On Hypertext Criticism

Critical Writing
Publication Type: 
Journal volume and issue: 
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Abstract (in English): 

This hypertextual essay is from a special, interlinked issue of JoDi on Hypertext Criticism. The editors description is as follows:

Larsen contributes seven nodes that consider the main problems for hypertext to earn a "normality" status in relation to other media, discuss the technological requirements that set it apart from mainstream literature, the lack of a business model, and the necessity for hypertext to come out of the academic ghetto. She also stresses the importance of community building, and explains the function of writing groups and conferences in the development of readers and writers.

The nodes are:

  • Getting Your Hands On It
    Criticism: Honing the Craft
    Where Are the Electronic Classrooms?
    Grassroots Support Literature
    The Economic Mirror
    What Are We Asking For?
    You Can Get There From Here
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Record posted by: 
Jill Walker Rettberg