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Displaying 21 - 40 of 1717
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Creative Work
Critical Writing
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Research Collection
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Renaissance mnemonics, poststructuralism, and the rhetoric of hypertext composition
Richard Smyth
Traversal of Mary-Kim Arnold's "Lust"
Roland Barthes
futureTEXT: hypertext fiction
Jim Rosenberg
Theories of Play and Postmodern Fiction
Brian Edwards
Gamers: Writers, Artists & Programmers on the Pleasures of Pixels
Shanna Compton
Neo-Baroque aesthetics and contemporary entertainment
Angela Ndalianis
The Double, the Labyrinth and the Locked Room: Metaphors of Paradox in Crime Fiction and Film
Ilana Shiloh
Citizenship and immigration in PostWar Britain: The Institutional Origins of a Multicultural Nation
The Postcolonial Unconscious
Neil Lazarus
Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers: Exploring Participatory Culture
Henry Jenkins
Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word
Walter Jackson Ong
Word Perfect: Literacy In The Computer Age
Myron C. Tuman
Network Culture. Politics for the Information Age
Tiziana Terranova
How Voters Feel
Stephen Coleman
The Theory of Affordances
James Jerome Gibson
Postmodern Sublime: Technology and American Writing from Mailer to Cyberpunk
Joseph Tabbi
A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
Edmund Burke
The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding
Ian Watt
Principles of Literary Criticism
Ivor Armstrong Richards
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