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  1. Autorschaft und ihre automatische Generierung

    Nachdem Autorschaft erst im 18.Jahrhundert individualisiert wurde, etwa gleichzeitig mit der Möglichkeit technischer Reproduzierbarkeit durch die Druckmaschine und der Erfindung des Urheberrechts - gab es während des gesamten 20.Jahrhunderts immer wieder künstlerische Bestrebungen, individuelle Autorschaft und damit einhergehende Vorstellungen von Genialität oder Originalität zu dekonstruieren.

    Angefangen im Dada und von den Surrealisten weiterentwickelt, lässt sich eine Entwicklung beobachten, die mit dem Aufkommen digitaler Medien einen ungeahnten neuen Höhepunkt erfährt. Spiele mit Identitäten, die Verfügbarkeit einer unermesslichen Menge an Material im Internet, die verlustfreie Kopierbarkeit von Daten sowie kostenlose und anonyme Distributionsmöglichkeiten haben eine vernetzte Kultur entstehen lassen, in der einzelne Autor/-innen oftmals kaum mehr zu identifizieren sind und auch Werke sich in einem permanenten Zustand der Weiterverarbeitung und Veränderung befinden.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 12:18

  2. Poemas no Meio do Caminho: Poesia Combinatória Animada por Computador

    Poemas combinatórios e generativos, programados de modo a permitir ao leitor alterar dinamicamente, em tempo de execução, os paradigmas que alimentam a sintaxe original; Som gerado aleatoriamente a partir de bases de dados previamente gravadas, com vozes e texturas sonoras; Além de alterar o poema, o leitor pode guardar as suas versões/leituras num weblog disponível na Internet. Duas versões disponíveis (versão horizontal e versão vertical) dão aos leitores a possibilidade de navegar entre distintas tipologias de página: em modo de panorama ou em modo de página html: A versão horizontal (panorama) inclui video, permite ao leitor alterar as palavras e enviar para weblog; A versão vertical (html) permite ao leitor alterar as palavras, alterar as listas e enviar para weblog.


    Alvaro Seica - 14.10.2013 - 13:09

  3. Etheric Ocean

    Ether is a hypothetical medium – supposed by the ancients to fill the heavens, proposed by scientist to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space. The notion of ‘ocean’ was once as vague. Aristotle perceived of the world as a small place, bounded by a narrow river. Columbus believed the Atlantic was a much shorter distance across than we now know it to be. Even as early electromagnetic telegraphic and wireless transmissions propagating over, under, and through oceans collapsed distances between ships and shores, they revealed vast new oceans – oceans of static, oceans of noise. Etheric Ocean is an underwater web art audio writing noise site. It is an imprecise survey of sounds both animal and mechanical, and of signs both real and imaginary, of distortions born of the difficulty of communicating through the medium of deep dense dark ocean. Like stations dotting a radio dial, murky diagrams, shifting definitions, appropriated texts, nautical associations, and wonky word plays are strung along a very long, horizontally scrolling browser window. This is a world of inversions. Sounds are deep harbours, or are they depths?

    J. R. Carpenter - 20.05.2014 - 12:06

  4. Mar de versos

    Mar de versos –Sea of Verses- is a poetic digital work that explores the automatic generation of verses with the creation of the right atmosphere to its reading that includes images and sea sounds. It is programmed in HTML5, javascript and CSS3 using many of the options of this language. It is necessary to turn on the speakers to listen to the sound of the sea. Mar de versos use a technique of patterns –templates-to generate the verses with a wide basis of data from phrases and other words or sub-phrases that can fit with the patterns, therefore poems of different quality are created randomly.

    Maya Zalbidea - 26.07.2014 - 10:30

  5. SeeVeniceandDie

    Le poème au coeur de SeeVeniceAndDie a été écrit en 2005 pour "L'isola dei Poeti" - événement initié à l'occasion de la 51ème biennale de Venise - par Marco Nereo Rotelli sous le commissariat d'exposition d'Achille Bonito Oliva et Caterina Davinio pour Virtual Island. Ce poème est un genre de sabir ou autrement dit, un pérégrinisme. Mélange de plusieurs langues dans le même discours, SeeVeniceandDie met en scène, en médias, en programmes, ces actes de langages, à travers un automate de synthèse vocale qui lit dans sa langue naturelle, l'anglais et se risque aussi en français et en italien, deux langues qui me sont devenues - à moi - culturellement naturelles. Il a fallu "plier" quelque peu l'orthographe des mots pour faciliter l'interprétation de Vicky, voix synthétique féminine du système OSX, afin de parfaire sa prononciation. S'il a ici [ pour Internet ] la forme d'une vidéo de 8 minutes et 30 secondes, il est en fait un poème variable composé d'un prologue et trois actes, se joue au clavier et souris et répond aux sollicitations des lettres formant le mot "Venise" dans ses trois langues.

