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  1. Reviewing Propp's Story Generation Procedure in the Light of Computational Creativity

    Vladimir Propp’s analysis of Russian folk tales is known to have produced a semi-formal description of the structure of these tales that has acted as inspiration for several story generation systems, both sequential and interactive. Its exhaustive description of the constituent elements of tales of this kind, and the enumeration of the patterns they follow provided a very useful starting point for researchers looking for computational implementations of story generators. However, it is less generally known that in his book Propp also proposed a procedure for the generation of new tales based on his analytical framework. Although this generative procedure is much less formal than its analytical counterpart, it is one of the first existing instances of a creative process described procedurally. Of particular interest for the field of creative story generation is the number of issues that are declared relevant but not explored in detail.The present paper revisits Propp’s description and focuses on the task of generating the sequence of character functions that determine the plot of the tale.

    Maya Zalbidea - 02.05.2014 - 17:49

  2. La littérarité du code informatique TRANS.MISSION [A. DIALOGUE]

    Pour le numéro d’automne 2013 de la revue de littérature hypermédiatique en ligne bleuOrange, j’ai eu l’occasion de traduire l’œuvre TRANS.MISSION [A. Dialogue] de J. R. Carpenter. Créé en 2011, TRANS.MISSION [A. Dialogue] est un récit généré par un programme informatique, un fichier JavaScript écrit en HTML 5.

    J. R. Carpenter - 05.05.2014 - 11:05

  3. Analyzing Digital Fiction

    Analyzing Digital Fiction offers a collection of pioneering analyses based on replicable methodological frameworks. It offers analyses of digital works that have so far received little or no analytical attention and profiles replicable methodologies which can be used in the analyses of other digital fictions. Chapters include analyses of hypertext fiction, Flash fiction, Twitter fiction and videogames with approaches taken from narratology, stylistics, semiotics and ludology. Essays propose ways in which digital environments can expand, challenge and test the limits of literary theories which have, until recently, predominantly been based on models and analyses of print texts.


    1.Introduction: From Theorizing to Analyzing Digital Fiction Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin and Hans Kristian Rustad

    Section 1: Narratological Approaches

    2. Media-Specific Metalepsis in 10:01 Alice Bell

    3.Digital Fiction and Worlds of Perspective David Ciccoricco

    4. Seeing into the Worlds of Digital Fiction Daniel Punday

    Section 2: Social Media and Ludological Approaches

    Alice Bell - 06.05.2014 - 12:45

  4. Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound

    In Reading Writing Interfaces, Lori Emerson examines how interfaces—from today’s multitouch devices to yesterday’s desktops, from typewriters to Emily Dickinson’s self-bound fascicle volumes—mediate between writer and text as well as between writer and reader. Following the threads of experimental writing from the present into the past, she shows how writers have long tested and transgressed technological boundaries.

    Table of Contents:


    Chapter 1: Indistinguishable From Magic | Invisible Interfaces and Digital Literature as Demystifier

    Chapter 2: From the Philosophy of the Open to the Ideology of the User-Friendly

    Chapter 3: Typewriter Concrete Poetry and Activist Media Poetics

    Chapter 4: The Fascicle as Process and Product

    Chapter 5: Postscript | The Googlization of Literature

    Works Cited

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.05.2014 - 02:11

  5. Electronic Literature and Online Literary Databases: The PO.EX and ELMCIP Cases

    This essay reflects on the shift of user interaction operated by online literary archives and databases. One can easily recognize a change of scenery happening in the current networked world, given the way authors and general public produce, catalog, tag, access, research, analyze, preserve and share knowledge.
    In the field of electronic literature, the creation of several collaborative and open access databases attests this trend. For this purpose, I review two of them: the PO.EX Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature and the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. My aim is to contribute to an informed view on how these online literary databases are shaped and are shaping the field: What is their scope? How do they operate? What kind of navigation and user input exists? Why should they really matter?
    Finally, I use these insights to develop some considerations concerning the relations between memory and archive, and different perspectives on electronic literature preservation.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 14.05.2014 - 14:29

