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  1. "Where you will have been I am..." [not yet found]

    "A short, live performance work, the words for which will have been written with and against their Google-indexed networked corpus. The words may ask, 'Where were you, after we heard about the accident but as yet we did not know?' I will ask the audience to make simple gestures in order to hear the language of the piece."

    (Source: author-submitted abstract.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 20.01.2011 - 18:51

  2. Literature from Page to Interface: The Treatments of Text in Christophe Bruno's Iterature

    Søren Pold explores the ways in which Christophe Bruno's Iterature expands the notion of literary form and shows what happens when words are no longer only part of a language.
    (Source: ebr)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.03.2011 - 15:42

  3. Searchsonata 181

    Die SearchSonata 181 ist der letzte Teil der SEARCH TRILOGIE (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011), die algorithmisch generierte Texte aufführt. Konstante dieser Trilogie ist die Verwendung von Worten, die gerade in Suchmaschinen wie Google & Co. eingegeben werden. Diese Suchworte werden algorithmisch verarbeitet. 
    Im ersten Teil, bei searchLutz!, zu Texten, im zweiten, bei searchSongs, zu Tönen und im letzten, der searchSonata 181, zu Lauten, die ja die akustische Brücke bilden zwischen Text und Ton. Das Webinterface der searchSonata 181 ist nur Mittel zum Zweck. Das Eigentliche entsteht, wenn die algorithmisch generierten Texte live durch eine Sprecherin performt werden. Die Botschaft muss durch den Algorithmus hindurch, ohne dort hängen zu bleiben.

    Beat Suter - 01.10.2011 - 13:46

  4. Estudos de Software

    Estudos de Software

    Luciana Gattass - 16.10.2012 - 17:17

  5. Hermenetka

    Hermenetka (acrônimo formado pela associação de Hermes, deus grego das comunicações e das trocas, Net, de Internet e Ka, figura mítica do antigo Egito, polimórfico, que presidia a passagem para o mundo invisível, o reino dos mortos) é um projeto de Net Arte que gera cartografias randômicas a partir de buscas em bancos de dados. O ponto de partida do projeto Hermenetka é o Mediterrâneo compreendido como cenário espiritual de pensamentos, como método e busca de conhecimento. Na era contemporânea, a metáfora do “mar entre territórios” se corporifica nos fluxos e nas trocas do ciberespaço. A proposta do Hermenetka é criar cartografias plurais dos mares de dados que povoam o cotidiano da cibercultura. O projeto é constituído por dois tipos de mapeamentos. No primeiro, é possível gerar um mapa em tempo real a partir de tópicos que orbitam em torno do conceito de Mediterrâneo. A segunda possibilidade consiste em responder à pergunta “O que é o Mediterrâneo para você?”. Nesse caso, a resposta irá buscar no ciberespaço imagens e textos que comporão seu mapa.

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 20:55

  6. Streamfishing

    Streamfishing is an installation in an open public space, where people will pass through. It is presented on a large billboard. The billboard shows a live-stream of what is going on in the world. The stream of ideas will alter the stream of people.

    Streamfishing depicts a real-life pattern by pulling together individual fragments of reality into a virtual image. The fragments of reality are thoughts merged into a constant stream of thoughts where they are enabled to interact. This way the virtual image or world is revealed as an interactive reality of human beings and machine and can be used for further communication and exchange of ideas.

    Streamfishing is an installation in an open public space, where people will pass through. It is presented on a large billboard. The billboard shows a live-stream of what is going on in the world. The stream of ideas will alter the stream of people.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 13:29

  7. In the Image of the Text

    An endless textual fiction is generated, freely inspired by the writings of Alain Robbe-Grillet. Certain words in the text are sent to a search engine and images are returned and inserted into the text.

    Original 2003 work appears to be offline, but there is a 2012 video installation of the same name, apparently using much of the same material.

    See also entry for this work in Rhizome:

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.08.2013 - 09:58

  8. HEATH: plagarism/outsource, notes toward the definition of culture, untilted Heath Ledger project, a history of the search engine, disco OS.

    HEATH: plagarism/outsource, notes toward the definition of culture, untilted Heath Ledger project, a history of the search engine, disco OS.

    Scott Rettberg - 23.08.2014 - 09:48

  9. CELL ROUNDTABLE - The Consortium for Electronic Literature

    For the ELO 2015 conference, we propose a roundtable discussion about the CELL Project. The Consortium for Electronic Literature (CELL) is a partnership founded by the Electronic Literature Organization that joins together nine research centers worldwide, all developing online database projects devoted to research in electronic literature (e-lit). The project is currently funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, enabling development of an online index, search engine, and other tools for researching bibliographical and critical material on e-lit. (source: ELO 2015 conference catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 11:19

  10. . ] quinquilharia [ >

    O primeiro livro publicado na Candonga é um pequeno livro de poesia que procura novos caminhos para se fazer e refazer. Nas suas páginas encontramos uma exploração conceptual e plástica da verbalidade, num emaranhado de estratégias discursivas que pretendem testar a natureza do texto ao transformá-lo em agente híbrido co-habitado por linguagens humanas e maquínicas. Source: Publisher website (

    Bruno Ministro - 28.02.2017 - 22:49