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The online device called e-critures consists of a mailing list (discussion list) and of a website. The discussion list, created in November 1999, came first (it has at present around 160 members and more than 5000 messages have been posted since its creation). Here is the presentation text for this list:

"Liste de diffusion dédiée à la littérature informatique. Elle regroupe des auteurs., des universitaires et de simples lecteurs." ('Discussion list dedicated to digital literature. It groups together authors, scholars and simple readers').

Nobody can join without being accepted by the moderator (whose role afterwards is however restricted since messages are freely posted). The diffusion of messages is always one-sided: from one to all the members of the list. The feeling of being a member of the list is directly related to the feeling of belonging to a group of trailblazers who choose to fight or not to fight for its own visibility.

(Source: Serge Bouchardon, "Digital Literature in France")

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Scott Rettberg