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  1. Les Mots et les Images

    Les Mots et les Images is a work by J.-M Dutey published in alire 5 in 1991. At first, one encounters a table that is divided in 21 smaller boxes. Here, there is a spatial idea that is introduced which Dutey wished to explore as seen in a quote from the work itself, “(Dutey) voudrait que sa poésie explore les espaces qu’elle occupe et ceux qu’elle suggère.” This quote expresses an exploratory desire because one has to click on the words on the screen to begin the program. If one chooses not to click, then nothing will happen. It is up to the user to explore the work, whether that is limited or full exploration. This seems to give the user a sense of control, yet when one chooses to begin; the control is replaced by a feeling of being lost in the connections between the words in the smaller boxes.

    Sergio Encinas - 23.09.2014 - 03:27

  2. What I Am Wearing

    What I Am Wearing is a web text that collages texts appropriated from contemporary web sites to create through recombination a text that reflects on the media image of women, in particular women in the Middle East. Text and images were appropriated from recent English-language media sources on the internet. When the reader mouses-over passages in text, the hypertext link to the original source texts are revealed.

    Sumeya Hassan - 22.01.2015 - 15:35

  3. Potentialities of Literary Cybertext

    The application of cybertextual technologies to experimental poetics is the context for this brief exposition of my machine modulated literary work. I invoke theoretical issues of cybertext but these are not extensively explored. Instead, I raise issues crucial to the work described here — the role of (literary) text in cyberspace; silent reading in new visible language media; the confusions of computer as medium; the limitations of link-node hypertext; the shifting relationships between writer, reader and programmer; multi- and non-linear poetics; and the engagement of contemporary poetics with cybertext. The major part of the exposition then focuses on the work itself and certain of its future potentialities, with occasional reference to the more general, theoretical concerns.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 30.01.2015 - 16:44

  4. Beyond Codexspace: Potentialities of Literary Cybertext

    First written and published in 1996, the unrevised form of this essay now comes across, in
    certain respects, as ancient history – a function of the notorious acceleration of cultural and
    media development since the explosive growth of the Web after 1994. And yet, it chiefly
    describes a productive engagement with writing in programmable and, latterly, networked
    media which dates back, in my own case, to the late 1970s, an all-too-human, rather than
    silicon-enhanced, historical context.

    (Source: Author's Introduction)

    Alvaro Seica - 04.02.2015 - 17:50

  5. Interactive Digital Narrative

    The book is concerned with narrative in digital media that changes according to user input—Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN). It provides a broad overview of current issues and future directions in this multi-disciplinary field that includes humanities-based and computational perspectives. It assembles the voices of leading researchers and practitioners like Janet Murray, Marie-Laure Ryan, Scott Rettberg and Martin Rieser. In three sections, it covers history, theoretical perspectives and varieties of practice including narrative game design, with a special focus on changes in the power relationship between audience and author enabled by interactivity. After discussing the historical development of diverse forms, the book presents theoretical standpoints including a semiotic perspective, a proposal for a specific theoretical framework and an inquiry into the role of artificial intelligence. Finally, it analyses varieties of current practice from digital poetry to location-based applications, artistic experiments and expanded remakes of older narrative game titles.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.04.2015 - 12:19

  6. Linking Strategies

    Linking Strategies

    Daniela Ørvik - 29.04.2015 - 16:43

  7. Digital: A Love Story

    A computer mystery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988. I can guarantee at least ONE of the following is a real feature: discover a vast conspiracy lurking on the internet, save the world by exploiting a buffer overflow, get away with telephone fraud, or hack the Gibson! Which one? You'll just have to dial in and see. Welcome to the 20th Century.

    (Source: Authors's statement, ELC3)


    Christine Love’s Digital: A Love Story is a visual novel set “five-minutes into the future of 1988” and invites the player back into the early days of the Internet through the interface of an Amiga-esque computer. The graphical interface of white text on a blue background accompanies the metaphor of the local BBS (bulletin board system) as a happening space for conspiracy and flirting. All the core interaction takes place through dialing into this system, which has multiple characters and threads that can be explored through sending out replies to advance the story. The work is strongly grounded in early hacker culture and William Gibsen-inspired models of artificial intelligence.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.09.2016 - 15:36

  8. First Draft of the Revolution

    Emily Short’s First Draft of the Revolution, designed and coded by Liza Daly, is an experiment with advancing the form of interactive fiction while pushing forward its cross platform accessibility (the work is built in HTML5 and has been ported to EPUB3, an open ebook format). The work invites the reader to engage in the act of writing, creating a metafiction that invites us to contemplate the very act of letter-writing and correspondence, and what the process of editing reveals and conceals. The work is essentially an interactive epistolary novel, drawing on an era when letter-writing was an act of contemplation rather than haste. We learn about the two characters (Juliette and Henry) as we get inside their heads and dictate the seemingly mundane details of their correspondence. (Source: ELC 3)

    Sondre Skollevoll - 08.09.2016 - 03:43

  9. The Hunt For The Gay Planet

    anna anthropy’s The Hunt for the Gay Planet is a text-based Twine game that uses the medium of Twine to comment more broadly and bitingly on the status of queer representation in videogames. The work takes its premise from a mainstream online roleplaying game, Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic, which in 2013 announced they were expanding their romance options in-game to include homosexual options, but only on a single planet in the galaxy. anthropy satirizes this decision with this beautifully retro piece, in which the player is invited to gradually explore the galaxy (looking under rocks and in caves) in search of a lesbian romance. The game serves as a powerful example of Twine’s potential as a platform for commenting on and engaging with AAA gaming, as Twine builds on the traditions of hypertext to allow for complex decision management and choice-driven experience design. (Source: ELC 3's Editorial Statement)

    Erik Aasen - 08.09.2016 - 13:46

  10. Tatuaje

    Tatuaje is a born-digital short story, created in a lab carried out at Centro de Cultura Digital in Mexico City. The development, design, writing, and programming of this transmedial short story is thanks to a great team of writers, illustrators, designers, and engineers. Tatuaje is a work designed specifically for digital platforms, interweaving myths emerged and disseminated on the Web. The design refers to 90s web design, a graphic aesthetic only present on the Internet. The work itself turns the media into its own language.

    Aspasia Manara - 08.09.2016 - 15:54
