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  1. The sport of détournement, the détournement of sport, basic skills for media remixes

    The sport of détournement, the détournement of sport, basic skills for media remixes

    Scott Rettberg - 19.05.2012 - 13:20

  2. Psychographic Poetry

    Psychographic Poetry

    Scott Rettberg - 19.05.2012 - 19:45

  3. Special America

    In 2008, in Providence, RI, a strange melancholy pervaded us to which we hesitated to give the grave and beautiful name of SPECIAL AMERICA. It began amorphously. Badges left in a hallway, flash rallies alongside the insinuations of handbill slogans, an ambiguous slideshow. Over the years, SPECIAL AMERICA appeared untroubled, yet in solitude we penned personal, soul-bearing texts, melancholy slogans that made us weep whilst inducing within us a perverse sense of comfort. Composed in corporate network space, our glum poesy set the tone for a new tale of longing and loneliness. In the past, the idea of calling this melancholy SPECIAL AMERICA always appealed to us; now we are almost ashamed of its complete egoism.

    Scott Rettberg - 27.06.2012 - 10:19

  4. The Wave

    The Wave Electronic Illuminated Hypertext is a multisensory etext derived from a series of new media performances. The work explores and articulates a collection of meditations on myth, metaphor, and digital embodiment.

    An interactive assemblage of images, videodance, sound, animation, iconography, and text, The Wave creates an electronic architecture of hyper-dimensional poetic language. This electronic architecture expands and redefines the dramatic text as a fluid, animated, interactive infrastructure that exists in a liminal hyperspace between text and performance. The work expands and redefines the dance as dynamic, sensate, experiential process of inner transformation integrating the mind, body, and senses in metaphorical movement.

    Scott Rettberg - 29.01.2013 - 05:50

  5. Chyphertext Performance

    Chyphertext Performance

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 14:32

  6. Grande Enquête

    This webpage has been realised for the festival e-poetry 2007 in collaboration with Delphine Riss. During the festival, the participants were invited to vote at the following question:

    Selon vous, les travaux présentés lors du festival e-poetry 2007 (performances, installations, oeuvres) sont ils des oeuvres de poésie numérique?

    According to you, are the works presented at the e-poetry 2007 festival (performances, installations, piece of works) digital art works of poetry?

    Participants were also invited to add precisions in creating their own buttons where their comments were written on them. Other users could then add weights to these buttons by clicking on them.

    The goal of this project was to materialise the difficulty of defining what is digital art poetry and how it is received. While presenting the problem of the definition, the task was too not be closed up in only one: The different requests, potentially infinite, allowed to visualise a state of the reception of the digital poetry, skewed by our intervention.


    Marthin Frugaard - 11.04.2013 - 11:23

  7. Flog

    [ flux + blog = flog = lecture performative musicale emballée ] Ce dispositif est dédié au lecteur abandonné tout cru au pouvoir décérébrant des news rss ou télévisées défilant sur fond de boucles musicales hypnotiques world. Combattre l'aliénation du lecteur hypermoderne soumis à la vitesse des flux, la rendre visible, la mettre en scène, la rejouer, la déjouer... Voici comment voudrait résister ce "flog", terme qui m'a semblé le mieux à même de dire cet entre deux, ce mi-chemin entre flux et blog, entre vitesse et subjectivité, libération et contrôle, pour ce texte écrit sur une année, la plupart du temps à bord des trains à grande vitesse, dans le bercement de leur rythmique suspendue. Luc Dall'Armellina - 2008

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 20:29

  8. The Last Song of Violeta Parra

    A hyperdrama produced as a collaboration between Deemer and Espejo, set in a Chilean art gallery. A multilinear comedy of manners.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.07.2013 - 12:39

  9. Computer Poetry

    Silvestre Pestana programmed in BASIC, first for a Sinclair ZX-81 and ZX-82, and then, already with chromatic lighting, for a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, three poems respectively dedicated to Henri Chopin, E. M. de Melo e Castro and Julian Beck, which resulted in the Computer Poetry (1981-83) series. Pestana, a visual artist, writer and performer – who had returned from the exile in Sweden after Portugal’s Carnation Revolution of April 25, 1974 – brought diverse influences put forward with photography, video, performance, and computer media. From his creative production, it should be emphasized the iconic conceptual piece Povo Novo [New People] (1975), which was remediated by the author himself in the referred series of kinetic visual poems, or “infopoems” (Melo e Castro 1988: 57).

    Alvaro Seica - 11.09.2013 - 10:04

  10. The Operature

    The Operature is an interactive installation of narrative-poetic movements engaging themes of forensics, anatomy and 21stcentury embodiment. The work incorporates a range of historical and contemporary contexts of observation and anatomical analysis including early modern surgical theaters, Francis Glessner Lee’s Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, and The Stud File, a methodical archive of personal evidence documenting the sexual exploits of Samuel Steward, a 20th century tattoo artist, gay pornographer, and friend of Gertrude Stein. In this iteration, 12 disks with biological symbols can be scanned by a webcam to access visual-textual movements as well as qr codes and augmented reality markers that can be examined with a smartphone. The Operature is a multi-modal project of the collective Anatomical Theatres of Mixed Reality (ATOM-r) with several large-scale manifestations including a 2-hour live performance and a 25-screen installation. This scaled-down version will include artifacts drawn from the larger body of work. (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.09.2013 - 02:48