  6. Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Blueberries by Susan Gibb

    La obra de ficción digital titulada Blueberries (2009) de Susan Gibb, publicada en la ELO (Organización de literatura electrónica) invita al lector/a a viajar dentro de la mente de la protagonista para descubrir sus experiencias reales e imaginarias en las que se examinan las nociones de género, sexo, cuerpo e identidad de una mujer traumatizada. En este artículo se exploran los modos verbales y visuales en esta ficción digital breve siguiendo patrones semióticos así como se interpretan los estados psicológicos por medio de componentes poéticos y tecnológicos. Se llevará a cabo un estudio comparativo de las consecuencias del trauma en la protagonista de la historia con teorías psicoanalíticas de Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, así como las de las psicoanalistas feministas: Melanie Klein y Bracha Ettinger. Se estudiarán las reacciones de la protagonista ante la pérdida de la realidad, las alucinaciones y el complejo de Electra, así como el surgimiento de mecanismos de defensa y su uso de la creatividad artística como terapia curativa.

    Maya Zalbidea - 03.06.2014 - 11:07

  7. Literary Gaming

    In this book, Astrid Ensslin examines literary videogames—hybrid digital artifacts that have elements of both games and literature, combining the ludic and the literary. These works can be considered verbal art in the broadest sense (in that language plays a significant part in their aesthetic appeal); they draw on game mechanics; and they are digital-born, dependent on a digital medium (unlike, for example, conventional books read on e-readers). They employ narrative, dramatic, and poetic techniques in order to explore the affordances and limitations of ludic structures and processes, and they are designed to make players reflect on conventional game characteristics. Ensslin approaches these hybrid works as a new form of experimental literary art that requires novel ways of playing and reading. She proposes a systematic method for analyzing literary-ludic (L-L) texts that takes into account the analytic concerns of both literary stylistics and ludology.

    Astrid Ensslin - 08.06.2014 - 16:57

  8. The Postulate to Hyperdescribe the World: Film Poems by Katarzyna Gie łż y ń ska

    The film-poem emerges from the crossroads of literature, film and animation. Giełżyńska's works appear as ironic, personal, cross-medial statements. The Polish author sets herself an ambitious task: "to play at the world's own game" by describing it in a fast-paced, polimedial, synesthetic way. Resembling "animated posters", the film-poems reflect the condition of the contemporary artist and her cultural, linguistic and technological context and try to redefine the answers to the old question: how to describe the world? who is the author? what is the difference between the human and non-human? The message carried by the film-poems is quite universal, if not global, hence the decision to translate them into English

    (Source: ELO 2014 conference.)

    Scott Rettberg - 19.06.2014 - 03:28

  9. OccupyMLA’s Hidden Archive

    Part protest novel, part guerilla theater, @OccupyMLA played out on the crowded virtual street corners of Twitter hashtags #mla and #omla for fifteen months before being revealed a as "fiction" at the 2013 MLA e-literature reading. Nineteenth- and twentieth-century protest fiction changed attitudes about slavery and industrial excess; @OccupyMLA charged #MLA members (and hashtag lurkers) to feel angry about dehumanizing adjunct working conditions built upon the "innocent dream" that Ph.D.s in literature could get paid to teach literature.

    In a climate of "DH niceness," to dwell on adjuncting as a broken promise was agit-prop. Real life participants added their own anecdotes and Tweeted sympathy to Hazel, comingling "fiction" and "nonfiction" in an eerie, Barthesian "Reality Effect." The Netprov's melodrama and anger were deliberately out of sync with the positivistic #MLA discourse community. "Here's where #omla is correct," opined George Williams in a retweeted pair of Tweets, "conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abomidable. But making the MLA the target of your ire and your movement is not going to get you very far. + #omla #imho."

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 16:16

  10. “Coat and Uncoat!”: The My Book of GHcoats Project and Implications for Conceptual Writing

    Using the internet and social media for that matter to create literature is a relatively new and burgeoning phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa, complementing more common uses such as political activism, economic opportunity and social networking. In November 2013, some Ghanaians on Facebook started a trend where fictional quotes were intentionally misattributed to famous people. This humorous trend went viral as many users created variations while others also shared and commented on these posts. The project evolved through multiple stages and eventually ended in the publication of an e-book entitled My Book of GHcoats which contained submissions from many Facebook users. The nature of the evolution thus positions My Book of GHcoats in the realm of conceptual writing.

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 16:24
