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  1. Paper Wounds

    “Paperwounds,” is an intimate look into the sometimes-surreal, often-manic realm of the suicidal and depressed. It is an intense snapshot of the numerous facets that go into the decision of taking one’s own life, each of its disparate parts aligning to form a piecemeal narrative readers may only ever really guess at in its entirety. Presented as a crumpled up piece of paper, readers “unwrap” the suicide note by clicking on the highlighted/pulsating words within its folds. Doing so exhumes other, shorter notes the writer placed within the virtual letter, each one a different illustration of–perhaps–what drove the fictional victim to this ultimate negation of self. The interface, technological sounds, and brief animations when you mouse over certain texts combined with the ruined state of the materials create a forensic tone for the work, casting the reader in the role of an investigator. The poem may be zoomed in on, zoomed out from, flipped, rotated, dimmed, and made completely invisible–though doing any of the aforementioned does not seem to change the nature of the text at first glance.

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 19:44

  2. Flow

    [ flow = lecture performative narrative ] Opus n° 2 de la série des flux commencée avec « flog ». Flow est le texte d'une fiction construite à la fois sur des moments issus de mon histoire familiale, de l'actualité contemporaine en matière de politique de l'accueil des étrangers et de l'histoire qui nous est contée dans le film Lettre à mon ami Pol Cèbe, 1970, de Michel Desrois et avec Antoine Bonfanti et José Thiais, des groupes Medvedkines.

    Flow croise différentes époques et régimes narratifs : histoire familiale, histoire politique (les Groupes Medvedkine) et actualité contemporaine.

    Flow s'attache à conter une histoire, celle d'une bande d'amis ouvriers, qui un jour de 1967 partent en voiture pour Lille, projeter l'un de leurs films dans un cinéma. Ils prennent en autostop un homme avec une drôle d'auréole sur la tête, à leur demande, celui-ci leur raconte une histoire. Il leur conte celle de mamy Mireille de Sangatte qui en 2008 sera mise en examen pour délit de solidarité. Le texte met en scène le téléscopage de ces deux époques, l'une ravivant l'autre, à quarante ans d'intervalle...

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 03.07.2014 - 17:52

  3. El rumor de los álamos

    Oscar Martín Centeno said "the aim of my videoprojections is to impregnate the audience with all the senses". El rumor de los álamos -The Murmur of Poplars- suceeds in reinforcing the poetic meaning with the expressive reading of the author, the relaxing piano music and the image of hands getting together in a liquid atmosphere, like if they were inside of a river in an imaginary forest in a memory or dream (Maya Zalbidea 2014).

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 14:02

  4. HD pen

    HD pour Haute Densité (High Density) mais également pour Harley-Davidson car ma moto est de cette marque, fabriquée à Milwaukee, WI, USA, c'est un modèle Sporster XR 1200 à la géométrie très européenne. C'est sur elle que j'ai filmé un parcours depuis mon domicile (Montreuil) jusqu'au département des cartes anciennes des Archives Nationales (Pierrefitte-sur-Seine). C'est par la vidéo qu'est rendu ce parcours, augmenté, en filigrane, par la lecture (simultanée en français et en anglais) d'un texte venant sampler et discuter celui de Jorge Luis Borges « De la rigueur de la science » dans l'Histoire universelle de l’infamie/Histoire de l’éternité, p. 10-18, Paris (1951, 1994). Dans ce texte l'auteur se livre sous la forme d'une fable, à une réflexion sur le rapport de la carte et du territoire, et pose finalement la question des rapports des arts et des techniques, de la science et du sensible. Je poursuis ici l'idée d'une écriture par le trajet, non déterminé par la nécessité de rejoindre un point donné comme un GPS nous aide à le faire, mais en dessinant sur la carte, des lettres formant quelques mots.

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 10.10.2014 - 15:40

  5. SeeVeniceandDie

    Le poème au coeur de SeeVeniceAndDie a été écrit en 2005 pour "L'isola dei Poeti" - événement initié à l'occasion de la 51ème biennale de Venise - par Marco Nereo Rotelli sous le commissariat d'exposition d'Achille Bonito Oliva et Caterina Davinio pour Virtual Island. Ce poème est un genre de sabir ou autrement dit, un pérégrinisme. Mélange de plusieurs langues dans le même discours, SeeVeniceandDie met en scène, en médias, en programmes, ces actes de langages, à travers un automate de synthèse vocale qui lit dans sa langue naturelle, l'anglais et se risque aussi en français et en italien, deux langues qui me sont devenues - à moi - culturellement naturelles. Il a fallu "plier" quelque peu l'orthographe des mots pour faciliter l'interprétation de Vicky, voix synthétique féminine du système OSX, afin de parfaire sa prononciation. S'il a ici [ pour Internet ] la forme d'une vidéo de 8 minutes et 30 secondes, il est en fait un poème variable composé d'un prologue et trois actes, se joue au clavier et souris et répond aux sollicitations des lettres formant le mot "Venise" dans ses trois langues.

