
Theodor Holm Nelson (1965) first introduced the term “hypertext” in his paper “A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate.” Nelson described hypertext “to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper” (p. 96). In Computer Lib/Dream Machines (1974), Nelson provided a more expansive definition of “hyper-media” as “branching or performing presentations which respond to user actions, systems of prearranged words and pictures (for example) which may be explored freely or queried in stylized ways” (Nelson, 2003, p. 313) Among the types of hypertexts he discusses in that essay, which focused on the potential uses of hypermedia in new systems that could potentially revolutionize education are “discrete hypertexts” which “consist of separate pieces of text connected by links” (p. 314) The majority of hypertext fictions published during the 1980s and 1990s would fit within this rubric though, as Noah Wardrip-Fruin (2004) argued, this conception of hypertext as “chunk-style” linked nodes is somewhat narrower than hypermedia as Nelson originally envisioned it. Nelson for example imagined “stretchtexts” that would expand or contract to provide the reader with more detail about a given part of the text, and interactive diagrams that would perform as the reader interacted with particular parts of them or zoomed in for detail.

(Source: Electronic Literature, Scott Rettberg, Polity 2019)

Displaying 121 - 140 of 641
Title Author
Quing's Quest VII Dietrich Squinkifer
Pathfinders: Documenting the Experience of Early Digital Literature
Hyperfiction Moulthrop’s Computer Novel Weaves a Web of Alternative Endings John Dunn
Umbrales Yolanda De la Torre
Murmurs, Open Corpus of Online Written Poetry – The End of Isolated Poems José Aburto
Ephemeral Words, Ephemeral People: Suicide and Choice in Twine Games Anastasia Salter
The Many Ends of Network Fictions: Gamebooks, Hypertexts, Visual Novels, Games and Beyond Jeremy Douglass
Archiving Roundtable Leonardo L. Flores, Marjorie C. Luesebrink, Stephanie Strickland, Rui Torres
Inanimate Alice - Language Learning Journals Lorri Hopping, Andy Campbell
The Ballad of the Internet Nutball: Chaining Rhetorical Visions from the Margins of the Margins to the Mainstream in the Xenaverse Christine Boese
From Beyond John Thomas Murray, Anastasia Salter
Kaos 3 - Action Poetique 129 130 Pascal Gresset, Jean-Pierre Balpe, Henri Deluy, Étienne Mineur, Mark Smith, Jean-Jacques Mariage, Gil Jouanard, Bassam Mansour, Jasper
Beneath Floes Kevin Snow
Linking Strategies Susana Pajares Tosca
Posthyperfiction: Practices in Digital Textuality Scott Rettberg
Triggerhappy Thomson and Craighead
The American Hypertext Novel, and Whatever Became of It? Scott Rettberg
Interactive Digital Narrative
Unraveling Twine: Open Platforms and the Future of Hypertextual Literature Anastasia Salter
E-Pressing e-Literature Into The Future: The New Modalities of Publishing, 1914-2014 Craig Saper
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