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  1. The Seagull

    The Seagull was a way for Deemer to set the stage for hyperdramas, as he wanted to it to achieve the respect he felt it was warranted. Thus, Deemer chose to intepret and translate Chekhov's The Seagull, and make it in to a hyperdrama. He started the work in late 80s, and it was finnished, and published online in August 2002.

    Mathias Vetti Olaussen - 27.09.2021 - 11:36

  2. Safara in the beginning

     Safara in the beginning is a hypertext explained by as "An African princess taken as a slave from Senegal to Martinique in the seventeenth century"

    Ragnhild Hølland - 28.09.2021 - 22:23

  3. Quam Artem Exerceas?

    Quam Artem Exerceas? (Latin for "what do you do for a living?") refers to a question the physician Bernardino Ramazzini, also known as "the father of occupational medicine", often asked his patients to identify work-related causes of diseases they presented with. The work is a scholarly hypertext essay that represents aspects of scientific historiography and aims for maximum scholarly clarity and cohesion.

    With the use of a navigation pane on the left side of the screen, users can traverse the different contextual sections of the treatise easily and can learn about enlightenment thought, early industrial inventions, and early modern litterature art.


    Vegard Aarøen Frislid - 01.10.2021 - 19:49

  4. Completing the Circle

    Completing the Circle is a hypertext fiction about the recovery of a man known as Haller, the victim of a traffic accident in which he lost his partner. Within the narrative he also tries to get in contact with his wife, Christina. This is made difficult, however, as he is suffering from head trauma which causes problems for him when he tries to remember and understand what surrounds him.

    In this creative work, users can interact and scroll through the hypertext by clicking the backspace key or by clicking one of the many links that are hidden throughout the text.  

    Vegard Aarøen Frislid - 01.10.2021 - 23:47

  5. futureTEXT: hypertext fiction

    Jim Rosenberg speaks on hypertext fiction

    a performance of leading edge electronic writing

    Ole Kristian Sæther Skoge - 02.10.2021 - 14:39

  6. The mystery of "lust"


    Mark Bernstein has stated that there are no really good hypertext mysteries. This is a puzzling remark since reading hypertext often seems to require "detective work" on the part of the reader to first ferret out the clues/pieces of the work and then put them together in a reasonable order to form an understanding. While demonstrating a close reading of Mary Kim Arnold's hypertext story, "Lust," this essay explores how the concept of "mystery" applies to the act of reading hypertext and how that affects the role reader (now a "reader-detective") who must search both content nodes and pathways in order to bring cohesion and a sense of completeness to the reading experience. As a close reading, this essay looks at the characters and events described in "Lust" and finally stresses the need to consider the links and paths while reading the hypertext.

    Jørund Dæhlen Bøhn - 03.10.2021 - 19:08

  7. Digital Commedia

    La Digital Commedia è una riscrittura contemporanea del poema dantesco attraverso la quale il Sommo Poeta, smarrito nella selva oscura dei nuovi media, intraprende un viaggio negli Inferi della società delle piattaforme digitali.
    Il progetto, curato dal Dipartimento di Scienze umane dell’Università LUMSA, si articola in una narrazione transmediale tra web e social network ed è online dal 25 marzo 2021, in concomitanza con la celebrazione dei 700 anni dalla morte di Dante Alighieri.

    Richard Snyder - 27.09.2022 - 19:03