    Luc Dall'Armellina - 10.10.2014 - 16:03

  6. Le Dernier Volcan

    This video project explores Norwegian folk histories that return as fragments in light of ongoing volcanic eruptions. The project was recorded in Bergen following the disruptions caused by the activities of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. A folk history of disaster is set against slowly revolving images set in a contemporary landscape. This is the first of a series of works recorded in Norway that juxtapose folk histories and contemporary events to explore narrative and associative characteristics of cultural anxieties and collective memory. The project was researched and filmed by Roderick Coover in 2010 thanks to a distinguished-scholar-in-residence award from the University of Bergen.

    Alvaro Seica - 13.11.2014 - 23:32


    1. A large number or great variety
    2. The state of being multiple

    1. The fact or condition of being an accomplice, esp in a criminal act is a twenty-first century translation of Guy de Maupassant's short story Mes vingt-cinq jours (My Twenty-Five Days), originally published in 1885, and translated into English by Albert M.C. McMaster, A.E. Henderson, Mme. Quesada et al. takes de Maupassant's story and reimagines it, changing a health resort in 19th century France to a laboratory complex in an unspecified future, and inhabiting the story with nameless clones and technology. In this way the story eschews the notion of a literal translation in favour of a temporal and situational carrying across of de Maupassant's tale, with multiple layers of perception as realised through randomised image and video layers.

    Chris Joseph - 01.01.2015 - 11:39

  8. Give Me Your Light

    One day in 2008 in Malaysia, by chance, I videotaped two starkly ordinary events: a dying kitten and a chained monkey. Give me Your Light explores the archetypal capacity of these creatures. The archetypes are death and enslavement. The dying abandoned kitten in a parking lot stands-in for the fatally ill, homeless runaways and abandoned children. The chained monkey suggests slaves, prisoners, abductees, captives, convicts, detainees and internees. Give me Your Light is about the limits of empathy and ubiquitous complicity. The display of Give me Your Light is not a linear video, it is a set of video-clips, sounds, music and words reassembled every two minutes into a new sequence by an algorithm. Events repeat but never in the same order. Clips appear in both monochrome and colour, with music and without, with sound and silent. Contextual structure and affective content collide. (Source:

    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 15:13


    Traces is a collage of text, spoken word, sound, and digital projection. The text forms durational video and audio composed into 17 sections (excerpts included), which are triggered over the course of an hour in a continuous fashion. The video was designed to be incomplete and unfold over time--drawing attention to the chance encounter each person may have with it. It does not reveal the totality of its content, part of which falls outside of the frame. I worked with archival materials as I built this project (oral histories and personal collections). I was interested in these sorts of personal collections being displayed and open for perusal. As private spaces become redefined by digital possibilities, information is readily transferred from one form into another and meaning is subtracted and added along the way. Traces is my own collection. Photographs become data, which initiate recordings that are transcribed and then re-recorded. These then become projected text, and finally transform into granulated rhythmic pulsations and fragments of words, which becomes a vastly layered resonant soundscape felt as vibration through the body.

    Eivind Farestveit - 11.02.2015 - 07:01

  10. mooon

    mooon (2015) is the fourth video made by Norwegian poet and artist Ottar Ormstad since 2009. Here again viewers encounter letter-carpets and a yellow y Ormstad identifies with and which he is known for. Different from the other videos, letter-carpets are not projected on still images, but for the first time on live video footage Ormstad shot on his Samsung S4 during travels in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Vilnius and Berlin in 2014. The video may be seen as a research for documenting water on the mooon. Like in his video natyr (2011) he's using a strong sound in the very start for creating a period of silence in the beginning of the work. Other references to his earlier works can also be found: The 'eau-poem' in the first part is closely related to his web-poem svevedikt (2006), and his first video LYMS (2009). Ormstad also continues his multi-lingual project using words from different languages intentionally without translation. It invites viewers for an individual experience of the video and visual poetry that is based upon the viewer's language background.

    Ottar Ormstad - 25.06.2015 - 12:26
