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  1. “hearing litoral voices / bearing literal traces”: Subliteral Narratives

    This collaborative project brings together the narrative practice of Joanna Howard and John Cayley’s digital language art research on the reading of subliteral differences. Particularly in certain fonts, differences of less-than-a-letter distinguish certain pairs of English words – hearing/bearing, litoral/literal. Howard composes brief narratives laced with words from these pairs such that, when the subliteral differences are realized, the narratives are developed, subverted, folded in on themselves: bearing the literal traces of narrative experiences within which tiny formal differences, actualized by digital affordances, generate aesthetic and critical reading.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 02:57

  2. River Writer VR

    River Writer is a proof of concept for virtual-reality based interactive poetry-writing application. Set on a virtual levee at golden hour, users fish words out of a literal stream of consciousness-- words put into an array that flow from spawning volumes into an kill volume. This method creates randomization. The user then has the ability to carry and drop these word selections on an environment that essentially acts as a couplet palette in the three cardinal directions opposing the river of words. Over the course of “creative play,” a user has space to create at least 3 couplets or 6 lines of poetry, intentionally placing the randomized, fished diction on the level. The diction utilized for this proof of concept was taken from the digital born text “Diamonds in Dystopia” (written by Vincent A. Cellucci, published in Absence Like Sun" (Lavender Ink. 2019) and anthologized in Best American Experimental Writing, 2018, Wesleyan University Press), but other texts can be substituted in future iterations. This application and level was created by Vincent Cellucci with assistance from Marc Aubanel using Unreal Game Engine 4.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 03:04

  3. Diamonds in Dystopia: container & tool

    What does a cutting-edge collaboration between music, visual, and literary artists look like and how did it evolve? This ongoing, transdisciplinary collaboration between said types of artists evolves a born digital interactive poetry application for every presentation and exhibition opportunity. Our mission as collaborators is to open up creative workflows for interactive technologies and artists interested in using them to benefit the presentation and experience of the visual, musical, or literary arts. We developed an interactive, live-streaming poetry web app that takes audience response to trigger improvisations, sensory experiences, and create an event-specific poem collectively. The user acts as collaborator by sending word selections that resonate with individual users by tapping text from a born-digital “seed poem” on their mobiles to trigger Markov chain reactions, which enables succinct recombination of massive amounts of language as source material.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 03:11

  4. Seedlings_

    Seedlings_ is a digital media installation that plants words as seeds and lets them grow using the Datamuse API, a data-driven word-finding engine. It is at once an ambient piece in which words and concepts are dislocated and recontextualized constantly, and a playground for the user to create linguistic immigrants and textual nomads. In Seedlings_, a word can be transplanted into a new context, following pre-coded generative rules that are bundled under the names of plants (ginkgo, dandelion, pine, bamboo, ivy…). These generative rules consist of a series of word-finding queries to the Datamuse API such as: words with a similar meaning, adjectives that are used to describe a noun, words that start and end with specific letters. They are then grouped in modules to represent the visual structure of the corresponding plant and can be constrained with a theme word. A new plant can be grafted on top of the previous plant by switching to a new starting point from the latest generative result.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 03:28

  5. Polish “aesthetics”: Vaporwave outside the center

    Vaporwave is an artistic movement, developed under the conditions of global capitalism, which functions in the space of global Internet. Piotr Płucienniczak – author associated with electronic literature, but also with Polish redefinition of vaporwave aesthetics, emphasizes that vaporwave is, on the one hand, an international cultural code, and on the other hand presents critically and ironically "goods inaccessible to us, poor people". I would like to discuss this paradox in my speech based on the analysis of the Polish postvaporwave projects. The western, American vaporwave is generally described by its critics (also in Poland) by means of hauntology, accelerationism and nostalgia. The Western vaporvawe expresses nostalgia for the 90s – a time of utopian thinking about timeless prosperity and development of technology. I put forward the thesis that these categories (especially nostalgia) do not quite match the Polish varieties of vaporwave aesthetics. The most recognizable, comprehensive and well thought out Polish vaporwave project is Z U S w a v e.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 03:40

