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  1. Pieces

    Pieces is a puzzle story. To read the work, you assemble the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each piece yielding a portion of narrative. Under your hands, several lives take shape in earnest if sometimes wobbly and unprepossessing assemblages. The manner in which you put the pieces together affects the course of the characters’ lives, different configurations resulting in different outcomes.

    (Source: Author's description at Wordcircuits)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 15:41

  2. Pyxis Byzantium

    Pyxis Byzantium is a hypermedia narrative investigation into the fall of Byzantium in 1453.  Surrounded by enemy forces for decades, the final invasion of the city was widely anticipated by some of the populace, denied by others, and a focus of wonder and prayer.  This piece imagines several different residents of the city, their fears and hopes, and their beliefs about the sources of destiny.  The navigation includes maps of the city, sacred holidays, and the chronology of the destruction.  Because of its extensive use of Flash, it is not currently playable in original form.

    Artist's Statement:

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 16:24

  3. Trilogy

    My work with visual narrative has included installation form, book works, diptychs and billboard presentations. Using the web has allowed me to continue to expand my preoccupations with constructing rules for reading, methods of pacing and continue to explore image/text relationships. I am interested in the space between language and image.

    Trilogy is comprised of 3 image/text narratives whose themes are concerned with survival. Locale and characters are suggested by cropped fragments from mass media imagery as well as map fragments. While the images may allude to time period by photographic style or content, their function (protagonist, action, location) is directed by the text.

    Trilogy is a collaboration with Los Angeles fiction writers Rod Moore and Katherine Haake, both of whom have allowed me to reconfigure their texts.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 21:10

  4. Common Ground: One Night in a Three-story House

    Common Ground: One Night in a Three-story House is the story of a poor suburban family told interactively through text.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    A three-chapter game (with an epilogue) in which you're a different character in each chapter. The twist is that each chapter covers roughly the same space of time, and you interact with the other two characters, to varying degrees, when you're in each pair of shoes. The gameplay is a bit restrictive--the game doesn't allow for a lot of variation--but the characters themselves are well developed and the interactions feel reasonably realistic. The game even does a passable job of recording the actions you take when you're one character and playing them back when you're a different character, observing the antics of the first. Very short--20-30 minutes to play through at most--but worth playing; it largely eschews puzzles in favor of character interaction in a way that little IF attempts.

    (Source: Review by Duncan Stevens, BAF's guide to the IF Archive)


    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 13:26

  5. Pain & Vice Versa / Dolor y Viceversa

    A collection of hypertext short stories (in English and Spanish) enriched with visual material. The stories can be read in the traditional way, but if one starts exploring the links, new points of view start to appear, as well as a hidden short story that is interwoven with the others.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 20:20

  6. In Search of Oldton

    How does a town just disappear?

    What does it feel like to be cut off from your roots in a digital age where people have so many tools for recording and documenting their lives?

    How do those of us who grew up in a pre-digital age recover and maintain a sense of belonging that is becoming increasingly so hard to hold on to?

    'In Search of Oldton' is an attempt to use other people's digital documentary in order to recapture and re-invent my own personal history.

    Tim Wright will be touring the UK during 2004 in search of Oldton – his lost place of birth - and uncovering along the way the possible causes of its demise and the subsequent loss of his past.

    Working with groups and individuals Wright wants to build up a substantial online archive showing people taking their leave of a place or a person - a range of personal stories about ‘saying goodbye’ and ‘moving on’.

    Through texts, pictures, videos and oral testimony, he will build up a digital archive of fictional remembrances, tributes to numerous places and situations left behind.

    And ultimately (he hopes!) his own digital story of memory and loss will emerge.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 23:11

  7. Big Swing

    Big Swing is a semi-non-linear, online narrative that mixes text, photography, sound design, video and interactivity. The story is designed to be explored rather than read. Delivered in semi-non-linear modules, the piece attempts to introduce and resolve tension in the manner of a traditional narrative, while still providing the user some degree of choice and control.

    Exploring the story: Click on the small squares and words to reveal story fragments. Yellow words connect to the next chapter.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:18

  8. The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project

    The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project experiments with microfiction, or flash fiction, a genre of literature that generally entails narratives of only 300-1000 words. Inspired by Richard Brautigan’s pithy “The Scarlatti Tilt”, a story of only 34 words published in 1971, my work involves 24 stories of 140 characters or less about life in an American city in the 21st C. delivered––or “tweeted”––on Twitter over a 24 hr. period.

    The launch date was Friday, August 21, beginning 12 a.m. PST. Each hour until 11 p.m., I posted a story, and followers of my twitter site were encouraged to tweet their own. After followers tweeted their stories, I cut and pasted them to the Project Blog. An archive of all of the stories can be found there.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:39

  9. Blackout

    Blackout" computerspil og roman. Deadline (1997)

    "Blackout" var ikke alene mit første spilmanuskript. Det var også det første spil Deadline udgav og dermed noget af det, der fik dansk multimedia til at rulle i gang. En produktion med masser af folk der for første gang prøvede kræfter med mediet, men var klar til at give hvad som helst for at få det til at lykkes. Jeg tror der forliste tre ægteskaber under den produktion, men der kom et fantastisk produkt ud af det og møder man dem der arbejdede på det er det næsten som at høre en flok gamle soldaterkammerater. Det var en temmelig vigtig begivenhed for de fleste på produktionen.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 13:54

  10. Analogue: A Hate Story

    Analogue: A Hate Story is a visual novel in the style of many Japanese titles in the same genre . It was first published on the author's website and then on the gaming service Steam. The game tells an interactive story of transhumanism, traditional marriage, loneliness, and cosplay. The journey through the final section of the history of a generation spaceship before its failure. The two major characters you interact with in the story are the ships two remaining AI, an archivist AI named *Hyun-ae and a security AI named *Mute, the two ask the player vastly different questions and give entirely different views on the fall of the generation ship. The player is tasked with finding the truth of the tale by listening to both AI as well as building a sort of relationship with them and can end the story at any time by downloading what data they have and leaving the ship to its final fate, however this presents us with the worst of the possible endings. The choices the player makes throughout the story also affect the sequel of the work Hate Plus continuing the interactive work to show another section of the generationships story and gives more insight into the AI themselves.

    Kris Kepner - 02.04.2015 - 16:45
