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  1. Book of Shadows

    Interactive audio-visual artwork existing as a CD-ROM (published Ellipsis, London) and a website (1994). Book of Shadows has two components, a traditional book and a cd-rom. The book includes print versions of two works, 'Book of Shadows' and 'The Living Room', and essays covering Simon Biggs' videos (by Steven Bode), installations (Rudolf Frieling), and interactive works (Sean Cubitt). Rich in content and highly interactive, the CD-ROM is a showcase of Biggs' highly regarded interactive art, most of which was originated as large-scale computer-controlled installations. Where the original works reacted to the presence and actions of an audience within a gallery or public space, the user of the CD-ROM interacts through movement of the mouse. The works explore Biggs' preoccupations with metaphysics and identity though a series of compelling and arresting images and animations that are both aesthetically and technically fascinating.

    (Source: Publisher's description)

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:29

  2. Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall of China is conceived for simultaneous realisation across media, including a Website (1995-96), a CD-ROM with portfolio of prints (1997-99) and an interactive installation (1999). The foundation of The Great Wall of China is a real-time interactive language machine. This uses the metaphor of the actual Great Wall of China as a navigational device. The system is capable of creating an endless stream of ever evolving and changing texts.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:32

  3. Postcard

    web based generative text artwork

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:34

  4. Mozaic

    web based interactive generative language artwork

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:35

  5. Babel

    Babel is a site specific work for a non-site. The context of the work is non-physical. The site is an abstract thing...information space and the taxonomy of knowledge that all libraries represent...which the Internet, where the project is realised, is.

    The Dewey Decimal numbering system, used in the cataloguing of library contents, is the key metaphor, visualised in a three dimensional multi-user space that is itself a metaphor for the infinite nature of information.

    In Babel the Dewey Decimal system is used as a mapping and navigation technique. The structure of the library is re-mapped into the hyper-spatial that constitutes the Web. The Dewey numbering system is employed as a means to navigate the internet itself, the taxonomy inherent in the numerical codes mapping onto web-sites that conform with the defined subjects.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:36

  6. Precession of the Equinoxes

    This work uses similar software to that used in Babel, another 3D multi-user internet piece by the artist. Viewers logged in to the work are confronted with a 3D visualisation of a space formed as a receding array of words. As the viewer moves the mouse around the screen they are able to navigate this 3D environment. If the viewer types a word on their keyboard then when they press the RETURN key that word will appear in their own 3D array (the white words). Continuing to do this will cause the words to cascade through the array. These words are also broadcast to all the other viewers logged on (along with the viewers mouse coordinates, allowing each viewers 3D location to be calculated) such that everybody can read what the viewer has written. All the viewers are thus able to see what all the other viewers, who are simultaneously logged onto the site, are seeing. The multiple 3D views of the word-space are montaged together into a single shared image, where the actions of any one viewer effects what all the other viewers see.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:37

  7. Echelon

    This work was made in response to a call by Metamute (London) for Jam Echelon Day 2001. It simply employs all the words stored in the Echelon system in a program that automatically generates texts using whatever dictionary it has available.

    Whenever a user moves their mouse over a text it will automatically re-write itself as a new text. It will then e-mail that text to a random e-mail address (this last e-mailing component of the work is currently disabled, but will be enabled by the artist at the appropriate time - the effect will be to flood the net with echelon sensitive messages at the rate of hundreds per minute, depending on user interaction).

    Echelon is the worldwide signals intelligence network run by the US National Security Agency and the UK Government Communications Headquarters in collaboration with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Echelon uses large ground-based radio antennae in the United States, Italy, the UK, Turkey, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and several other countries to intercept satellite transmissions and some surface traffic, as well as employing satellites to tap transmissions between cities.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:39

  8. This is Not a Hypertext

    Web based interactive generative language artwork

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:40

  9. Pause

    French Hyperfiction published on CD-ROM in 2003.

    This work is a hypertextual narrative with an important graphic dimension.

    Serge Bouchardon - 21.09.2010 - 11:41

  10. non-LOSS'y Translator

    In this piece the user can type whatever they wish into the application. The application takes this information and displays it in a more or less conventional manner. However, it does this in a number of different languages, including English, Greek symbols, the decimal ASCII codes that map keyboard keys to typography, the binary codes that equate to these, Morse Code and Braille. In all cases, except that of the Braille, the material is all remembered and displayed back to the user. All material written is also saved to the user's hard-drive, as it is typed in, so that they may keep a permanent record of that which has been written. The saved file is called "LossText" and you should be able to find it in the prefs or plug-ins folder of the browser you are using to run the application. You could find it using the FIND command of your computer.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:42
