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  1. IChing.Poetry.Engine


    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2012 - 16:27

  2. Stochastische Texte

    At this stage we shall report on a program which the author recently executed on the electronic mainframe ZUSE Z 22 at the T.H. Stuttgart computer center. The machine was used to generate stochastic texts i.e. sentences where the words are determined randomly. The Z 22 is especially suited to applications in extra-mathematical areas. It is particularly suited to programs with a very logical structure i.e. for programs containing many logical decisions. The machine's ability to be able to print the results immediately, on demand, on a teleprinter is ideal for scientific problems.

    (Source: Theo Lutz, "Stochastische Texte", in: augenblick 4 (1959), H. 1, S. 3-9)

    Johannes Auer - 09.11.2012 - 10:49

  3. looppool

    First produced in 1998, Bas Böttcher’s looppool marks a specific generational moment in the history of online poetry and netart. Simple yet delightful, its palindrome title playfully describes the Sisyphean loop of wandering red billiard balls through a textual maze composed of scattered objects, thoughts, and actions. The reader can either passively watch as these spherical flaneurs wander along the pre-selected path or click to alter their course. Rather than convey the sense of an infinite possibility space, the paths of these poems are highly constrained. Like a Möbius strip, there is no outside to this looppool and regardless of the direction taken, the leisurely poem will wander forever along an unbroken loop.

    (Source: editorial statement, Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Three)

    Jörgen Schäfer - 13.11.2012 - 14:49

  4. Escritas Arcaicas

    3D animations in randomic sequence.

    (source: poiesis)

    Luciana Gattass - 28.11.2012 - 13:10

  5. Auto/onto-poiesis

    The focus of many of my generative poetic artworks is identity. These works address this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the relationship between the viewer and the artwork is explicit and active. This act of interaction functions to raise questions concerning being and, through the process of communication, the linguistic foundations of identity.

    Luciana Gattass - 07.12.2012 - 11:24

  6. Theory and technology for computational narrative: an approach to generative and interactive narrative with bases in algebraic semiotics and cognitive linguistics

    This dissertation presents theoretical and technical support for, and implementations of, narrative computational media works with the following characteristics: generative content, semantics-based interaction, reconfigurable narrative structure, and strong cognitive and socio-cultural grounding. A system that can dynamically compose media elements (such as procedural computer graphics, digital video, or text) to result in new media elements can be said to generate content. The GRIOT system, a result of this dissertation, provides an example of this. It has been used to implement computational poetry that generates new narrative poems with varying particular concepts, but fixed themes, upon each execution. This generativity is enabled by the Alloy system, which implements an algorithm that models key aspects of Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner's theory of conceptual blending. Alloy is the first implementation of Joseph Goguen's algebraic semiotics approach to blending. (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002; Goguen, 1998) This research also contributes to the theory of algebraic semiotics by developing a blending-based notion of style.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.12.2012 - 09:37

  7. ELIZA Revisited

    This presentation reconsiders one of the most famous works of electronic literature: Joseph Weizenbaum'sEliza/Doctor. Created in the mid-1960s, this conversational character's success led Janet Murray to name Weizenbaum "perhaps the premier" literary artist in the computer medium. Such evaluations, however, don't take into account what happens during the playful engagement that the system's freeform textual interaction encourages: a breakdown that reveals the shape of the underlying processes. An alternative to this is extremely constrained interaction, which can help maintain the illusion. But a more exciting direction is to design processes that reward readers as they are revealed.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 14:47

  8. Arrested

    Arrested" is a play on preconceptions regarding social, ethnic, religious, and political affiliations.

    Artist Statement
    Although created ten years ago "Arrested" continues to comment meaningfully on the phenomena of social classification and judgment (seemingly) inherent in human society. What makes the project particularly interesting and poignant is that it encourages reflection on the systems of labeling and judgment that are both internal and external (to the self), and invites readers to observe their own biases (with a possible chuckle).

    "Arrested" employs a flipbook format in which offenders and offenses are randomly culled from database repositories. The flipbook's random display of elements offers up individualized texts to each audience. These in turn provide the opportunity for individual interpretation (internal visualization) and subsequent contemplation.

    "Arrested" is both serious and silly. It is the intermingling of these that potentially provides the impetus for change in regards to awareness of/attitudes towards difference, and fears associated therewith.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:54

  9. Epiglobis

    "Epiglobis" is an interactive video that explores consumption, desire, and issues pertaining to globalization through non-linear imagery and sounds called at random from a databank that generates continuously new juxtapositions.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:43

  10. Between Code and Motion: Generative and Kinetic Poetry in French, Portuguese, and Spanish

    This article looks at works of electronic poetry in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. While video and digital experiments in these languages date back to the 1970s and 1980s, the works considered here are mostly post-World Wide Web, i.e., produced between the mid-1990s and 2009. The article discusses the work of Philippe Bootz, founding member of Lecture, Art, Innovation, Recherche, Écriture (LAIRE) and theorist of programmed literature. It comments on the relationship between digital computer code and literature, addressing the materiality of the display and poetics. Other topics explored include programming poetry, patterns of specific writing processes, and automatic text generation. Through analysis of computer-assisted multimodal and retroactive forms, this essay discusses the role played by code and motion in digital works. It also stresses the function of language as cultural form in electronic literature.

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Scott Rettberg - 23.01.2013 - 23:20