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 10.10.2014 - 16:03


    Traces is a collage of text, spoken word, sound, and digital projection. The text forms durational video and audio composed into 17 sections (excerpts included), which are triggered over the course of an hour in a continuous fashion. The video was designed to be incomplete and unfold over time--drawing attention to the chance encounter each person may have with it. It does not reveal the totality of its content, part of which falls outside of the frame. I worked with archival materials as I built this project (oral histories and personal collections). I was interested in these sorts of personal collections being displayed and open for perusal. As private spaces become redefined by digital possibilities, information is readily transferred from one form into another and meaning is subtracted and added along the way. Traces is my own collection. Photographs become data, which initiate recordings that are transcribed and then re-recorded. These then become projected text, and finally transform into granulated rhythmic pulsations and fragments of words, which becomes a vastly layered resonant soundscape felt as vibration through the body.

    Eivind Farestveit - 11.02.2015 - 07:01

  7. ION 1

    ION 1 is a crowd-sourced series of 111 sound poems-in-progress by mic mac (Michael MacKenzie) in collaboration with the Post Art Poets spanning Gertrude Stein's ‘Tender Buttons’ (which can be freely read here: The work layers 7 (and in later instances as many as 32) readings of the ‘Tender Buttons’ poems into single clips. To participate, unaltered found or original human voice recordings may be submitted and will appear in subsequent installments of the poem. Send submissions to my email (below). An award system (called Copycoins) provides funds for more in-depth interaction with the poems. Statistics particular to each reading will appear in the sound-files’ [Youtube] descriptions. Each of the poems here are in their seventh installment. The playlists will grow and be modified as time passes; the poem is expected to run indefinitely - until I or the community lose(s) interest in it. Thank you. (Source: Elo conference: First encounters 2014)

    Eivind Farestveit - 12.02.2015 - 14:08

  8. F8MW9

    F8MW9 is a collaboration between Jim Andrews and margareta waterman. F8MW9 seeks randomly to play short parts of a sound file of vocalizing by waterman. the part of the sound file played is indicated visually. as the sound plays, a visual interpretation (drawn by waterman) of the vocalizing is revealed. In fact waterman is vocalizing her interpretation of the revealed visuals, ie, the vocals and the visuals coincide. Controls at the bottom of the piece allow the user to: a) Set the maximum duration (in milliseconds) of played audio snippets b) Press an infinity button to hear the whole audio file uninterupted (click the writing at top to exit this mode) c) Click a button to change the writing/glyphs that are rendered d) Clear the screen e) Set audio volume f) Go to a related waterman/andrews collaboration. The reader can also click the graphic or waveform to play the sound at that point. Includes an interview by Andrews of waterman about the sound and glyph visuals.

    Jim Andrews - 09.03.2015 - 20:31

  9. The Secret Language of Desire

    The Secret Language of Desire (2015) is an electronic literature app exploring the narrative and touchscreen affordances of digital tablets. Merging 27 ultra-short chapters with interactive animations and sound, The Secret Language of Desire traces a woman’s journey from everyday life into a landscape of sensuality and desire. Every chapter of The Secret Language of Desire contains elements to enrich the narrative – objects can be touched, triggering animations and sound, or images can be rubbed off, revealing hidden contents.

    The Secret Language of Desire differs from Heyward’s early works by emphasising textual content over image, sound and interactivity, reworking the balance of multimedia elements into an electronic literature form that is predominantly textually-driven. The project was supported by funding of $15,000 in 2014 from the Australian Government through the Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.The work includes mature content and themes. It was produced for iPads and was available in the AppStore from 2015 to 2018.

    Megan Heyward - 04.08.2015 - 12:21

  10. text, sound, electronics, live coding

    This is a performance by Hazel Smith and Roger Dean, involving a strong sonic and musical element interwoven with text. It includes sampled text and sound, electronics and live coding of text and sound. The performance will include two pieces, Metaphorics and Bird Migrants. These two works were performed earlier this year in the UK and Australia, but have undergone considerable development. Every iteration and performance of them (particularly of Metaphorics) is substantially different. Metaphorics (2014) for voice and coded sound This piece employs live voice, live-coded sound (using the platform Gibber by Charlie Roberts, University of California at Santa Barbara), and live algorithmic sound. It involves samples from a recording of parts of the text, together with electronic and sampled instruments. The piece is about metaphor: it also employs metaphor while at the same time deconstructing it. Historically metaphor has been one of the main tools of poetry. Attitudes towards metaphor have been very important in contemporary poetry and poetics, but have caused divisions in the poetic community. Some poets have clung to metaphor as a traditional mainstay of their craft.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:15
