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  1. Les yeux

    Les yeux

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.08.2013 - 16:14

  2. Conduit d'Aération

    Le 15 septembre 2011, le corps d'un jeune homme est découvert dans le conduit d'aération menant au siège d'une banque. Le rapport de police fait état d'une asphyxie par compression du thorax. Qui était cet homme ? Comment et pourquoi est-il tombé dans ce piège ? Tentative de braquage, vendetta, accès de folie... les interprétations divergent. D'après les journaux, il était 'intégré', avait de l'argent et des papiers en règle.

    Au bout de quelques jours d'enquête, le dossier a été classé sans suite.

    Supposons que Mohamed Ahardane soit Tunisien, qu'il soit venu en France pour ses études et se fasse des amis rapidements. Supposons qu'il retrouve une soeur, qu'il tombe amoureux.

    Supposons qu'il vive la révolution tunisienne par procuration. Supposons alors que l'Histoire le rattrape. On ne peut être loyal sans trahir.

    Conduit d'Aération est une fiction librement inspirée d'un fait divers et racontée par quatre des ses protagonistes. Leurs récits fragmentaires apportent plusieurs points de vu sans pour autant dénouer ce mystère.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:00

  3. Вałwochwał

    Interactive web paragraph fiction, chose your own adventure story based on the stories of a Polish writer Bruno Schulz.

    Natalia Fedorova - 03.10.2013 - 18:17

  4. Sc4nda1 in New Media

    At heart any scandal is a story, or a thing of many stories; sc4nda1 is even more peculiar, but also begins with a telling.

    What you have before you started as an essay (or intent to rant) about an observation I kept reading in recent criticism, that electronic writing has not been properly dressed for the serious table. Where, the questions ran, are the publishers, the editors, the established and establishing critics? In a time of intense experiment and innovation, who says which textual deviations make real difference, and which are just bizarre? More ominously: where are the naive, casual readers, the seekers of pleasurable text who ought to move design's desire? To spin an old friend's epigraph, just who, exactly, finds this funhouse fun?

    Scott Rettberg - 15.10.2013 - 11:01

  5. Don Juan en la frontera del espíritu

    Es una novela histórica en formato Web. Don Juan Valera, durante su embajada en Washington se enfrenta a los rebeldes cubanos y se enamora de la hija de Bayard, el Secretario de Estado del presidente Cleveland. Esta novela puede ser leída como novela web, en formato e-book o en versión impresa.

    Maya Zalbidea - 03.01.2014 - 18:41

  6. Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma

    "Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma" (Praise to Digital Text. Keys to interpret the New Paradigm) is an essay about the history of printed text and the history of the digitization of texts. The author supports the idea of updating the universities curricula by using knowledge bases. (Description written by Maya Zalbidea Paniagua)

    Maya Zalbidea - 13.02.2014 - 18:35

  7. Gólem

    This is a stub-entry. A description on the work was written for the Electronic Literature Directory.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 27.02.2014 - 15:19

  8. Fest

    This is a stub-entry. For an elaborated description of the work in English, see the record provided in the Electronic Literature Directory. A description in French is provided in the NT2 database.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.02.2014 - 13:23

  9. El primer vuelo de los hermanos Wright

    El proceso de creación hipertextual de esta obra se remonta hasta el año 1995, cuando me planteé el problema del hipertexto como posibilidad de creación literaria. Esta es una hipernovela experimental. Este proyecto se concluyó porque tengo la convicción profunda de que el medio electrónico representa el futuro de la literatura (Escrito por el autor, Juan B. Gutiérrez)

    Maya Zalbidea - 01.03.2014 - 19:44

  10. sc4nda1 in new media

    At the heart any scandal is a story, or a thing of many stories; sc4nda1 is even more peculiar, but also begins with a telling. What you have before you started as an essay (or intent to rant) about an observation I kept reading in recent criticism, that electronic writing has not been properly dressed for the serious table. Where, the questions ran, are the publishers, the editors, the established and establishing critics? In a time of intense experiment and innovation, who says which textual deviations make real difference, and which are just bizarre? More ominously: where are the naive, casual readers, the seekers of pleasurable text who ought to move design's desire? To spin an old friend's epigraph, just who, exactly, finds this funhouse fun? ...And so to the thing itself: probably more exploration than investigation, though who knows what offenses may come to light. You may find it (inevitably) a post-serious entertainment for hand, eye, ear, and brain, other organs optional. If the thingy deserves a generic name, try arcade essay, a cross between philosophical investigation (well okay, rant) and primal video game.

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 19:20
