The Required Field
The Required Field is an expansive interactive digital poem exploring the impact of policy documents, bureaucratic forms and the river of applications on our lives and our daily culture. Using twenty found and remixed government and corporate documents, the work poetically translates those overly complex and confusing forms.
For example, a Tax Form for farmers will be recontextualized through an interactive image-‐map tour, transforming specific sections of the forms into poetic text and animated elements. Or a page from a Work Visa application will be created into a platform game, where the reader/player triggers poetry blasting bureaucracies through their game play.
And in the end, The Required Field, builds from and then poetically destroys the bureaucratic cultures and their fields of red-‐tape, laws and policies for the sake of policies, the sub-‐section to a sub-‐section, part B stroke 9 for breathing.
The Required Field, builds from and then poetically destroys the bureaucratic cultures and their fields of red-‐tape....
Built in html5, javascript and many other magical wonderments and secret codes.