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  1. Thanner Kuhai - 'The Water Cave'

    Thanner Kuhai is a short work of digital poetry, an elemental metaphor about wrestling with depression and finding hope against all odds. The reader/player is transported into an environment where language becomes intertwined with nature in a flooded subterranean world. Navigate tunnels and passageways teeming with strange life and shadows of words. Submerge beneath the water. Or seek escape to the surface. Available in English and Tamil.

    Shanmuga Priya - 15.03.2018 - 07:02

  2. You're On

    “You’re On” explores the relationship and particularly the gap between the types of expressions we use and understand and what technology can "read". Technology has rapidly begun to both produce human-like performances, including speech synthesis in products such as Alexa, synthetic artwork based on deep neural networks as well as reproductions of human performers trained on recorded videos.

    In this work, the interactor sits in front of a simple screen and is provided instructions and interacts with the work entirely through reading the text on the screen and expressing emotions. It takes advantage of the facial recognition toolkit "OpenFace: open source facial behavior analysis toolkit" which analyzes facial action units in real time and Google's text to speech service. These are used as input into an interactive narrative built using the open source interactive narrative scripting language "Ink" by Inkle Studios. The story and role were inspired by Neal Stephenson's novel The Diamond Age, or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer and Terminal Time by Michael Mateas, Steffi Domike, and Paul Vanouse.

    Samuel Brzeski - 10.09.2018 - 13:24

  3. StoryFace

    "StoryFace" is a digital fiction based on the capture and recognition of facial emotions.

    The user logs onto a dating website. He/she is asked to display, in front of the webcam, the emotion that seems to characterize him/her the best. After this the website proposes profiles of partners. The user can choose one and exchange with a fictional partner. The user is now expected to focus on the content of messages. However, the user's facial expressions continue to be tracked and analyzed… 

    What is highlighted here is the tendency of emotion recognition devices to normalize emotions. Which emotion does the device expect? We go from the measurement of emotions to the standardization of emotions. 

    StoryFace was re-published in The New River in 2018.

    Carlos Muñoz - 26.09.2018 - 14:53

  4. HeartBeats

    Many academics experience severe levels of stress and anxiety, but we do not address these issues in scholarly contexts. Instead, we cast stress as a personal matter, even though it is a shared experience in our profession. I would like to propose an installation for this year’s ELO Media Arts Festival that asks interactors to be mindful of the gap we have created between our academic lives and our mind-bodies. My installation, “HeartBeats,” prompts interactors to experiment with breathing techniques derived from Buddhist mindfulness mediation with a pulse sensor attached to their wrist. The sensor is connected to an Arduino Uno R3 board, which processes the analogue pulse signal to light up 60 NeoPixel LEDs based on the interactor’s heart rate. Depending on the frequency of the pulse, the LED lights blink in different colors. A color key allows interactors to interpret their heart rate. The installation displays instructions for breathing techniques alongside quotations taken from traditional Buddhist texts such as the Mediation Sutra.

    Jane Lausten - 26.09.2018 - 14:53

  5. It Must Have Been Dark By Then

    It Must Have Been Dark By Then' is a book and audio experience that uses a mixture of evocative music, narration and field recording to bring you stories of changing environments, from the swamplands of Louisiana, to empty Latvian villages and the edge of the Tunisian Sahara. Unlike many audio guides, there is no preset route, the software builds a unique map for each person’s experience. It is up to you to choose your own path through the city, connecting the remote to the immediate, the precious to the disappearing. 


    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 15:11

  6. Salt Immortal Sea 2

    An explosion sends you, the reader, from your boat in the Mediterranean into what Homer called the salt immortal sea only to be rescued by a mysterious ancient watercraft. Aboard this boat, you encounter allegorical characters from ancient and modern times, locked in a dangerous power struggle, passing secrets, currying favor, creating enemies, and fostering unrest. In this interactive story, we recast figures in the contemporary refugee crisis against the mythos of the quintessential traveler, Odysseus, for the refugee likewise travels cursed, unable to return home. The story of the refugee is a harrowing reality reimagined here in terms of sirens and cyclops, not to make the horrors of war fanciful but to render the tale of the most abject and disenfranchised of global citizens in epic terms. 

    Nina Kolovic - 26.09.2018 - 15:22

  7. Où est la marche / Where is the step ?

    La question ontologique de l’essence du cinéma, incarnée par Bazin et son « qu’est-ce que le cinéma » se déplace aujourd’hui, sous la poussée de nouvelles formes de consommation des images vers une « relocation » du cinéma, résumée dans cette question : « où est le cinéma ? ». 
    Après avoir investigué le code, le génératif, l’algorithme, le flux, nous pourrions nous demander aussi où est la littérature numérique, avec une sortie de l’écran rendant parfois caduque cette idée d’une littérature principalement électronique. 
    La velléité d“écrire en numérique” semble abandonner les tests et essais de littérature numérique par crainte de voir les pistes possibles de nouvelles formes d’écriture se fermer une à une. 
    Peut-on poser que cette littérature électronique reprenne pied dans un livre en bonne et due forme comme des pierres dans un jardin numérique ouvert ? 
    C’est ce que nous avons questionné avec nos étudiants en design multimédia du DSAA de Boulogne (France) dont quatre créations sont détaillées ci-dessous dans cette proposition. 

    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 15:45

  8. Blocked Connections

    Using visual QR codes embedded into combinations of traditional quilt blocks drawing on piecing and applique, the reader will discover fragments of a quilter’s story using any QR-reader capable smart phone. The primary object of installation is an original quilt, designed using high-contrast panels of fabric to allow the QR reader to decode additional meaning in what will appear to the human eye as an abstract piece steeped in traditions of pieced and quilted textile art. This installation thus combines two traditions of meaning: one analog, the language and traditions of quilt blocks, and one digital, the interconnected hypertext trails of communication unlocked through finding the QR codes. By providing a tangible interface to a re-imagined, oft-forgotten, and somewhat "broken" era of the web, the quilt tells the story of its imagined creator, a quilter working during the “early” days of the web in 1999.

    Carlos Muñoz - 26.09.2018 - 15:55

  9. Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity

    Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity responds to the current political climate in America through a facetious writing guide mixed with poetry. The images within it trigger more text when viewed through an augmented reality app.

    This “style guide” was inspired by a recent news article about the suggestion to modify language when applying for White House funding. This prospect is incredibly dangerous; what protections disappear when language is changed or erased? Spanish-language and LGBT resources were removed from, for example. Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity comments on contemporary political issues (the current attack on immigration, environmental protections and journalism) with the proposal of new linguistic strategies. The guide suggests conflating words (Could ‘weather’ be the same as ‘climate’? Could ‘credible’ be replaced with ‘retweeted’?) and provides alternative definitions (Accountability: An account, and the ability to run it effectively. Also see: Social media).

    This satirical writing guide is mixed with poetry and images of burning books.

    Hannah Ackermans - 05.10.2018 - 12:40

  10. Black Room

    "Black Room," is a browser-based, narrative game about falling asleep while on your computer, on the internet. You play as an insomniac on the verge of sleep, moving through shifting states of consciousness. Hallucinatory, pixelated visions of landscapes filled with sprites ripped directly from the arcade/NES/SNES video games of your childhood appear and disappear as you click through fragile internet spaces. Point-n-click mini games are scattered throughout the narrative. Often  interrupted, you continually return to the Black Room, a meditation technique your mother taught you for falling asleep, visualizing black flowers in a black vase on a black table in the center of a black room.

    Sturle Mandrup - 27.08.2019 - 16:00
