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  1. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is an episodic adventure video game based on The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is Telltale's third season of its The Walking Dead series, with the first two episodes released on December 20, 2016, and a retail season pass disc edition released on February 7, 2017. The game employs the same narrative structure as the past seasons, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first two seasons and the additional episode "400 Days" carry over into the third season. Clementine(voiced by Melissa Hutchison), who was the player's companion during the first season and the player-character in season two returns as a player-character along with another player-character, Javier "Javi" Garcia (voiced by Jeff Schine).

    Daniel Venge Bagge - 07.11.2019 - 23:05

  2. The Walking Dead: The Final Season

    The Walking Dead: The Final Season is an episodic adventure video game developed by Telltale Games and later Skybound Games, and the fourth and final main game in The Walking Dead video game series, based on the comic book series of the same name. Taking place some years after The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, the game focuses on Clementine's efforts to raise young Alvin Jr., AJ, in the post-apocalyptic world, coming to join with a group of troubled teenagers surviving out of their former boarding school. Their path leads them to encounter a hostile group of raiders led by a figure from Clementine's past.

    Daniel Venge Bagge - 09.11.2019 - 15:31

  3. Kulaktan kulağa, Chinese whispers, or Arabic telephone

    “I’m on the hard drive. When the gift came. Both disk and memory disappear”. Kulaktan kulağa, Chinese whispers, or Arabic telephone reveals mis(machine)translated stories of found images through tangible interaction. The installation uses what is (at first glance) just a box of old photographs to examine the western-centric lens of the internet by humanising machine translation errors. The artist collected old photographs from London’s flea markets, and wrote short stories for each photograph in her non-native English. Using an online machine translation tool, she machine-translated the stories into her native Turkish, and into other ‘foreign-looking’ languages such as Chinese and Arabic. The garbled outcome then is machine-translated back to English, carrying its inaccurate interpretation alongside. The stories and photographs are integrated into an interactive installation that invites readers to reveal mistranslated stories through tangible interaction. The installation invites spectators to pick a photograph from an old box and explore its interpretation.

    Vian Rasheed - 11.11.2019 - 22:47

  4. Culprit

    Culprit is a choose-your-own adventure screen-based game created using the interactive documentary software Klynt and inspired by the resurgence of interest in a genre that e-lit has seen as unsophisticated but is currently enjoying an uptake in popularity as interactivity goes mainstream both on handheld devices and livingroom televisions. A multi-modal murder mystery with five storypaths that intersect to provide for many more distinct readings, Culprit is set in a contemporary, urban North American city and anyone could be the murderer.

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:52

  5. Dustin

    Wat als een apparaat slim genoeg is om te merken dat het dom werk doet? Dustin is een interactief verhaal op je smartphone dat je aan het denken zet over de morele implicaties van steeds slimmer wordende apparaten. Hoofdpersonage is de slimme stofzuiger Dustin die zich niet senang voelt in zijn dienende rol en zoekt naar manieren om zijn lot te beïnvloeden. Als gebruiker heb je een actieve rol in het verhaal en kun je het voortstuwen door middel van kleine interacties, game-play en keuzemomenten. Wil je vrienden worden met Dustin of zie je hem puur als apparaat? Gun je hem zijn rust of toon je geen begrip als hij geen zin heeft om aan de slag te gaan?

    David Peeters - 31.05.2021 - 14:45

  6. Tenure Track: A Critical Simulation Game

    Tenure Track is a postmodernist critique of 21st-century academia in the form of a simulation game. In the vein of satirical games like Cow Clicker—a product of “carpentry,” or a strategy for creating philosophical, creative work, according to its designer Ian Bogost—Tenure Track also borrows game mechanics from popular puzzle simulators like Papers, Please, merging the finite potentiality of a critical text with the lightheartedness and non-prescriptiveness of play. Additionally, the simulation game as a genre harkens back to philosophical toys of the 19th century, such as the thaumatrope, the purpose of which was demystification through wonderment. The proposed poster would include imagery from the game, as well as links to interactive components (gameplay footage, demos) and brief descriptions of the mechanics and concept of the game.

    Milosz Waskiewicz - 10.06.2021 - 11:35

  7. 3D Monster Maze

    The game's narrative is just a pretext for the gameplay. The protagonist is at a carnival. There, a circus clown welcomes him to a new and mysterious attraction, the "mists of time" pass over the protagonist who then wakes up in a maze.

    The game is in first-person. Players must find the exit of the maze they're in and avoid the Tyrannosaurus rex lurking around the corners. The text placed at the bottom of the screen indicate the position and level a awareness of the dinosaur.

    If the player is eaten by him, he is offered the chance to play again or quit.

    (Adapted from: Survival Horror Wiki entry)

    Ana Isabel Jimenez Sanchez - 27.09.2021 - 20:40

  8. Alarmingly These Are Not Lovesick Zombies

    alarmingly these are not lovesick zombies could be considered a near unplayable art-game. Each level is built to be both won and lost, where the player shoots strange enemy objects with increasingly absurd and broken guns, and wildly deviating scoring systems. Behind the experience are odd hand-made videos of toy play and between the levels are narrative clips told with old matchbooks from small towns of the prairie. With perhaps the best title ever given to a game or otherwise, ATANLZ is both disrupted art-game and experience in frenetic madness, an interactive collage engine born from the pixilated undead.

    (Source: Artist's Statement, The NEXT)

    Jonatha Patrick Oliveira de Sousa - 06.10.2021 - 21:04

  9. 8-bite

    Artist description: This is a game created by spencer and kelsey for the 8th issue of taper, a computational poetry magazine. The idea is a subversion of the classic pacman, where instead of eating food, the player eats words to make their own poem. The words come from a very limited word bank, but because they are curated to be multipurpose, the limited word set and constraints of movement on the grid provide a lot of fun playability. Play around! Your poems will save automatically (local to your browser) and you can optionally submit them to the public gallery.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.06.2022 - 18:32
