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  1. Giselle Beiguelman

    Giselle Beiguelman é midiartista e professora universitária. Atua nas áreas relacionadas à criação e crítica de artemídia. É professora da FAU-USP junto à área de conhecimento de Design, no Depto. de História da Arquitetura e Estética do Projeto. Entre suas publicações recentes destaca-se: Nomadismos Tecnológicos (com Jorge La Ferla, publicado em espanhol, pela editora Ariel, e em português pela editora Senac, em 2011). Foi professora da pós-graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica da PUC-SP (2001 a 2011), curadora do Nokia Trends (2007 e 2008) e Diretora Artística do Instituto Sergio Motta (2008-2010). Membro do júri do ars electronica (Linz, Áustria, 2010 e 2011), tem diversas obras premiadas, com destaque para O Livro depois do Livro (1999), egoscópio (2002), paisagem0 (com M. Bastos e R. Marchetti) e Fast/Slow_Scapes (2007). Seu trabalho artístico aparece em antologias e obras de referência sobre arte digital como o Yale University Library Research Guide for Mass Media, Metadata (Mark Amerika, MIT Press 2007) e Digital Arts (C. Paul, Thames & Hudson, 2008), entre outras.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.04.2011 - 16:10

  2. Bertrand Gervais

    Bertrand Gervais is full professor in the Literary studies Department at the University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM). He is the director of Figura, the Research Center on Textuality and the Imaginary, and of NT2, the Research Laboratory on Hypermedia Art and Literature. He teaches American literature and literary theory, specializing in theories of reading and interpretation, and on the Imaginary. He has published essays on literary reading and contemporary American literature (D. Barthelme, J. Hawkes, D. DeLillo, J. C. Oates, P. Auster, etc.), as well as French and Québécois literature (E. Carrère, M. Blanchot, P. Quignard, P. Yergeau, N. Chaurette). His last three essays have focused on the Imaginary in contemporary literature and film: on apocalyptic imagination and its relation to time and language (L’imaginaire de la fin, 2009), on Labyrinths, violence and forgetfulness (La ligne brisée, 2008), and on figures and their interpretation (Figures, lectures, 2007). He is also a novelist. His eighth novel, Comme dans un film des frères Coen (As in a Film by the Coen Brothers), was published in 2010.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.04.2011 - 10:00

  3. Mary Flanagan

    Mary Flanagan is an innovator focused on how people create and use technology. Her groundbreaking explorations across the arts, humanities, and sciences represent a novel use of methods and tools that bind research with introspective cultural production. As an artist, the collection of over 20 major works range from game-inspired systems to computer viruses, embodied interfaces to interactive texts; these works are exhibited internationally. As a scholar interested in how human values are in play across technologies and systems, Flanagan has written more than 20 critical essays and chapters on games, empathy, gender and digital representation, art and technology, and responsible design. Her three books in English include Critical Play (2009) with MIT Press. Flanagan founded the Tiltfactor game research laboratory in 2003, where researchers study and make social games, urban games, and software in a rigorous theory/practice environment. She is the Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor in Digital Humanities at Dartmouth College.

    (Source: Artist's website)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.04.2011 - 00:25

  4. Alan Sondheim

    Alan Sondheim works in the interstices between the real and the virtual; he has published, played, and performed internationally. His most recent release is Cauldron (FireMuseum), and he has a book on digital writing forthcoming from West Virginia University Press. He lives in Brooklyn with his partner Azure Carter, and performing cat Ossi Oswalda.

     (Source: ELO 2012 Media Art Show)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.04.2011 - 11:46

  5. Ingrid Ankerson

    Ingrid Ankerson

    Scott Rettberg - 22.04.2011 - 13:39

  6. Electronic Writing II (LITR 0210D, Spring 2008)

    Electronic Writing II (LITR 0210D, Spring 2008)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 29.04.2011 - 10:07

  7. John M. Vincler

    John M. Vincler

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 14:49

  8. Lucio Agra

    Born in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Lucio grew up in Petrópolis, State of Rio de
    Janeiro. It has been about 10 years now, took root in São Paulo, SP, where he lives and and
    works. Graduated in Languages in UFRJ, concluded his Master's degree and Doctorate in
    Communication and Semiotics in PUC-SP (Catholic University of Sao Paulo), where until today
    he works, as Attached Teacher of the Department of Body Languages. In parallel to the academic
    activity, since 1995 he has been developing artistic work involving thee fields: poetry, music and
    performance. He collaborated with Renato Cohen (1956 -2003) since 1997 so much artistically
    as as member of the teachers' team formed in PUC. As a performer, developed research in
    around german poet and artist Kurt Schwitters's works (1887 -1948). Presented his "Ursonate"
    in 2000, 01, 02, 03, 07 and 08. Developed, in parallel, a performance "mix", sound poetry and
    free improvised music with the groups (demo)lição (Paris, Montevideo and São Paulo, 2007/
    08) and Orchestra Descarrego. Has several digital poems published in magazines online and

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 13:13

  9. Samantha Gorman

    Samantha Gorman is a writer, scholar and media artist who composes for the intersection of text, performance and digital culture. She is concerned with issues surrounding contemporary reading and writing practices: particularly, what these practices mean for the future of our cultural heritage in an increasingly automated world. Her current work includes the hybrid iPad novella Penumbra: conceived as a re-imagining of the eBook. She holds an MFA and BA from Brown University in Literary Arts where she studied poetry and writing for digital media. After her MFA, she taught courses in performance studies, digital literature and English at the Rhode Island School of Design. In Fall 2012, Samantha relocated to LA and began her Ph.D at the Interdivisional Media Arts and Practice (iMAP) program in USC’s School of Cinematic Arts.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 23:19

  10. Claudia Kozak

    Claudia Kozak

    Scott Rettberg - 21.05.2011 - 00:05
