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  1. Feral C

    This work is a series of live Twitter performances of characters, each of which has an account and interacts in this social network to form what Breeze describes as a “socumentary.” “A “socumentary” is an entertainment form that merges Choose Your Own Adventure /Alternate Reality Drama/Social Game and Social Networking conventions. The result is a type of synthetic mockumentary that exists entirely within social media formats.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 19:17

  2. Sootfall

    This literary work created on Twitter could be labelled in different ways— twitfic (or twiction), alternate reality game, netprov, e-lit, e-poetry, or performance— and each label would contribute to an understanding of what this is without wholly capturing what it is. Launched on February 4, 2013, this month-long creative event is now complete. From what I can reconstruct, Gaines, Gass, and the rest of the development team conceptualized the setting, plotted out a timeline, created Twitter accounts for its main characters and launched “Sootfall.” As people found out about the event through social networks, they were able to follow its characters or read the stories as they unfolded around the #sootfall hashtag, a means to identify tweets used in many, but not all entries, because one of the challenges was to make the characters seem real— and why would someone randomly tag their Twitter entries without a plausible reason? Eventually the tag became a tacitly agreed upon way for the characters to refer to the event which was to change their lives so substantially.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 09.05.2013 - 21:36

  3. Datamatics

    "Datamatics is an art project that explores the potential to perceive the invisible multi-substance of data that permeates our world. It is a series of experiments in various forms - audiovisual concerts, installations, publications and CD releases - that seek to materialise pure data." As part of several datamatics exhibition and audiovisual performances, is the "test pattern" system. "test pattern is a system that converts any type of data (text, sounds, photos and movies) into barcode patterns and binary patterns of 0s and 1s. Through its application, the project aims to examine the relationship between critical points of device performance and the threshold of human perception." One exhibition setup of datamatics is data.tron. "data.tron [8K enhanced version]" is part of the datamatics project. The new work is an enhanced version of the audiovisual installation data.tron, where each single pixel of visual image is strictly calculated by mathematical principle, composed from a combination of pure mathematics and the vast sea of data present in the world.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 17.06.2013 - 12:58

  4. Flog

    [ flux + blog = flog = lecture performative musicale emballée ] Ce dispositif est dédié au lecteur abandonné tout cru au pouvoir décérébrant des news rss ou télévisées défilant sur fond de boucles musicales hypnotiques world. Combattre l'aliénation du lecteur hypermoderne soumis à la vitesse des flux, la rendre visible, la mettre en scène, la rejouer, la déjouer... Voici comment voudrait résister ce "flog", terme qui m'a semblé le mieux à même de dire cet entre deux, ce mi-chemin entre flux et blog, entre vitesse et subjectivité, libération et contrôle, pour ce texte écrit sur une année, la plupart du temps à bord des trains à grande vitesse, dans le bercement de leur rythmique suspendue. Luc Dall'Armellina - 2008

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 20:29

  5. The Last Song of Violeta Parra

    A hyperdrama produced as a collaboration between Deemer and Espejo, set in a Chilean art gallery. A multilinear comedy of manners.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.07.2013 - 12:39

  6. Huckleberry Finnegans Wake

    Huckleberry Finnegans Wake is a combinatoric performance work bringing together Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. With both texts based around river culture, contextual imbrications can be formed by folding one text into the other and through this combinatorial engines can be developed for the texts as well as implied visual and auditory material. Though both source texts are replete with exclusive language (regional dialects, neologisms, etc.) when brought together what emerges is a fantastical environment lacking specificity, but for the rivers (the Liffey and the Mississippi) that run through both. Imagine steamboats on River Liffey, the Pike County dialect being spoken in County Dublin, or Shem and Huck on the banks of the Mississippi.

    Talan Memmott - 06.09.2013 - 10:09

  7. Computer Poetry

    Silvestre Pestana programmed in BASIC, first for a Sinclair ZX-81 and ZX-82, and then, already with chromatic lighting, for a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, three poems respectively dedicated to Henri Chopin, E. M. de Melo e Castro and Julian Beck, which resulted in the Computer Poetry (1981-83) series. Pestana, a visual artist, writer and performer – who had returned from the exile in Sweden after Portugal’s Carnation Revolution of April 25, 1974 – brought diverse influences put forward with photography, video, performance, and computer media. From his creative production, it should be emphasized the iconic conceptual piece Povo Novo [New People] (1975), which was remediated by the author himself in the referred series of kinetic visual poems, or “infopoems” (Melo e Castro 1988: 57).

    Alvaro Seica - 11.09.2013 - 10:04

  8. The Operature

    The Operature is an interactive installation of narrative-poetic movements engaging themes of forensics, anatomy and 21stcentury embodiment. The work incorporates a range of historical and contemporary contexts of observation and anatomical analysis including early modern surgical theaters, Francis Glessner Lee’s Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, and The Stud File, a methodical archive of personal evidence documenting the sexual exploits of Samuel Steward, a 20th century tattoo artist, gay pornographer, and friend of Gertrude Stein. In this iteration, 12 disks with biological symbols can be scanned by a webcam to access visual-textual movements as well as qr codes and augmented reality markers that can be examined with a smartphone. The Operature is a multi-modal project of the collective Anatomical Theatres of Mixed Reality (ATOM-r) with several large-scale manifestations including a 2-hour live performance and a 25-screen installation. This scaled-down version will include artifacts drawn from the larger body of work. (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.09.2013 - 02:48

  9. Conduit d'Aération

    Le 15 septembre 2011, le corps d'un jeune homme est découvert dans le conduit d'aération menant au siège d'une banque. Le rapport de police fait état d'une asphyxie par compression du thorax. Qui était cet homme ? Comment et pourquoi est-il tombé dans ce piège ? Tentative de braquage, vendetta, accès de folie... les interprétations divergent. D'après les journaux, il était 'intégré', avait de l'argent et des papiers en règle.

    Au bout de quelques jours d'enquête, le dossier a été classé sans suite.

    Supposons que Mohamed Ahardane soit Tunisien, qu'il soit venu en France pour ses études et se fasse des amis rapidements. Supposons qu'il retrouve une soeur, qu'il tombe amoureux.

    Supposons qu'il vive la révolution tunisienne par procuration. Supposons alors que l'Histoire le rattrape. On ne peut être loyal sans trahir.

    Conduit d'Aération est une fiction librement inspirée d'un fait divers et racontée par quatre des ses protagonistes. Leurs récits fragmentaires apportent plusieurs points de vu sans pour autant dénouer ce mystère.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:00

  10. Reading Club

    Reading Club is a project started by Emmanuel Guez and Annie Abrahams in 2013. Eleven sessions were organized with more than 40 different “readers” in English and/or French based on text extracts from Raymond Queneau, from Mez and the ARPAnet dialogues to Marshall McLuhan, Michel Bauwens and McKenzie Wark. Guez and Abrahams experimented with different reading and writing constraints (color, duration, text-length, number of “readers”, etc.) and different performance conditions (online vs. live performance, with and without sound, etc.). In a session of the Reading Club, readers are invited to read a given text together. These readers simultaneously write their own words into this text given a previously fixed maximum number of characters. The Reading Club can be seen as an interpretive arena in which each reader plays and subverts the writing of others through this intertextual game.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:21
