet reviewed
Kevin Brooks Person Incomplete record (stub)
Stuck in a Loop? Dialogue in Hypertext Fiction Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Narrative Publisher Approved record
Thomas Bronwen Person Approved record
Medien Kunst Netz 1 Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Springer Publisher Not yet reviewed
Medien Kunst Netz / Media Art Net Critical Writing Approved record
Dieter Daniels Person Approved record
Rudolf Frieling Person Revisions required
Virtual Narrations: From the crisis of storytelling to new narration as mental potentiality Critical Writing Approved record
Söke Dinkla Person Approved record
La plissure du texte Creative Work Approved record
Droites et Courbes / Lines and Curves Creative Work Revisions required
A Perfect Future Unread: John Cayley's "What We Will" Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Megan Sapnar's "Car Wash" as a New Media Sonnet Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Car Wash Creative Work Approved record
M.A. Keller Person Incomplete record (stub)
RAW (Reading and Writing) New Media Critical Writing Approved record
Hampton Press Publisher Not yet reviewed
James Kalmbach Person Not yet reviewed
Orient (Japanese) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Orient (Korean) Creative Work Duplicate record (aggregate and delete one)
Brian Croxall Person Not yet reviewed
Kenneth Goldsmith Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
