
Displaying 41 - 60 of 76
Title Author
The Madeleine Effect Melissa Berman
Blurring of Public and Private Space in New Media Art Belinda Haikes
Blending the Crossword with the Narrative: An Examination of the Storygame Jimmy Maher
From page to screen: placing hypertext fiction in an historical and contemporary context of print and electronic literary experiments Martina E. Linnemann
Techno-historical Limits of the Interface: The Performance of Interactive Narrative Experiences Andrew Hutchison
Actamedia – Artemídia e Cultura digital Simpósio Internacional de Artemídia e Cultura Digital
Videogame: jogos, narrativa e interação no espaço virtual Sérgio Nesteriuk
Art at the biological frontier Eduardo Kac
Opacity Serge Bouchardon, Leonard Dumas, Vincent Volckaert, Hervé Zénouda
Opacità Serge Bouchardon, Leonard Dumas, Vincent Volckaert, Hervé Zénouda
Opacité Serge Bouchardon, Leonard Dumas, Vincent Volckaert, Hervé Zénouda
Transient Self-Portrait María Mencía
Condors' polyphony and jawed water-lines catapulted out: Gnoetry and Its Place in Text Processing's History Chris Funkhouser, Andrew Klobucar
Reading Augmented Spaces and the Dimensions that Define Them Jacob Garbe, John Thomas Murray
Beyond Myth and Metaphor: Narrative in Digital Media Marie-Laure Ryan
Digital Literature: Theoretical and Aesthetic Reflections Luciana Gattass
The Interactive Onion: Layers of User Participation in Digital Narrative Texts Marie-Laure Ryan
Signal to Noise Ian Hatcher
Creating Screen-Based Multiple State Environments: Investigating Systems of Confutation Donna Leishman
Riddles of the Interface: Hieroglyphic Consciousness and New Experimental Multimedia Joe Milutis
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