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  1. The Madeleine Effect

    "The Madeleine Effect" is a digital story project, an artistic look at ways to incorporate a creative text based story in the linear format and language styling of a novel into the game world. 

    I believe that when a primarily text-based fiction story is created in a visual narrative medium, it can be utilized to prompt the user to act as a character. The user therefore may be guided to perform through a narrative. I am interested in looking at interactive fiction from the perspective of a writer aiming to invite meaningful interaction leading towards playful behaviors, or acting, on the part of the player. 

    "The Madeleine Effect" is a fiction story that is experienced through both digital and print media. The story interface aims to be interactive through the player's performance, which is demonstrated by inputting text into the story while playing a defined role. The interactivity in this project is focused at this time so as to more easily observe the ideas I am exploring. My hope is that this project will spur thought and conversation about ideas for increased interactivity and a more intelligent technical structure.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 16:16

  2. Frontières Vomies (Borders vometing)

    Le roman "Frontières vomies" se déroule selon différentes orientations que le lecteur choisit en répondant aux sollicitations affichées sur l'écran. Quel que soit le choix fait, le récit se poursuit jusqu'à la fin. En fait, il navigue le long d'une tresse en empruntant l'un ou l'autre des brins, dans un sens ou dans l'autre. C'est lui qui décide : soit il va au plus vite vers la fin quitte à recommencer plus tard par d'autres voies, soit il flâne en cherchant à reconnaître chacune des voies possibles quitte à retomber de temps à autre dans certains passages uniques. [Source: authors documentation on work, ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 06.04.2013 - 13:53

  3. Why Some Dolls Are Bad: a generative graphic novel for the iPhone

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad is a generative, permutational graphic novel which engages themes of ethics, fashion, artifice and the self, and presents a re-examination of systems and materials including mohair, contagion, environmental decay, Perspex cabinetry, and false-seeming things in nature such as Venus Flytraps.

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad was originally launched on the Facebook platform but has been adapted for the iPhone and relaunched in 2010. The project collects images from a tag-constrained stream of public Flickr images and combines them with fragments from the original non-linear text. Once the application is downloaded, image and text come together into a frame which is read and then advanced, creating an ongoing dynamic narrative.

    Readers can capture frames and send them to an archive, where each frame becomes a “page” in the novel. The collective archiving of iterative captures from the project means that a version of the book can be read in a linear order.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 22:49

  4. Dage med Diam eller Livet om natten

    Dage med Diam eller Livet om natten møder læseren forfatteren Alian Sandme. Alian har en kæreste, Diam, som han kun kan se i hemmelighed, fordi de begge er gift. Allerede efter det første korte kapitel, S, hvor Alian sidder og skriver på en roman, stilles læseren over for et valg: Skal han køre hen til togstationen og mødes med Diam, eller skal han blive hjemme? Svend Åge Madsens hypertekst-roman afspejler på denne måde livet, hvor man ofte står over for valget mellem to muligheder, der gensidigt udelukker hinanden.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 16:57