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  1. The Deletionist

    The Deletionist is a concise system for automatically producing an erasure poem from any Web page. It systematically removes text to uncover poems, discovering a network of poems called “the Worl” within the World Wide Web.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 27.06.2013 - 11:39

  2. I : * ttter

    The work is based on the Kinect 3D sensor. In the artist's words: "This interactive installation utilizes the remake principle in two ways: a textual level -- interacting with leading works of international Net.Art and a sonic level -- in relation to the fundamentals of the theremin." They explain that "The performance refers to the constant remixing of the textual as well as media material. It also questions the use and perception of the text that is excluded from its original media environment. It wants to direct the attention to the history of media art in Central Europe and bring to the public the possibility to remix the works in real time.

    Source: author's abstract

    Patricia Tomaszek - 27.06.2013 - 11:54

  3. Tate


    Simon Biggs - 29.07.2013 - 15:55

  4. Crosstalk


    Simon Biggs - 29.07.2013 - 15:56

  5. Two Tales; Sunrise, Two Tales; Sunset

    Two Tales; Sunrise, Two Tales; Sunset

    Natalia Fedorova - 13.08.2013 - 16:06

  6. Five Days

    This film was created in a very short amount of time during an experimental course in Bergen, Norway.

    The assignment consisted of everyone receiving a fictional character who had recently experienced a "strange event" and was sent to Bergen to try and figure out what the root cause was. Each student was put into a group of about four, and it was up to the team to figure out a way to tell a narrative, while still weaving together some very random stories, events, and details. Our group decided on showing our narrative via a film. There are perhaps some gaps in the narrative logic, but perhaps a little character info can help fill those.

    Jackson Sullivan: woke up on day on an island in his hometown with strange ruins tattooed onto his arm. He heads to Bergen to decipher them.

    David Butler: an older gentlemen possessing the diary of his explorer grandfather. Inside is information regarding Norse ruins...

    Aurora Berg: a British spy is doing her best to warn the world of potential harm.

    Liam Omar: a scuba diver who notices the strange rise in water levels in the Bergen area. What can it mean?

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 01:23

  7. The Operature

    The Operature is an interactive installation of narrative-poetic movements engaging themes of forensics, anatomy and 21stcentury embodiment. The work incorporates a range of historical and contemporary contexts of observation and anatomical analysis including early modern surgical theaters, Francis Glessner Lee’s Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, and The Stud File, a methodical archive of personal evidence documenting the sexual exploits of Samuel Steward, a 20th century tattoo artist, gay pornographer, and friend of Gertrude Stein. In this iteration, 12 disks with biological symbols can be scanned by a webcam to access visual-textual movements as well as qr codes and augmented reality markers that can be examined with a smartphone. The Operature is a multi-modal project of the collective Anatomical Theatres of Mixed Reality (ATOM-r) with several large-scale manifestations including a 2-hour live performance and a 25-screen installation. This scaled-down version will include artifacts drawn from the larger body of work. (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.09.2013 - 02:48

  8. Testament de vie

    Testament de vie

    Mark Marino - 23.09.2013 - 15:59

  9. Reading Club

    Reading Club is a project started by Emmanuel Guez and Annie Abrahams in 2013. Eleven sessions were organized with more than 40 different “readers” in English and/or French based on text extracts from Raymond Queneau, from Mez and the ARPAnet dialogues to Marshall McLuhan, Michel Bauwens and McKenzie Wark. Guez and Abrahams experimented with different reading and writing constraints (color, duration, text-length, number of “readers”, etc.) and different performance conditions (online vs. live performance, with and without sound, etc.). In a session of the Reading Club, readers are invited to read a given text together. These readers simultaneously write their own words into this text given a previously fixed maximum number of characters. The Reading Club can be seen as an interpretive arena in which each reader plays and subverts the writing of others through this intertextual game.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:21

  10. Le dossier est vide

    Au cours de la performance Le dossier est vide, Juliette Mézenc lira un texte qui est un agencement/bégaiement créé à partir d’entretiens menés par Bourdieu ou Vollmann sur les questions de migration. Dans le même temps, Stéphane Gantelet fabrique des images en direct sur grand écran. La prolifération des fichiers créés lors des manipulations sur ordinateur, squelette numérique de la performance, entre dans un dialogue tantôt étroit tantôt lâche avec le texte lu pour conduire à la création d’un court film.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:55
