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  1. Les 12 Travaux de l'Internaute / The 12 Labors of the Internet User

    In this piece, the internet user is regarded as the Hercules of the Internet. Often, he has indeed the impression to have to achieve Herculean labours. It can be a question of blocking popups which keep coming when one would like to see them disappear (the Lernean Hydra), cleaning the inbox of its spam (the Augean Stables), driving away the advertising banners (the Stymphalian Birds) or retrieving specific information (the Belt of the Queen of the Amazons)... This work draws upon the mythology of everyday life. It does not consist in showing the tragedy of existence, but in transforming our daily activities into a myth. It is consequently a question of experiencing technology in an epic - but also humoristic - mode.

    (Source: Author's description)

    Serge Bouchardon - 21.09.2010 - 12:00

  2. Galatea

    Galatea is a work of interactive fiction set in an art gallery an undetermined amount of time in the future. The player takes on the role of an unnamed art critic examining works of personality referred to in the story as “animates.” Galatea is the name of one such animate however, unlike the other exhibits at the museum (which are forays into rudimentary artificial intelligence,) Galatea was a sculpted women who simply willed herself to life. The player must interact with Galatea through text commands until they get one of several endings.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:57

  3. Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel

    Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel

    Scott Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 12:52

  4. Egypt: The Book of Going Forth by Day

    Egypt: The Book of Going Forth by Day is a contemporary/ancient narrative of death and rebirth on the Nile.  It is an account of Egypt that draws upon history, geography, hieroglyphics, legend and myth to tell a contemporary story of a woman searching for her brother that mirrors the eternal story of the ancient Egyptian spiritual journey.  It explores the interface between image and text - the ways, in hypermedia, that narrative information is not only contained in the text, but also coded into graphics, sound, structure, and navigational elements. Egypt celebrates the natural materiality of both hieroglyphic writing and electronic literature. Egyptian hieroglyphic writing is inherently hypertextual and hypermedial. In ancient times, the surfaces of temples, coffins, and tombs were covered with a narrative writing/art that was a complex linkage of the literal, metaphorical, and schematic aspects of the central spiritual ideas of the culture.

    Artist’s Statement: 

    Scott Rettberg - 30.05.2011 - 14:25

  5. Triple Echo: Orpheus and Euridyce

    Tryptich interactive video installation, layering sound and video. As installation, a user would trigger the different speakers by walking in front of one of three screens. Dealing with the myth of Orpheus and Euridyce.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.05.2012 - 10:44

  6. Hermenetka

    Hermenetka (acrônimo formado pela associação de Hermes, deus grego das comunicações e das trocas, Net, de Internet e Ka, figura mítica do antigo Egito, polimórfico, que presidia a passagem para o mundo invisível, o reino dos mortos) é um projeto de Net Arte que gera cartografias randômicas a partir de buscas em bancos de dados. O ponto de partida do projeto Hermenetka é o Mediterrâneo compreendido como cenário espiritual de pensamentos, como método e busca de conhecimento. Na era contemporânea, a metáfora do “mar entre territórios” se corporifica nos fluxos e nas trocas do ciberespaço. A proposta do Hermenetka é criar cartografias plurais dos mares de dados que povoam o cotidiano da cibercultura. O projeto é constituído por dois tipos de mapeamentos. No primeiro, é possível gerar um mapa em tempo real a partir de tópicos que orbitam em torno do conceito de Mediterrâneo. A segunda possibilidade consiste em responder à pergunta “O que é o Mediterrâneo para você?”. Nesse caso, a resposta irá buscar no ciberespaço imagens e textos que comporão seu mapa.

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 20:55

  7. Croatian Tales of Long Ago

    Croatian Tales of Long Ago

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 21:21

  8. Bare Bones

    Fairy tales have been hijacked throughout history for various uses. Emigrating from one distribution method to another, they have been duplicated, mistranslated, and subverted. It could be that Cinderella is the world's most-told tale. There are thousands of versions, each one colored by the details of local culture, the needs of its audience and the desires of its teller. Buried among the world's heap of Cinder tales, is the Russian version, in its multiple incarnations. Bare Bones is a retelling of this story about a girl and her encounter with the fearsome hag, Baba Yaga.

    We identify with this tale through our own experiences of loss, humiliation and enslavement. By reshaping its text, imagery and format, I try to build a bridge for the fairy tale audience between traditional media and digital media. Bare Bones is just one piece of The Vas(i)lisa Project which is more visually and texually complex.

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.01.2013 - 00:24

  9. Bread.Crumbs

    "The (scratch) novel CRACKED EGGS AND WASTED TIME is very (very) loosely based in simultaneous (mis)readings of D. H. Lawrence's WOMEN IN LOVE and THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD, commingled with other additional nonsense..." From the introductory page.

    Sissel Hegvik - 23.01.2013 - 20:34