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  1. Wandering Through the Labyrinth: Encountering Interactive Fiction

    Wandering Through the Labyrinth: Encountering Interactive Fiction

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.07.2013 - 14:54

  2. Le dossier est vide

    Au cours de la performance Le dossier est vide, Juliette Mézenc lira un texte qui est un agencement/bégaiement créé à partir d’entretiens menés par Bourdieu ou Vollmann sur les questions de migration. Dans le même temps, Stéphane Gantelet fabrique des images en direct sur grand écran. La prolifération des fichiers créés lors des manipulations sur ordinateur, squelette numérique de la performance, entre dans un dialogue tantôt étroit tantôt lâche avec le texte lu pour conduire à la création d’un court film.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:55

  3. Read Fast, Die Young? – Interpreting Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries’ Flash Poem Dakota

    In this paper I discuss Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries’ digital poem Dakota. I discuss how the poem controls the reader’s experience and how this control affects its possible interpretations. The control is mostly executed by limiting the reader’s freedom over reading. Reading time, direction and duration are determined by the poem. It is only possible to start the poem, but not rewind, stop or fast-forward it. Furthermore, the manipulation of speed affects reading in many ways. In the fast extreme the effect is illegibility, but more subtly used speed creates varieties of emphasis and de-emphasis. The effect of emphasis of this kind, I argue, creates different layers of readings and invites re-reading. These different readings require different cognitive modes, which mirror our contemporary reading habits. Not being in control of the reading process also leads to a scattered sense of unity, one of postmodernism’s essential traits. While reading the poem I also question why I read as I do, and by doing so I hope to present more general traits of how to approach digital literature.

    Arngeir Enåsen - 14.10.2013 - 15:20

  4. Post-memoires

    Post-mémoires est un projet d'autoportrait littéraire et graphique. Les post-mémoires sont des souvenirs condensés en micro-récit, inscrits sur un post-it, qui s'affichent sur différentes interfaces. Ces feuillets sont ici réunis dans une application tridimensionnelle où se dessine mon visage. Par ses mouvements dans l’espace d’exposition, le visiteur peut survoler cette surface et parcourir ainsi des visions de mon enfance. Face projette le temps dans l'espace en modelant mon visage avec mes souvenirs. Façade est une interface d'écriture pour moi, et de lecture pour vous. Facettes mélange mes souvenirs enfouis pour révéler l'inatendu du surgissement. Le galerie facebook ouvre un espace discutable. La préface explicite mon intention de partager une expérience intime. Ainsi, le projet Post-mémoires relève autant de l'entreprise autobiographique que de la recherche d'une forme singulière de langage. Mémoire Une entreprise autobiographique est un travail de sélection et d’organisation de souvenirs qui vise à recomposer une mémoire dans un sens chronologique afin d’apporter un témoignage personnel ou historique.

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 18:07

  5. Rui Torres e Clarice Lispector: Poéticas Intermédia

    Este ensaio apresenta os pontos de convergência entre a ficcionista brasileira Clarice Lispector e o poeta português Rui Torres, tendo, enquanto corpus de análise, o poema hipermídia “Amor de Clarice” (2005), este último, construído a partir do conto “Amor”, da autora de Laços de Família (1960). Numa abordagem comparativista, tendo como enfoque o impacto da tecnologia sobre o cenário sociocultural da atualidade, busca-se, igualmente, analisar a relação autor-obra-leitor, com o advento das novas tecnologias da informação e do uso do computador enquanto máquina semiótica. As discussões apontam que, diante do texto clariceano, o escritor português promove uma releitura que dialoga criativamente com o original, expandindo sua carga semântica por meio de recursos sonoros, visuais e de animação. Sob a influência da rica tradição literária da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa, “Amor de Clarice” aposta no entrecruzamento da linguagem literária com os suportes midiáticos para romper com valores estéticos tradicionais, apontando novos paradigmas para a literatura luso-brasileira contemporânea.

    (Fonte: Resumo dos Autores)

    Alvaro Seica - 02.12.2013 - 14:25

  6. Artist-Screencast with Stephanie Strickland on "Errand Upon Which We Came"

    Artist-Screencast with Stephanie Strickland on "Errand Upon Which We Came"

    Patricia Tomaszek - 18.02.2014 - 13:17

  7. sc4nda1 in new media

    At the heart any scandal is a story, or a thing of many stories; sc4nda1 is even more peculiar, but also begins with a telling. What you have before you started as an essay (or intent to rant) about an observation I kept reading in recent criticism, that electronic writing has not been properly dressed for the serious table. Where, the questions ran, are the publishers, the editors, the established and establishing critics? In a time of intense experiment and innovation, who says which textual deviations make real difference, and which are just bizarre? More ominously: where are the naive, casual readers, the seekers of pleasurable text who ought to move design's desire? To spin an old friend's epigraph, just who, exactly, finds this funhouse fun? ...And so to the thing itself: probably more exploration than investigation, though who knows what offenses may come to light. You may find it (inevitably) a post-serious entertainment for hand, eye, ear, and brain, other organs optional. If the thingy deserves a generic name, try arcade essay, a cross between philosophical investigation (well okay, rant) and primal video game.

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 19:20

  8. Transient Self-Portrait

    Transient self–portrait is an artistic research project questioning notions of reading and the electronic medium while exploring the possibilities of coding to interact with the work. I take as the point of departure two pivotal sonnets in Spanish literature that are normally studied alongside each other, En tanto que de rosa y azucena by Garcilaso de La Vega, a 16th Century Spanish poet, using Italian Renaissance verse forms and Mientras por competir con tu cabello by Luís de Gongora, a 17th Century Spanish poet from the Baroque period. Gongora's sonnet is a homage to Garcilaso's and the styles and the cultural aspects that appear on the sonnets are very different reflecting the attitudes from the Renaissance and the Baroque. This project is a response to some of the concepts that emerge from these sonnets; ephemerality of life, consummation, transient entities, fragility, which are also relevant to our age and the electronic world we inhabit.

    Maya Zalbidea - 30.07.2014 - 12:05

  9. From the Digital to the Bookbound

    Dear Reader: How are you reading these words? On which device? Through which interface? Can you read the source code of this web ‘page’? Can you re-write it? Why does it matter? We have machines for that, we have apps! In Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound Lori Emerson sets out to demystify the wondrous devices of our digital age by interrogating both the limits and the creative possibilities of a wide range of reading and writing interfaces. For Emerson, interface is an open-ended term – a threshold, a point of interaction between human and hardware, between hardware and software, between reader and writer, and between human-authored writing and the vast corpus of machine-based text relentlessly reading and writing itself behind the surface of the screen.

    J. R. Carpenter - 09.08.2014 - 16:06

  10. A Topographical Approach to Re-Reading Print Books About Islands in Digital Literary Spaces

    This paper interrogates the ‘topic’ of islands displaced from print books into digital literary spaces through a discussion of a web-based work of digital literature ...and by islands I mean paragraphs (Carpenter 2013) In this work a reader is cast adrift in a sea of white space veined blue by a background image of graph paper. Whereas horizontally lined loose leaf or foolscap offers a guide for linear hand writing, horizontally and vertically lined graph paper offers a guide for locating positions, or intersections, along orthogonal axes such as latitude and longitude, and time and distance. In this graphic space the horizon extends far beyond the bounds of the browser window, to the north, south, east and west. Navigating this space (with track pad, touch screen, mouse, or arrow keys) reveals that this sea is dotted with islands… and by islands I mean computer-generated paragraphs.

    J. R. Carpenter - 22.11.2014 - 10:54
