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  1. AlletSator

    “Alletsator” is a hypermedia work that is best defined as a quantum opera, or perhaps in the final analysis a game – interactive, three-dimensional – where the present and the virtual intersect and mix. A hybrid hypermedia, therefore, in which the “spectactor” (immersed in an environment that is intended to be cosmic, magical, fantastic, dreamlike ...) is challenged to traverse the surface of a sequence of drawings. The work is a journey without ending. “Alletsator” is a computer generated narrative that allows an infinite potential of combinations. It is also an object of the new media art. It is a product and agent of the cyber culture that promises to revolutionize the world as we know it. The dramaturgy it needs is already anticipated in the metaphor that better explains the work itself: a spacecraft of dispersed paths, of multilinear unexpected pathways.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 18:22

  2. Epiglobis

    "Epiglobis" is an interactive video that explores consumption, desire, and issues pertaining to globalization through non-linear imagery and sounds called at random from a databank that generates continuously new juxtapositions.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:43

  3. Why Some Dolls Are Bad: a generative graphic novel for the iPhone

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad is a generative, permutational graphic novel which engages themes of ethics, fashion, artifice and the self, and presents a re-examination of systems and materials including mohair, contagion, environmental decay, Perspex cabinetry, and false-seeming things in nature such as Venus Flytraps.

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad was originally launched on the Facebook platform but has been adapted for the iPhone and relaunched in 2010. The project collects images from a tag-constrained stream of public Flickr images and combines them with fragments from the original non-linear text. Once the application is downloaded, image and text come together into a frame which is read and then advanced, creating an ongoing dynamic narrative.

    Readers can capture frames and send them to an archive, where each frame becomes a “page” in the novel. The collective archiving of iterative captures from the project means that a version of the book can be read in a linear order.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 22:49