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  1. non-LOSS'y Translator

    In this piece the user can type whatever they wish into the application. The application takes this information and displays it in a more or less conventional manner. However, it does this in a number of different languages, including English, Greek symbols, the decimal ASCII codes that map keyboard keys to typography, the binary codes that equate to these, Morse Code and Braille. In all cases, except that of the Braille, the material is all remembered and displayed back to the user. All material written is also saved to the user's hard-drive, as it is typed in, so that they may keep a permanent record of that which has been written. The saved file is called "LossText" and you should be able to find it in the prefs or plug-ins folder of the browser you are using to run the application. You could find it using the FIND command of your computer.

    Simon Biggs - 21.09.2010 - 11:42

  2. Ingenstans

    "Ingenstans (meaning "nowhere" in Swedish) is a video project about living between languages, trading American city life for village life in Sweden, or somewhere, nowhere. As a whole, the film could be taken as a (quasi-)ethnographic film, combining elements of documentary film with narrative film, spurious accounts of cultural icons, and reenactments of actual events. INGENSTANS was shot in Karlskrona Sweden, Copenhagen, Paris, Amsterdam, and California. The video is in English and Swedish with fleeting moments in Bulgarian, Italian, French, and Chinese. (running time 20 minutes)" (

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.01.2011 - 12:15

  3. Translation

    Author description: Translation (version 5) investigates iterative procedural "movement" from one language to another. Translation developed from an earlier work, Overboard. Both pieces are examples of literal art in digital media that demonstrate an "ambient" time-based poetics. As it runs the same algorithms as Overboard, passages within translation may be in one of three states — surfacing, floating, or sinking. But they may also be in one of three language states, German, French, or English. If a passage drowns in one language it may surface in another. The main source text for translation is extracted from Walter Benjamin's early essay, "On Language as Such and on the Language of Man." (Trans. Edmund Jephcott and Kingsley Shorter. One-Way Street and Other Writings. 1979. London: Verso, 1997. 107-23.) Other texts from Proust may also, less frequently, surface in the original French, and one or other of the standard German and English translations of In Search of Lost Time. The generative music for translation was developed in collaboration with Giles Perring who did the composition, sound design, performance, and recording of the sung alphabets.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.02.2011 - 17:12

  4. riverIsland

    [Note that the 2007 is for the Quicktime version. riverIsland was certainly published several years before this, but I have not been able to find the year. -JWR] riverIsland is a navigable text movie composed from transliteral morphs with (some) interliteral graphic morphs. It is an investigation of procedures of textual transformation associated with translation, which are proposed as transliteral.  (Source: author description)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 13:27

  5. White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares

    White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares is a JavaScript investigation of literary variants with a new text generated every ten seconds. Its goals are as follows. (1) To present a poetic evocation of the images, vocabulary, and sights of Costa Rica's language and natural ecosystems though poetic text and visuals. (2) To investigate the potential of literary variants. Thinking of poems where authors have vacillated between variant lines, Bromeliads offers two alternatives for each line of text thus, for an 8 line poem, offering 512 possible variants, exploring the multi-textual possibilities of literary variants. (3) It explores the richness of multiple languages. (4) It mines the possibilities of translation, code, and shifting digital textuality. Having variants regenerate every ten seconds provides poems that are not static, but dynamic; indeed one never finishes reading the same poem one began reading. This re-defines the concept of the literary object and offers a more challenging reading, both for the reader and for the writer in performance, than a static poem. The idea is to be able to read as if surfing across multiple textual possibilities.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 28.04.2011 - 10:42

  6. La Resocialista Internacional

    Multilingual textworks with translations in Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Serbian. Translators: Babelfish( German and French), Portugese: Ana Valdez, Spanish: Isabelle Brison, Serbian: MANIK, Greek: Arelis Eletherios. Based on an original text in Dutch by Judith V. Symbolic English notation: A. Andreas. 2008-2011

    Andreas Maria Jacobs - 06.05.2011 - 15:07

  7. Mirroring Tears: Visages

    An instantiation of the Readers Project performed at E-Poetry 2011, the project includes "mirroring translators" that translate poetry from French to English while exhibiting particular types of reading behaviors.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 13:53

  8. Det siste utbruddet / The Last Volcano

    This video project explores Norwegian folk histories that return as fragments in light of ongoing volcanic eruptions. The project was recorded in Bergen following the disruptions caused by the activities of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. A folk history of disaster is set against slowly revolving images set in a contemporary landscape. This is the first of a series of works recorded in Norway that juxtapose folk histories and contemporary events to explore narrative and associative characteristics of cultural anxieties and collective memory. The project was researched and filmed by Roderick Coover in 2010 thanks to a distinguished-scholar-in-residence award from the University of Bergen.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 22:55

  9. Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR

    Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR is a short fiction by J. R. Carpenter about her adventures with Montreal-based artist Ingrid Bachmann's hermit crab Pookie during the month June of 2009. Pookie's website is: Pookie is also known as Pookie 14.

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 11:32

  10. The Torrent

    Based on a damaged BitTorrent file of Jean Rollin's erotic horror film The Night of the Hunted (1980), The Torrent translates cross-cultural file error into new narrative configuration. It has appeared in book, installation, internet, and performance incarnations.  Unauthorized versions include: Le Torrent: La Fiancee de Wittgenstein Par Jo Maludies, by John Roland; The Torrent {by Joe Milutis} by Roxanne Carter; I Wrote the Torrent by L. J. Housley; The Torrent Milutis by Giardia Fuemte Jones; Doubts and Obscenities. "Electron is practically inexhaustible" V. I. Lenin ANARCHY IS LIFE by A.O.; The Night of Deception by Joe Milutis translated by Danny Snelson

    Joe Milutis - 21.01.2012 - 04:17
