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  1. Tafel/Blackboard

    1993/94 und 1999

    Vor einer alten Wandtafel - auf der noch Spuren weggewischter Kreide erkennbar sind - ist ein Monitor auf Schienen befestigt. Ein Betrachter kann diesen Monitor horizontal und vertikal verschieben. Dabei fährt der Monitor über Wörter und Sätze, die auf der realen Tafel nicht zu sehen sind. Fährt der Monitor über eine Position, an der vorher ein Wort stand, befindet sich hier jetzt ein anderes Wort. Die Wörter und Sätze sind Zitate und Zitatfragmente, die aus dem Themenkomplex Erinnerung/Text/Abbild stammen. Sie wurden von unterschiedlichen Personen mit Kreide auf die Tafel geschrieben, fotografiert, digitalisiert und dann wieder von der Tafel gewischt. Der Computer ordnet zufällig die Zitate verschiedenen Positionen auf der Tafel zu.

    (Source: Project site)


    Scott Rettberg - 24.05.2011 - 21:53

  2. database

    database is an electronic reading device that deals with the inversed functionality of three electronic devices: a printer, a video camera and a database. Consequently, it raises issues about the erasure of text, the act of reading in real time (i.e., listening to a printed text), and physical databases. Through the opposition between presence x absence, recording x erasing, memory x forgetfulness, present x continuous time and reading x listening, we challenge the idea of the database as a non-linear and digital structure, and the printer as an output device as well as an information recorder. Critical for the connection of all these concepts is the idea of present time as a time that is always passing by.

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery description)

    Scott Rettberg - 30.05.2011 - 13:13

  3. of day, of night

    of day, of night is an experimental interactive narrative / hypertext/ electronic literature work produced in Macromedia Director 6.0 by Australian artist Megan Heyward that fuses moving image, literary, game and interactive aesthetics into interactive digital form. It received initial production funding of $76K AUD from the Australian Film Commission (now Screen Australia) in 1999 and was exhibited internationally from 2001 to 2013 and published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. in 2004. To date, it is the only interactive narrative/ hypertext developed by a writer from outside North America.

    The plot of the story involves a woman who has lost the ability to dream. She sets a series of creative tasks in order to start dreaming again; such as finding and collecting objects from various locations in the DAY (a street, market, river and café), imagining their fictional traces and histories, and rearranging the objects. As the user traverses the work, objects, memories and histories collide and create new meanings in the regained dream environment of NIGHT.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.07.2011 - 15:32

  4. Cinema Volta: Weird Science and Childhood Memory

    "James Petrillo’s classic tale Cinema Volta proves to be something strange at first glance. Combining both text and graphics from the mind of Petrillo, this electronic work simply eludes any categoric pigeonholing. Combining a dream like atmosphere and commentaries on such seminal scientific and literary players as Edison, Tesla, Dante and Mary Shelly, Cinema Volta establishes itself as a representation of the modern memoir in the information age."

    (Source: catalog text from exhibition at ELO conference 2008, "Two Decades of Electronic Literature: From Hypercard to YouTube")


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.07.2011 - 21:48

  5. Tramway

    A cause des changements des systèmes d'exploitation et des logiciel et l’évolution constante de la vitesse des ordinateurs, le dispositif numérique peut parfois affecter le projet artistique de l’auteur. Dans Tramway, cette instabilité du dispositif est metaphorisée sur la surface de l’écran, et elle est thématisée à travers la mise en relation entre une figure de manipulation avec les contextes média manipulables .

    Dans ce travail, j'ai essayé de composer avec l’épaisseur temporelle étrange de certains événements. Dix ans plus tard, un événement dans ma vie a pris cette épaisseur paradoxale: Ma mère et moi avons dû faire un geste qui semble toujours si solennel et naturel dans les films : fermer les yeux de mon père qui venait de mourir. Ma mère l’a finalement fait, mais d'une manière que j’ai réussi à décrire une seule fois - aussi parce qu’elle a partiellement échoué. Cette scène était resté une plaie ouverte dans ma vie - comme un œil enflammé je n’arrive ni à fermer, ni à garder ouvert.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 08.09.2011 - 16:46

  6. Etang

    Etang est le résultat d'une expérience d'écriture avec une ami. Tout comme mon père, le sien est mort d'une maladie grave. Pendant plusieurs semaines, nous nous sommes rencontrées pour parler de notre expérience. A l’aide de courts textes organisés autour de plusieurs thèmes, nous avons essayé d'imaginer l'expérience de l’autre. Quelques années après cette expérience d'écriture, j'ai eu l'occasion de prendre des photos dans une maison incendiée. Pour des raisons d'assurance, les anciens habitants avaient dû quitter tous leurs biens dans les pièces brûlées. J'ai décidé de repeupler ces pièces avec la voix du père de mon ami, ainsi qu'avec la voix de sa fille.

    Alexandra Saemmer - 08.09.2011 - 17:22

  7. Rememori

    Rememori is a degenerative memory game created in Flash. It’s poetics play out some of the affects and effects of dementia on an intimate circle of characters. Juggling with point-of-view and the process of identification, the Rememori player becomes entangled in a struggle for accurate recall, orientation, attention and the search for meaning. In such situations, where does empathy lie and how does the player cope? Inevitably, it’s a contrary game - there can be no winners. 

    According to the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, 42% of the UK population (25 million people) know a family member or close friend with dementia, and worldwide, there is a new case of dementia every seven seconds.* In the light of these facts Rememori is a challenging game in more ways than one.

    *Alzheimer's Disease International (2009), World Alzheimer's Report


    Christine Wilks - 30.09.2011 - 17:39

  8. ii — in the white darkness: about [the fragility of] memory

    Strasser and Coverley's visual poem is a multimedia meditation on the nature of memory. By choosing pulsing dots as if from behind a veil, the reader activates collages of photographs and ambient sounds, representing the process of trying to recover lost memories, which surface and fade in and out of intelligibility.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 10:36

  9. Sous Terre, The Subnetwork

    Sous terre is an order of the RATP for the celebration of the centenary of the Parisian subway in the year 2000. Under ground, the subway, his memory, his internal organization, his/her/its history. His tunnels, of travelers that pass and iron. All one life that we forget under streets. The subway is useful, it serves to go from a point to another, to move without being confronted to the urban chaos. It is another city, but of passages, of flux, of cuts,: a network. Between time, in the displacement, it is necessary to kill the time, not to feel the surrounding intensity, all these people that us meet without recognizing them, the out-flow of the maintaining chanted by the scrolling of stations. To the difference of the other means of transportation the subway doesn't ask for no attention of travelers as for the taken road. One only waits. The subway requires to face the other travelers then, to look at them while waiting to arrive to destination. Travelers are held seated or standing. Some watch on the right, on the left, of others no. A woman reads a book, a man a newspaper, of others merely the emptiness.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 10:46

  10. Suits: A Narrative of About Twenty-Seven Hours, More or Less

    Author's description from The New River: 

    This piece tells the story of a character's response to her father's death. In creating this piece, I worked in Flash ActionScript 3.0 to code a random trigger function, so that when you click on the suit icon a random sound file plays and an associated text appears on the screen.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 14:01