  6. Legends of Michigami: Riding the Rust Belt

    Riding the Rust Belt is one in a series of (hyper)videos that comprise the Legends of Michigami project.  The videos map the routes of trains along the shores of Lake Michigan.  These works trace a drama of the western Great Lakes – stories revealed in place and landscape. The persistent motion of the train is metaphoric for time passing whether we want it so or not – for the way human beings (in the name of progress or circumstance) are swept up in inevitable social and economic shifts. Riding the Rust Belt addresses the evolution of industrial cities on the shores of Lake Michigan.  It takes place in one day: a ride from Millennium Station in Chicago to Gary, Indiana.  25 miles on the ground and decades back in time.

    Author statement: 

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 22:30

  7. From the cafè to tweet: digital Literature as global literature. Positioning of digital literature in Spanish.

    The life of man and his mental structure is the food for literary material. The vision of the world held by each group of humans, its cerebral conception of reality is what literature collates over the course of time. Society of the 21st Century is progressively changing its structures towards a global society brought about the enormous improvements in communications, particularly those related to the digital revolution. Taking this conception of literature as a baseline with respect to the world, these changes will be taken into account and affect literature in the digital era. One of the evolutions brought about by the hyper connectivity is globalization. It is possible to state that we are experiencing the birth of a global literature in the sense expressed by Damrosch and by Tabbi: it is a new way of getting closer to the world and communication that is growing without any spatial and time barriers and can reach any type of receiver. It is also possible to identify universal patterns that are repeated in the digital literature that converts it in global literature. The global virtual space itself is built on part of the collective imaginary of digital literature.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 22:45

  8. Grip’s Evermore and Other (Word) Landscapes

    In the video, Grip's Evermore, words become landscape - in a black and white and infinite internal terrain, text defines the horizon and flattens space.

    Vian Rasheed - 14.11.2019 - 00:08

  9. as it correlates to virtuality

    "Considering where one is standing as the 'last physical space,' the piece is activated when the user/viewer steps into a particular spot, triggering a software that types out random, fictitious, and absurd ‘you-statements’ that would resemble the language utilized in contemporary data-mining and the algorithmic data-based quantification of users. The result is a projection that mimics the process of data extraction, displaying text that is part fictional characteristics forcefully prescribed onto the viewer/user, and part second-person narrative, imperious and coercive, questioning what it means when information represents the populace. The project is partly an examination of the dominance of a supposedly user-centric, individualized, customizable big data society, by placing certain attributes and data onto the viewer/user that are false, constructing a situation that resembles and emphasizes the violence of data-extraction and algorithmic representation, in particular its fallibility, while insisting on the fraught linkage between these virtual enterprises and the persisting physicality."

    (Source: Artist's website)

    Vian Rasheed - 14.11.2019 - 00:14

  10. Boys and their Brains: Neuro(a)typicality and Gamer Masculinity

    In recent years independent and amateur videogame designers have come from the margins to test the boundaries of the medium. Using forms like the ‘walking simulator’ and the ‘desktop simulator’ - forms that forego challenge and combat in favour of storytelling - they have pioneered new modes of interactive autobiography, exploring topics such as parenthood, gender, mental health, grief and faith. Meanwhile, gamer masculinity, that normative and normatizing identity, has been evolving. As the ‘hardcore gamer’ generation grows up, commercial videogame publishers have begun courting this ageing audience with titles that aim to satisfy gaming traditionalists (for whom independent games are often considered too sedate and cerebral to qualify as ‘real’ videogames) while also engaging issues like fatherhood and neurotypicality. This panel sheds light on gaming culture’s growing pains by addressing a series of titles centred on boys and their brains. These games enlist players in advancing stories about survivalist dads and decapitated know-it-alls, terminally ill toddlers and quasi-autistic online gamers.

    Jorge Sáez Jiménez-Casquet - 14.11.2019 - 14:26
