Foundations of Digital Games 2012 (Raleigh, North Carolina)

Event type: 
Raleigh , NC
United States
North Carolina US
Record Status: 
Short description: 

(Site description:) FDG 2012, the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research and education involving games, game technologies, gameplay, and game design. The goal of the conference is the advancement of the study of digital games, including new game technologies, capabilities, designs, applications, educational uses, and modes of play.

FDG 2012 invites Paper, Poster, Panel, Doctoral Consortium, Demo, and Workshop submissions in all research areas related to games. This year we are also adding the Research and Experimental Game Festival which will showcase innovation in game design and game technologies.

Works presented:

Record posted by: 
Aaron Reed
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