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  1. Le dossier est vide

    Au cours de la performance Le dossier est vide, Juliette Mézenc lira un texte qui est un agencement/bégaiement créé à partir d’entretiens menés par Bourdieu ou Vollmann sur les questions de migration. Dans le même temps, Stéphane Gantelet fabrique des images en direct sur grand écran. La prolifération des fichiers créés lors des manipulations sur ordinateur, squelette numérique de la performance, entre dans un dialogue tantôt étroit tantôt lâche avec le texte lu pour conduire à la création d’un court film.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:55

  2. The Fetch

    The Fetch is a double-reading. Projected digital texts are read by one performer while the second performer searches the net for double texts which use the same combination of four word groups to be found in the projected text. ‘Fetch’ has a double meaning here. In Gaelic folklore, it is the wraith or doppelganger which is seen as a premonition of someone’s death. Secondly, The fetch cycle is the basic operation by which a computer retrieves and executes a program instruction from its memory. Thus the reading performs the theme, « Chercher le texte ».


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:15

  3. Evolution

    Evolution is a online artwork that emulates the writing and compositions of poet and artist Johannes Heldén. The application analyzes a set of all published text- and sound-work by the artist and generates a continuously evolving poem that simulates Heldéns style : in vocabulary, the spacing in-between words, syntax. In this performance, the digital version of artist meets the original. The aim is to raise questions about authenticity, about the future, about physics and science fiction.


    Alvaro Seica - 25.09.2013 - 12:22

  4. Svaha, Tantra, Death: A Second Life Performance

    Svaha, Tantra, Death is a shamanic operation on perceptions and inner experience. This performance does not involve showing existing work; instead, it creates a transformative event and its entangled representation. We will perform virtual generation, completion, and dance of Yamantaka, a Tibetan tantric deity. We will perform textual transformation of the world. We will be re-situating electronic literature performance practices in philosophical and corporeal register. The work moves from hi-speed text through generated clusters of Yamantaka, to ordered and disordered images of the natural world and its bodies.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:42

  5. Lectures assistées par ordinateur

    Le duo Akenaton a été créé en 1984, en Corse (Ajaccio) par Philippe Castellin, poète proche des courants des poésies expérimentales et Jean Torregrosa, plasticien. La performance proposée s’appuiera sur la lecture d’une centaine de textes au choix tirés au sort par une machine, qui les déclamera par voix synthétique. Ces choix seront opérés sur le clavier et lanceront parfois des vidéos préenregistrées, toujours tirées au sort par la machine. Opérant en duo, chacun des artistes peut tour à tour monter sur scène, lire en live et accompagner par la lecture de la machine manipulée par le second artiste.


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 12:58

  6. Sim/Oui


    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 16:57

  7. Operatus

    Operatus is a live performance of a generative narrative-poetic system distributed between screens, interactive objects and augmented reality overlays. The work engages a range of historical and contemporary contexts of observation and forensic analysis including early modern surgical theaters, the deductive logic of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and The Stud File, a methodical archive of personal evidence documenting the sexual exploits of Samuel Steward, a 20th century tattoo artist, pornographer, and friend of Gertrude Stein. (source:

    Theresa Marie Sperre - 11.10.2013 - 13:04

  8. Złe słowa / Angry Words

    Gra stanowi propozycję innej metodologii lektury: czytania jako niszczenia. Przy pomocy garści poręcznych wulgaryzmów czytelnik postawiony jest przed radosną koniecznością rozmontowywania monumentalnych tekstów kultury. Przeniesienie mechaniki Angry Birds do sfery tekstu jest drogą do nirwany. Projekt bezdyskusyjnie zwyciężył w konkursie na utwór nowomedialny ogłoszonym przez Korporację Ha!art w 2012 roku.

    Piotr Marecki - 18.10.2013 - 11:56

  9. çacocophonie

    Çacocophonie is built with Processing and was published at DOC(K)S homepage in July 2013. On September 23, 2013, during the first debate of the ELO 2013 conference "Chercher le Texte," Castellin presented at Le Centre Pompidou auditorium in Paris three different versions of the poem: a plain and static text version, written on a word processor, and two animated versions, both built with Processing, but having slow and quick juxtapositions of animated text.

    Alvaro Seica - 20.10.2013 - 20:26

  10. Kenny Drama

    Kenny Drama is a story written in JavaScript that unfolds over a series of pages through user interaction. The story is told from the perspectives of various characters who are all named Kenny. The Kennies are extremely preoccupied with the state of cultural production today. They struggle to communicate within the rhetorical restraints of their personal/professional roles.

    J. R. Carpenter - 17.03.2014 - 11:14
