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Title Type Record Status Edit
Samsung (French) Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Samsung (Korean) Creative Work Approved record
Writing with Images: Toward a Semiotics of the Web Critical Writing Revisions required
George L. Dillon Person Revisions required
Electronic Literature Lab Teaching Resource Not yet reviewed
Tholos Editore Organizations Not yet reviewed
eLiterature, analisi critica, strumenti interpretativi, potenzialità e possibilità applicative Critical Writing Revisions required
eLiterature Research Project Publisher Not yet reviewed
European eLiterature Collection Critical Writing Revisions required
eLiterature: la letteratura nell’era digitale. Definizione, concetto e statuto. Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Intervista con Filippo Rosso: “eLiterature e Hypertext Fiction" Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Intervista con Caterina Davinio: “eLiterature, ePoetry e correlazioni” Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Interview with Dan Waber: “Digital Writing and Writing 3D" Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Interview with Andy Campbell: “Digital Fiction and Interactive Fiction” Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Interview with Noah Wardrip-Fruin: “Digital Literature and Correlations” Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
chatpoetry Creative Work Approved record
altavista words Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Net poetry Creative Work Approved record
Nelli Rothvee Person Not yet reviewed
Trepp Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Hasso Krull Person Not yet reviewed
babel Person Revisions required
Third Hand Plays: “Out of Touch” by Christine Wilks Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Benjamin R. Moreno Ortiz Person Not yet reviewed
From Line to Constellation Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Eugen Gomringer Person Incomplete record (stub)
Third Hand Plays: "Repeat After Me" by joerg piringer Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Third Hand Plays: "Scrape Scraperteeth" by Jason Nelson Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Scrape Scraperteeth Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Gerald Smith Person Approved record
