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  1. 20020: The Future of College Football

    Sequel to 17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future. A story about satelittes in space learning about (american) football.

    Daniel Johannes Flaten Rosnes - 14.02.2024 - 14:52

  2. Room #3, from The Offline Website Project

    Nothing captures the experience of 2020's pandemic like making a video conference call. Be it for work or personal reasons, most of us opened our domestic life to the online world via these platforms; Zoom probably rising to the top of the list. Personal space became public in our desire or requirement to connect, and these platforms became a new room in most of our homes. This piece, Room #3, engages these ideas by presenting a peculiar Zoom call by me and a set of copies of myself to question these kinds of connections: always alone in the physical space, but always connected in unexpected ways to a multitude of known interlocutors and unknown human and non-human agents.

    Alex Saum - 18.09.2020 - 21:15

  3. Coronary (Coronário)

    The coronavirus has created a new lexicon, which shaped, modulated and mediated a global confinement experience. Due to the negationism of the pandemic by President Bolsonaro, in Brazil it gains particular features, while maintaining a dialogue with the global scope.

    Words, terms, and places, like alcohol gel, mask, chloroquine, and Wuhan, have entered the everyday vocabulary. Neologisms in Portuguese, such as testing positive, and communavirus, and expressions such as lockdown, hand washing, and social isolation11 have taken on new meanings. Home Office, Zoom, Emergency Aid, YouTube Lives, and PPEs are other keywords of the moment.

    Together, they indicate that the pandemic (another word which became recurrent) has created a whole spectrum of new languages and representations. Will they be quickly forgotten, deleted, and erased from memory, or will they remain?

    Scott Rettberg - 08.12.2020 - 15:26

  4. Hiperpopeia: hiperpoema contínuo

    Hiperpopeia é uma obra literária que consiste em um esforço de transformar em versos (com intenção épica, mas em formato livre) postagens encontradas nas redes sociais. Com quase 10.000 versos, escritos no período de um ano, as atualizações acumulativas e diárias tencionam chegar ao mesmo número de versos da Ilíada (15.693). Com restrições internas ao método composicional: nomes como o sujeito da frase; os verbos no passado perfeito (a conjugação narrativa e da ação-descritiva); os objetos vagos, ou superdescritos mas intencionalmente ambíguos; e a intenção de ignorar a mediação de celulares ou câmeras e até mesmo as redes sociais como o meio - fazendo com que a ação seja descrita como uma ação necessariamente concreta. Desta forma, um esforço para produzir uma escrita maquinal, a ser reproduzida de alguma forma em uma escrita algorítmica.

    Breno Camargo Corrêa - 06.01.2021 - 19:01

  5. Polska przydrożna / Roadside Poland

    “Polska przydrożna” ("Roadside Poland") is an anti-racer designed for the 8-bit Atari, immersed in demoscene aesthetics and the general climate of retro games. The program references the book "Polska przydrożna" by Piotr Marecki (Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2020), which describes a road trip along Polish side roads. Instead of straightforward travelling, the protagonist of the book wriggles around small towns (these locations are listed in the form of a text scroll). The demo itself is devoid of elements characteristic of racers (car, speed, movement, attractive landscapes), thus the work testifies to the pandemic time in which it was made (sports matches without spectators, universities without students, peopleless tourist destinations). The chiptune composed by Caruso refers to Polish disco-polo folk music (designed on Raster Music Tracker). The demo is programmed using MADS assembler. Demo made by Gorgh (code), Maro (idea), Caruso (msx), Kaz (gfx), 2020.

    Piotr Marecki - 11.01.2021 - 20:06

  6. Tópicos cartesianos atípicos

    Filosofia textual generativa a partir de quatro proposições fundamentais de René Descartes

    Rui Torres - 21.02.2021 - 16:50

  7. 1 corvo nunca mais

    Motor textual, com som, a partir da tradução de Fernando Pessoa de "O Corvo", da autoria de Edgar A. Poe. Retextualização para HTML+CSS+XML+JS de poemas originalmente criados em Flash/ActionScript (2009).

    Rui Torres - 21.02.2021 - 17:57

  8. Do Peso e da Leveza

    Textual engine, with sound, from texts and lexicon by Fernando Pessoa and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen. Retextualization to HTML + CSS + XML + JS of poems originally created in Flash / ActionScript (2009)

    Rui Torres - 21.02.2021 - 18:00

  9. Cantiga

    Textual engine with dialogue between medieval songs (the poetry of troubadourism) and the reinterpretation of them by Salette Tavares. Retextualization to HTML + CSS + XML + JS of poems originally created in Flash / ActionScript (2012)

    Rui Torres - 21.02.2021 - 18:35

  10. Robopoem@s

    Robopoem@s consist of five insect-like robots whose legs and bodies are engraved with the seven parts of a poem@ (“poema” in Spanish) written from the robot’s point of view in bilingual format (my original Spanish with English translations by Kristin Dykstra). Voice activation, micro-mp3 players, and response to sensors (reactive to obstacles) allow these quadrupeds to interact with humans and with each other, emphasizing the existential issues addressed in the poem. The final segment of the poem, number VII, re-phrases the biblical pronouncement on the creation of humans, as perceived by the robot: “According to your likeness / my Image.” With this statement, the notion of creation is reformulated and bent by the power of electronics, ultimately questioning its binary foundations.

    Tina Escaja - 12.03.2021 - 03:36
