ELMCIP and CELL v1.37 released
Submitted by steinmb on 23 April 2021 - 12:19pm
Mostly module and Drupal core security updates. We are currently migrating ELMCIP and CELL from Drupal 7 to 9 and are holding back on all new features until we can implement them directly in Drupal 9.
- b77db90 Module update - ctools, link, media, search_api, token
- b323d59 Drupal core update 7.77 -> 7.80
- 08e8b2a Issue 367 - OAI-PMH test utility
- baa4073 Issue 352 Social networks accessibility links lack title
- bb42cac Social networks - New color and hover states
- 76984f7 Footer menu social networks block
- 8877ec3 Module update Database search (search_api_db) 7.x-1.7 -> 7.x-1.8
- b6491fd CELL and ELMCIP composer vendor multisite location
- f2b2a41 CELL and ELMCIP composer vendor multisite location
- d17607f CELL - Removed Scald and other modules no longer in use
- b77db90 Module update - ctools, link, media, search_api, token
- b323d59 Drupal core update 7.77 -> 7.80