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  1. New Word Order

    New Word Order

    Rita Raley - 05.05.2011 - 15:19

  2. The Rut

    An author tries in vain to give his latest book a title and some credits. A cynical parody on self-publishing.

    Andy Campbell - 13.05.2011 - 17:20

  3. Pentimento

    This narrative poem is a fascinating type of hypertext because instead of having five primary nodes from which to follow linear threads it uses a layering interface for navigation. The reader, instead of clicking on links, scrapes away at images to reveal an image beneath, and can continue to scrape away until she reaches the end of that narrative thread. This allows readers to reveal more than one layer at a time, as pictured above in a screenshot of three layers in the introduction. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Jerome Fletcher - 30.09.2011 - 13:46

  4. Cultures in Webs: Working in Hypermedia with the Documentary Image

    This CD-ROM explores how hypertextual writing and image-making merge in creating projects with nonfiction materials such as photographs, video clips, audio recordings and observational notes. The work includes two hypertextual field projects, one concerning a wine harvest in Burgundy, France, and the other concerning a series of performances in Ghana. The project uses an html-based format to weave among differing modes of writing and image-presentation. The section "The Harvest" was selected for exhibition in the 2001 ELO "State Of The Arts" symposium gallery. Based on two months of participant observation working the harvest at a small vineyard in France, the project combines diaristic writing, visual notes, dialog, exposition, and other forms of writing alongside a fifty-four image sequence. The work also includes videos and slide shows. "Concealed Narratives" offers two routes, interactive paths by which users travel to a series of public events in Ghana. The work explores how cultural battles are imagined and how stories get expressed through performances, visual tropes, and metaphors.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 22:15

  5. Catalogue: Nothingness

    "CATALOGUE: Nothingness" uses description, image, email and javascript to interrogate some of the cultural and mechanical forms that operate in online shopping. The work is designed to exist on a parallel plane with commercial shopping sites and to offer a menu of small interventions that extend outward into the world. The theme of nothingness was chosen for the catalogue in order to defamiliarize common structures found in online shops by substituting imaginary objects, states of being, and existential drama for regular items and marketing strategies.

    (Source: Author's description from the Electronic Literature Directory)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2012 - 00:01

  6. Oros

    Oros ist ein Sprechstück im www, das durch Interaktion zum dreisprachigen und dreistimmigen digitalen Sprechchor avancieren kann. Deutsch, englisch und griechisch stehen als Sprachen und Stimmen zur Auswahl. Die einzelnen Worte können in ihrer Länge manipuliert werden.

    (Source: Homepage of Ursula Hentschläger)

    Jörgen Schäfer - 07.11.2012 - 16:05

  7. Worldwatchers

    Weit oben in einem Hochsicherheits-Kontroll-Tower sitzen die Worldwatchers. Tag aus, Tag ein beobachten sie die Welt durch tausende von Webcams auf der Suche nach Unregelmäßigkeiten. So lautet ihr Auftrag. Das glauben zumindest die Worldwatchers. Sicher sind sie indes nicht. Seit vielen Generationen leben sie, von der Welt vergessen, in dieser Forschungssiedlung an unbestimmtem Ort. Während dieser Zeit ging das genaue Wissen über den Auftrag und seine Begründung verloren. Den Worldwatchers erscheint das aber normal. Sie kennen es nicht anders. Unverdrossen suchen sie nach neuen Webcams und beschreiben täglich die gesichteten Unregelmäßigkeiten im Logbuch - dem Weblog der Worldwatchers. Nicht selten verirren sich in diese Aufzeichnungen auch Träume, Wünsche, Gerüchte aus der Siedlung und die frei erfundenen Geschichten der Weltbeobachter. Aber wer kann ihnen das schon nachweisen.

    Jörgen Schäfer - 07.11.2012 - 16:40

  8. Poetrica

    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertesing sytem as public space. It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in P0es1s, at Kulturforum, Berlin (2004).

    Luciana Gattass - 03.12.2012 - 05:34

  9. Kuffertene

    "Reglen om, at man ikke måtte røre bolden med hænderne, blev erstattet af retten til at benytte laserstyrede raketter og klyngebomber. Det varede ikke længe, inden præster erstattede dommerne, og man fjernede fordringen om fair play; således kunne man hengive sig til legen, barbariet og tilfældet."

    Sissel Hegvik - 06.03.2013 - 22:27

  10. Dans la gueule du loup

    This responsive (or “reactive” work as described in Megan Sapnar’s essay “Reactive Media Meets E-Poetry”) is a great example of a work that reacts to user input, though I’m not sure there’s enough of a language base to connect it to poetic tradition. Translated as “In the lion’s mouth” (though I feel “In the wolf’s mouth” is more accurate) this feels more like a visual art piece than a poem and I suspect Clauss would agree, since he describes his works in Flying Puppet as “tableaux interactifs” (interactive tableau). Regardless of classification, this is an engagingly atmospheric piece that invites interaction with a surreal payoff. Move the pointer and play with this work to discover what lies above and beneath the image and interface, considering all the layers involved. And don’t forget that you are one of those layers… (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.04.2013 - 17:17
