An Interview with Talan Memmott

Critical Writing
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Abstract (in English): 

Talan Memmott is Assistant Professor of digital media and culture in the Digital Culture and Communications program at Blekinge Institute of Technology and an internationally known practitioner of electronic literature and digital art with a practice ranging from experimental video to digital performance applications and literary hypermedia. In June 2011 I met with Talan to discuss the history of beehive Hypertext Hypermedia Literary Journal, which he founded and edited.

Pull Quotes: 

TM: With Volume 1 of Beehive in 1998, the design, coding, editorial, curatorial were all done by me. So to a certain extent it was my view of what the field was, and my view of what could happen in terms of design. When I look back at what Volume 1 actually looked like (and this is interesting for me to think about), we started out with this very bold set of colours, and it was this really kind of vibrant honey-yellow, and deep black, and a crimson, or puce [laughs] or bright red – the hex code was #B90000, I remember that – that’s the ‘Beehive red’, to me …

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Title Location
BeeHive [Hypertext Hypermedia Journal]
San Francisco
United States
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David Prater